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Marrone fosters player accountability.

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At this level, the players have to be accountable to themselves. If it takes a 'fire and brimstone' speech (or air horn), you've got the wrong guys...

I think I disagree, great teams have great team leaders.
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Here are some great examples. And really, this is not cherry-picking.


What would salvage this disaster?

Anyone Else Just Feeling Numb about this Hiring?

Let the Doom & Gloom reign

Terrible News

Even Dallas fans feel bad for us

Chan Gailey-more of the same-We will never be a winning team




Yeah it is...you left out ones like this:



Why Gailey might be the right hire

Gailey believes the Bills can pull of a Dolphin like turnaround

The Front Office is looking smarter and smarter

The winds of change are blowing

Chan Gailey=Lou Saban


Here's a few precious posts from these threads for the short of memory and those historical revisionists amongst us (the bolded emphasis is mine):


The late John Wooden said "never mistake activity for achievement". Well we've always played hard, just not effectively. We're a very young team in transition, hopefully we can develop that youth and remove the stink of mediocrity.

New coach, new GM, new staff, keeping the fewest number of previous players. Sounds like a good start to me. It also doesn't just feel like change for changes sake. It really feels like we've got a plan and hopefully the right guys to carry it out.


Who the heck is "John Wooden"?? I thought Marrone said that!


Of course we're rebuilding, of course some parts of our team are going to struggle, EVERY TEAM struggles from year to year. Some of the better teams struggle less and I hope we get to join that club this year or next. But meanwhile I'm going to enjoy a new coaching philosophy, a new defensive scheme (thank God for no more cover 2 outside in the cold), and new young players who have the chance to be great. I hope they do.


New staff, new scheme, new players.....


Chan kind of reminds me of Lou Saban. Both believe(d) in these things: practice hard.... play hard... no whining... no excuses... no-nonsense focus on fundamentals... block... tackle... hit 'em and hit 'em hard... and win. It's amazing how players with records of mediocre production can blossom with competent coaching.


I don't think there should be much question on Gailey's abilities he's proven it over and over, he's good. He's a bit of a tyrant, demanding, disciplinarian what a change on our sideline and practice field





Gailey's got the stuff great motivators/ teachers are made out of and I couldn't be happier about our new HC, what a breath of fresh air...


Well, maybe these thoughts aren't so fresh after all. Some of these 3 year old posts have been repeated almost verbatim in the past 2 months, although a signficant number of people don't or won't acknowledge this.


Let's hope for the best....

Edited by Mr. WEO
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