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Over Half of Flacco's Salary Will Go To Taxes

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I can picture Obama, the mayor of Baltimore, and a couple of thugs taking Flacco into a grimy basement with a single light, sitting him in a chair, and telling him they're here to collect.


Poor Joe, with a terrified look in his eyes, says "but that's more than half my money!" at which point one of the thugs punches Joe in the guy. Obama says calmly, "that's our money Joe." The goon delivers another blow. "That's me and my partner's money".

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I can picture Obama, the mayor of Baltimore, and a couple of thugs taking Flacco into a grimy basement with a single light, sitting him in a chair, and telling him they're here to collect.


Poor Joe, with a terrified look in his eyes, says "but that's more than half my money!" at which point one of the thugs punches Joe in the guy. Obama says calmly, "that's our money Joe." The goon delivers another blow. "That's me and my partner's money".

Obama, Mayor Royce, Stringer Bell, Omar, Snoop, and Chris. Yeah, baby.

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I figure in all the 'perks'; nutritionist, trainer, attorney, accountant, agent, possibly a fashion person, driver, etc.


Should be write-offs. Still doesn't change the fact that he is the -

guy that I think is the most recent joke. More power to him, but he'll be the joke for years to come.

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I figure in all the 'perks'; nutritionist, trainer, attorney, accountant, agent, possibly a fashion person, driver, etc.


They get a lot of that from the team and if they do have personal people they aren't that much. I'm fairly certain it is even in the cba that agents can't charge more than 6% or something close...or if not in cba than generally accepted practice...i mean if u r vince young maybe those things can balloon to 30% but only if you are completely retarded

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Greedy mother !@#$er needs to pay his fair share!



should have been a hedge fund manager if he wanted to pay less - and I hope they have a story later to see if that is what he actually pays - Corporations in America have the second highest statutory tax rate in the world but their effective tax rate is among the lowest in the world- people who can afford good tax planning pay nowhere near the statutory rate.
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should have been a hedge fund manager if he wanted to pay less - and I hope they have a story later to see if that is what he actually pays - Corporations in America have the second highest statutory tax rate in the world but their effective tax rate is among the lowest in the world- people who can afford good tax planning pay nowhere near the statutory rate.


You make a lot of claims (when you are not youtubing) but rarely back them up with a link. Is there a reason for this?

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You make a lot of claims (when you are not youtubing) but rarely back them up with a link. Is there a reason for this?

It's true because someone told him (parents, professor, cnn, nbc) all about it. Not because he's a corporate tax attorney or accountant or he is a multi millionaire himself.

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