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[closed]Gimme an Ansahhh


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If Dion Jordan is gone, I will put money that this is our guy. With Mark Anderson doing jacksquat last year and the retirement of Kelsay, I will bet that Ansah is our answer at number 8. Put him opposite Mario and package him with Mario AND put Mark Anderson on OLB duties on 3rd down packages, our pass rush would be legit. Screw reaching for a WR/QB at 8. Pick Ansaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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He's not Maybin so you can stop that nonsense.


He is a very explosive but raw player and is more pure 43 end than DE/LB and probably wont be a fit here.


I believe he will be able to fit in both schemes. He runs the 40 in the low 4.6's, which is faster than most linebackers in the league. Also, did you happen to catch the senior bowl? Denard Robinson ran a play out wide and Ansah ran him down for an open field tackle. It was quite impressive.

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