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Doug Marrone will interview w/Bills


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Interviewing Kelly, Marrone and Lovie Smith all on Friday seems like an especially busy day considering the Browns met with Kelly for 7 hours.


It probably doesn't really matter, but it suggests the individual interviews weren't quite "exhaustive". That's possibly only perception.

I guess. It also doesn't say who conducted the interviews or where they were conducted. May have been three different locations with three different interviewers (Brandon, Nix, Whaley) and each one lasted for hours.


In the end, I think everyone's getting a little caught up in the details here.

Edited by Faustus
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Completely underwhelmed with the thought of this guy as the Bills coach. After watching almost all of Cuses football games over the last two seasons, his teams have screamed lack of discipline, poor adjustments to other teams, and not recognizing other teams strengths and weaknesses. He can recruit but beyond that, I'm not sure he has a lot of ability.

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