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What The Republican Party Needs To Do

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since obama has been very overtly making it the center of his reelection id say all the people that voted for him do


and i didnt vote for him but i also happen to agree

You agree that because you're fortunate enough to live in country that allows you to reap the fruits of your labor you should be happy to let the government confiscate the fruits of your labor?

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since obama has been very overtly making it the center of his reelection id say all the people that voted for him do


and i didnt vote for him but i also happen to agree

My issue is that I already pay a massive amount in taxes, and there is a growing segment who pay none. Why should I, who already shoulder a burden many magnitudes larger than my consumption of services or my use of resources, continually be asked to pay even more such that an even larger segment has to pay less? At what point will you agree that you have confiscated enough of my labor? Where does it end?
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we are all dependant on each other and none of us are successful alone


i used to make a ton of money and i didnt mind some of my good fortune going to help people that needed it. it never stopped me one iota from continuing to be creative and innovative and finding ways to generate more money for my business and my pockets


now im disabled and poor and i see first hand why we should be eager to help our less fortunate brothers and sisters

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Separate the actual news from the opinion shows. Greta, Meghan, Brett are pretty 50/50. O'Reilly is an ass, but is rarely wrong, but then again he's opinion, not news.

They use the exact same editorial knife as the other outlets when deciding what will actually receive coverage, they just cut the other way.
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we are all dependant on each other and none of us are successful alone


i used to make a ton of money and i didnt mind some of my good fortune going to help people that needed it. it never stopped me one iota from continuing to be creative and innovative and finding ways to generate more money for my business and my pockets


now im disabled and poor and i see first hand why we should be eager to help our less fortunate brothers and sisters

You're conflating charity with servitude.

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1. I never complain about MSNBC. Why? Because they're honest about who they are.


2. This victim thing just shows how much you're missing the point. When the ship sinks we all go down. The fact that you see it through this prism makes me think you view politics like you do sports.


3. I'll cry where ever I please.:rotflmao:


1. Who? :lol:


2. Actually the perpetual victim thing is something the "Right" has cooked up to characterize one of their favorite "Strawman" arguments. i.e, the perpetual victim ideology of the "Left". So it just amuses/annoys me when I listen to an avowed "Right-Winger" Whine about how he/his party is being victimized by Whomever.


3. Do it in private, please. It ruins your macho image.

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My issue is that I already pay a massive amount in taxes, and there is a growing segment who pay none. Why should I, who already shoulder a burden many magnitudes larger than my consumption of services or my use of resources, continually be asked to pay even more such that an even larger segment has to pay less? At what point will you agree that you have confiscated enough of my labor? Where does it end?


Right there with ya. If we surveyed young people who have no idea what the Federal and State income tax rates are in this country for the upper wage earners, and we asked them "What do you think is the maximum fair tax rate that anyone should pay the government for the money they earn"? What total percentage of your hard earned money should the state and federal government be permitted to take? I guarantee you all that you will find the answers to be well below what current rates are for the top few percent. I know. I have asked a number of my college age kids' friends. You will not get answers like 45% which is about where we're at for those in many states. The top are headed for above 50% once the Obamacare taxes and other rate hikes Obama wants are enacted. It's embarrassing that our government would ask for that much from anyone and find that it's still nowhere near enough to balance the budget.

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1. Who? :lol:


2. Actually the perpetual victim thing is something the "Right" has cooked up to characterize one of their favorite "Strawman" arguments. i.e, the perpetual victim ideology of the "Left". So it just amuses/annoys me when I listen to an avowed "Right-Winger" Whine about how he/his party is being victimized by Whomever.


3. Do it in private, please. It ruins your macho image.

I guess I kind of get what you're saying, but I don't think they're equivalent. The victimhood on the left is more about oppressed minorities, poor, etc. where we're constantly made to believe everyon who doesn't have it made in the shade is a victim (and everyone doing well did it at their expense. With the news thing, it's not a matter of a party being victimized, it's a matter of massive segments of the society being misinformed in ways that become dangerous.


I think sometimes people put the cart before the horse. I remember someone arguing that some of the absurd things Bush did were great b/c it was political genius. By doing what liberals said they were going to do he'd win the middle. I wondered what was the point of having your guy win if he was going to do what the other guy wanted to do.


Are you surprised at my tears, Mr. BF? Strong men also cry. Strong men...

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we are all dependant on each other and none of us are successful alone

That's funny, I don't remember seeing you there when I had my daughter at the age of 19, in my sophmore year of college. I don't remember you working 3 jobs to feed her while I finished school. I don't remember you helping me to fund the start-up of my first business, or second, or third, or fourth, or even my 11th and final franchise. I don't remember you being there agreeing to split my 90+ hour work week so that I could sleep or spend time with my family.


Strangely enough, you showed up offering your assistance to carry the bags holding my profits once the real heavy lifting had been done, and then when I sold the business a few years later, you showed up with a dump truck, offering to drive off with an even larger share. You've managed to stick around now that I've gone to work for someone else after proving my business accumen, all the while telling me how much I need you. Strange how I, who work intimately with valuations, cannot find yours.


i used to make a ton of money and i didnt mind some of my good fortune going to help people that needed it. it never stopped me one iota from continuing to be creative and innovative and finding ways to generate more money for my business and my pockets


now im disabled and poor and i see first hand why we should be eager to help our less fortunate brothers and sisters

Which is why I donate to charity. It does not, however, speak to how much of others burdens I should be asked to carry. After every single tax I pay, I am permitted to keep just over 50% of my earnings, and another 50% of that will be taken from my family when I die. How much more do you want? Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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I guess I kind of get what you're saying, but I don't think they're equivalent. The victimhood on the left is more about oppressed minorities, poor, etc. where we're constantly made to believe everyon who doesn't have it made in the shade is a victim (and everyone doing well did it at their expense. With the news thing, it's not a matter of a party being victimized, it's a matter of massive segments of the society being misinformed in ways that become dangerous.


I think sometimes people put the cart before the horse. I remember someone arguing that some of the absurd things Bush did were great b/c it was political genius. By doing what liberals said they were going to do he'd win the middle. I wondered what was the point of having your guy win if he was going to do what the other guy wanted to do.


Are you surprised at my tears, Mr. BF? Strong men also cry. Strong men...


I'll agree that strong men can cry. Where we disagree is what strong men cry about.


If I give it my best shot and fail, I won't cry, but I will re-double my effort in preparing for the next time. If I believe in someone who lets me down, or is less than honest in what they tell me, I won't cry about them having deceived me, I just won't believe them in the future, If it's my fault I'll raise my hand and say that's mine, how do I fix this? And then break my ass to make it right.


If a loved one is injured, or dies, because of something I have no control over I will weep unabashedly.


Life isn't fair. Life isn't guaranteed to go the way I want it to go. I have to make my own way through life.


Crying won't help.


The only answer I know is; Putting one foot in front of the other and slogging through the muck will get you where you want to go, if you want it bad enough and you're willing to work your ass off to get there. It's difficult but it's worth it. Unless you're a total kitty.


But if you want to spend your time whining that the world, or the MSM if you prefer, isn't fair, go right ahead.


Just don't be surprised when someone like me slaps you in your little kitty face and says "Wake Up B word"

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I'll agree that strong men can cry. Where we disagree is what strong men cry about.


If I give it my best shot and fail, I won't cry, but I will re-double my effort in preparing for the next time. If I believe in someone who lets me down, or is less than honest in what they tell me, I won't cry about them having deceived me, I just won't believe them in the future, If it's my fault I'll raise my hand and say that's mine, how do I fix this? And then break my ass to make it right.


If a loved one is injured, or dies, because of something I have no control over I will weep unabashedly.


Life isn't fair. Life isn't guaranteed to go the way I want it to go. I have to make my own way through life.


Crying won't help.


The only answer I know is; Putting one foot in front of the other and slogging through the muck will get you where you want to go, if you want it bad enough and you're willing to work your ass off to get there. It's difficult but it's worth it. Unless you're a total kitty.


But if you want to spend your time whining that the world, or the MSM if you prefer, isn't fair, go right ahead.


Just don't be surprised when someone like me slaps you in your little kitty face and says "Wake Up B word"

It's not me I'm worried about.

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It's not me I'm worried about.


Who else can you worry about? Who else can you control?


If you're damn fool enough to allow an outside influence to dictate to you who and what outside yourself and your family you should be worried about affecting your life, I certainly don't know what to tell you.


You (I feel confident saying) do the best you can to provide a good living for yourself and those you are directly responsible for (i.e. your family). Do you honestly believe that the vast majority of Americans do not (to the best of their ability) do the same?


Do you honestly believe that anyone (who is able to make that choice) would choose to be less than the best they can be in providing for themselves and their family?


There are exceptions to what I am saying. There are slugs who will be nothing but parasites if they have the chance.


But in truth, I honestly think that the numbers are in our favor. The slugs exist but not in the numbers you fear,

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My issue is that I already pay a massive amount in taxes, and there is a growing segment who pay none. Why should I, who already shoulder a burden many magnitudes larger than my consumption of services or my use of resources, continually be asked to pay even more such that an even larger segment has to pay less? At what point will you agree that you have confiscated enough of my labor? Where does it end?

I'm calling bs on this. Anyone who spends as much time on here is not paying massive amounts of taxes. Your more likely one of the 47 percent romney was talking about.

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The bootstraps rhetoric is just about the only thing I find appealing about the current GOP platform. What are your specific objections to a guiding philosophy that espouses the value of self-reliance and financial independence?


Interestingly, to some extent I agree with it as well, but what galls me (as a blue collar kid from a blue collar town who worked hard, got educated and spent 7 years in the Ivies among folks who were waaayyyy more privileged than those I grew up with and have spent the next twenty or so plus years living what most would call an UMC/rich lifestyle) is that many/most of those who are doing the preaching wouldn't know adversity if it bit them in the....welll....you can fill in that part. That would include both Romney and Ryan. I've found most of those who have truly grown up without and made it tend not to be the ones doing that preaching. That message, at least to me, goes down much better when delivered by someone who's done it all himself. For that reason, i found Marco Rubio's RNC speech to be a great speech, even if I disagree with him on a good number of issues. His background gave him "street cred" so to speak.....

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I'm calling bs on this. Anyone who spends as much time on here is not paying massive amounts of taxes. Your more likely one of the 47 percent romney was talking about.


don't you know everybody on this message board is a Multi-Millionaire, Constitutional Law Expert, Multi National Business Guru, Gloabl Energy Analyst, Nobel Prizing Winning Economist, Sociologist, Poltical Statistical Genius, 6'2" Tall, devestating good looking and has a 15" tallywacker?

Edited by B-Large
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