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What The Republican Party Needs To Do

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maybe one of you can help me understand something....


I get the limited government, lower (and maybe simplify) my taxes, stay out of my wallet, don't ram your healthcare mandate down my throat, etc. - let's call it fiscal conservatism


so, if a large group of americans believe that to the core, and I think they do, then why is it ok for that same government to decide whether a woman can have an abortion, can marry someone of the same sex, or any of the other socially conservative mandates that are seemingly ok to ram down the throats of the citizens?


why is it not only ok, but required that gov't stay out of those financial issues, yet they're able to decide some really personal things about others based on their own beliefs and faith?


seems pretty hypocritical to me...


And this is why 1.2 million voted for Johnson and 3 million GOP voters stayed home. Having values is fine. In fact, it is admirable. It typically (IMO) leads to a better life. But people don't want others values crammed down their throat.

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It costs money to live in the best country in the world. That in itself is a free market fact of life. Why should you get a free ride?

Well, for starters I'm curious as to what specific areas you're referencing in regards to us being the best in the world? I can't/won't dispute your assertion, because you offered neither your metrics nor your specifics.


Secondly, freed markets place the full burden of all exchange decisions on the individual parties involved in the exchance. Your example has nothing to do with that.


Lastly, explain in great detail how I get a free ride.

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It costs money to live in the best country in the world. That in itself is a free market fact of life. Why should you get a free ride?


It's amazing that you just grabbed the lead idiot baton. Congratulations. That's quite the feat in this thread.

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Whatever gets you through the night, but most of the data shows otherwise. Tough to reconcile the xenophobia of much of the Republican party with the need to be more open and inclusive, for example. Combine that with offering nothing but bootstraps platitudes (usually delivered by plutocrats such as Ryan or Romney or, at minimum, folks who grew up "comfortable" yet still look down on others less fortunate in initial circumstances) to the middle and working classes, which some folks are beginning to understand, and soon you may find yourselves circling the toilet bowl. Read Kristof's NYT op-ed from this morning--he nailed it....

just read it.


worth reading just for the writing. the guy's a true wordsmith. but he's also correct. dems should be thankful for the likes of limbaugh and hannity. they're a big part of the republican problem.

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The bootstraps rhetoric is just about the only thing I find appealing about the current GOP platform. What are your specific objections to a guiding philosophy that espouses the value of self-reliance and financial independence?

move to greenland. You can have all the self-reliance and independence you want. Go ahead, we won't miss you.

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Yeah, You've got nothing. If you get called on your crying and whining there's nothing behind it. No Backup, nothing of substance beyond, "They're Picking on ME! WAH!". Go suck your thumb and feel abused. Just do it quietly.

And this attitude, ladies and gentleman, is why the referenced posters home state has the highest rate of unemployment, the least business friendly tax and regulatory atmosphere, and the largest debt/unfunded pension liabilities vs. GDP/revenue gap in the nation.



move to greenland. You can have all the self-reliance and independence you want. Go ahead, we won't miss you.

Oh, but you most certainly will. Who will pay for everything and provide the jobs if all the doers and the makers leave?


Again, what are your specific objections to self-reliance? Laziness and ineptitude?

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Yeah, You've got nothing. If you get called on your crying and whining there's nothing behind it. No Backup, nothing of substance beyond, "They're Picking on ME! WAH!". Go suck your thumb and feel abused. Just do it quietly.

You cry like a pu$$y over news outlets that only people seeking news tune into, and one's that are open and honest about their bias, saying things that offend your religious convictions. Then you claim that everyone should shut up when the pop-culture media sets the narrative that manipulates news and leads disinterested, uninformed, and unsuspecting voters to have false perceptions. But because it's the perception you want them to have it's all good.


I personally don't care what you or your limp-wristed bretheren choose to believe. I just wish you'd leave the rest of us out of it. That's the problem with you guys. You're never content to confine the implementation of your idealistic projects and policies to those who voluntarily submit to them. But when people don't want to play your game, because it's f*cking stupid, you go whining to your daddy (i.e. the government) to make them play. And when they say "Hey ass hole, how about you back the f*ck up off my sack" you throw a little temper tantrum and then accuse them of whining, without so much as a hint of irony.

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You really are an idiot. You don't even get the point you're arguing against. Wipe the drool from your chin.


Isn't it amusing that the libs had a victory two days ago and we get an influx of them posting here? They're not concerned enough on a daily basis with what is going on in this country to bother showing up until Santa Claus wins an election. They'll take their Nobel Prize any way they can get it.

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And this attitude, ladies and gentleman, is why the referenced posters home state has the highest rate of unemployment, the least business friendly tax and regulatory atmosphere, and the largest debt/unfunded pension liabilities vs. GDP/revenue gap in the nation.


Nice Sound-bite, but it has nothing to do with the subject matter the other poster and I were (Admittedly less than cordially) discussing.. But that doesn't matter to you does it? Sound bites and Non-sequitors are your stock in trade aren't they?


You want to weigh in on the unseemly amount of crying and whining some conservatives are doing today? Perhaps you'd like to opine on how the polls are skewed to make the election look closer than it really is. Or perhaps you'd like to tell us all about how the "Liberal Media" is cheer leading for the President.


OBTW, Some of us live the life you dream about while you're asking your clients whether or not they desire fries with their super-sized meal!

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It's amazing that you just grabbed the lead idiot baton. Congratulations. That's quite the feat in this thread.


GG you have always been an idiot and always will be. But since you challenged me, do tell us, which low tax country is a paradise? You can't see beyond your own ideology. Never have any specifics, just spew right wing garbage and get praised by other idiots for it. Face it, you are a right wing blow hard who is basically an ignoramus. Instead of insulting me answer with some even basic economic thought that is above a second grade level, really, what is it you want economically in this country, be specific turd breath

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Isn't it amusing that the libs had a victory two days ago and we get an influx of them posting here? They're not concerned enough on a daily basis with what is going on in this country to bother showing up until Santa Claus wins an election. They'll take their Nobel Prize any way they can get it.

i'm enjoying the company.
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Well, for starters I'm curious as to what specific areas you're referencing in regards to us being the best in the world? I can't/won't dispute your assertion, because you offered neither your metrics nor your specifics.


Secondly, freed markets place the full burden of all exchange decisions on the individual parties involved in the exchance. Your example has nothing to do with that.


Lastly, explain in great detail how I get a free ride.


We are not the best country in the world?

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GG you have always been an idiot and always will be. But since you challenged me, do tell us, which low tax country is a paradise? You can't see beyond your own ideology. Never have any specifics, just spew right wing garbage and get praised by other idiots for it. Face it, you are a right wing blow hard who is basically an ignoramus. Instead of insulting me answer with some even basic economic thought that is above a second grade level, really, what is it you want economically in this country, be specific turd breath


Bahamas, Barbados, Switzerland, Bermuda.


To name a few.

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You cry like a pu$$y over news outlets that only people seeking news tune into, and one's that are open and honest about their bias, saying things that offend your religious convictions. Then you claim that everyone should shut up when the pop-culture media sets the narrative that manipulates news and leads disinterested, uninformed, and unsuspecting voters to have false perceptions. But because it's the perception you want them to have it's all good.


I personally don't care what you or your limp-wristed bretheren choose to believe. I just wish you'd leave the rest of us out of it. That's the problem with you guys. You're never content to confine the implementation of your idealistic projects and policies to those who voluntarily submit to them. But when people don't want to play your game, because it's f*cking stupid, you go whining to your daddy (i.e. the government) to make them play. And when they say "Hey ass hole, how about you back the f*ck up off my sack" you throw a little temper tantrum and then accuse them of whining, without so much as a hint of irony.


You're the one whining about NBC et al "Cheerleading"for Obama while ignoring the fact that FAUX exists for the sole purpose of "Cheer Leading" for whichever conservative candidate is the latest cause celeb.


All I'm saying is you poor downtrodden conservative types would garner more support for your cause if you weren't constantly playing the victim card. Jesus, The constant whining and crying is monotonous! It drowns out everything else you have to say. WAH! WAH! WAH! Is all anyone can hear when you open your mouth.


Just give it a rest! Go to your room, close the door, and cry in private.

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Isn't it amusing that the libs had a victory two days ago and we get an influx of them posting here? They're not concerned enough on a daily basis with what is going on in this country to bother showing up until Santa Claus wins an election. They'll take their Nobel Prize any way they can get it.


I own you, 3rdrate. We've been down this road before. You finished fifth in a two person race. Do yourself (and more importantly the rest of the board) a favor and crawl back under your rock until after the grown-ups have finished talking.


Okay? Bye!

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GG you have always been an idiot and always will be. But since you challenged me, do tell us, which low tax country is a paradise? You can't see beyond your own ideology. Never have any specifics, just spew right wing garbage and get praised by other idiots for it. Face it, you are a right wing blow hard who is basically an ignoramus. Instead of insulting me answer with some even basic economic thought that is above a second grade level, really, what is it you want economically in this country, be specific turd breath


I see that the tard synapses are firing again. How else do you explain the connection with your claim that TYTT is getting a free ride with a non sequitur of low tax countries? There's nearly 100% probibility that his tax bill is higher than yours, so how is he getting a free ride?


Explain that one, if you can even comprehend what I wrote?

Edited by GG
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I own you, 3rdrate. We've been down this road before. You finished fifth in a two person race. Do yourself (and more importantly the rest of the board) a favor and crawl back under your rock until after the grown-ups have finished talking.


Okay? Bye!


You don't own anyone. Effectively you're closing your eyes to the obvious.


Why is that all the libs on ppp have zero logic when it comes to their ideology?

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