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Romney on the Campaign Trail

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Last week it was #1 :Repeal Obamacare on Day 1" and #2 eliminating taxes on capital gains and eliminating interest deductions.



'Not Getting Rid of All of Health Care Reform'


Mitt Romney raised some eyebrows today when he said, "I'm not getting rid of all of healthcare reform."


That sounded quite different from the mantra he has repeated for months, that he would "repeal Obamacare."


"Of course there are a number of things that I like in healthcare reform that I'm going to put in place," he said. "One is to make sure that those with pre-existing conditions can get coverage."

Romney added that he would like families to be able to insure members, including children, for an indefinite period.





Romney says he won’t cut taxes on wealthy Americans


Mitt Romney rejected claims by President Barack Obama that he would sign off on more tax breaks for the wealthy if elected president, but again declined to offer specifics on how exactly he would accomplish his goal of lowering taxes for other Americans while also balancing the budget.


In an interview with NBC's "Meet the Press," Romney said he would offset his proposed 20 percent tax cut for all Americans by eliminating loopholes and deductions for high-income earners. He argued that his plan would in effect lower taxes for middle class Americans while keeping tax rates the same for wealthy Americans.



WOW Who is this guy and what did he do with the real Myth Romney?

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Man I felt awkward just watching that.


Why tip-toe around the truth that we all know...to be supported by the GOP fully any candidate has to be against gay marriage and abortion and to a far lesser extent cannot really talk too seriously about carbon emissions. It's an institutional flaw with their party (IMO) however for those that feel that way it guarantees their issues are front and center and they always have a candidate by the neck regardless of whether or not that candidate would otherwise be open to some reasonable discussion on the issue.


The country would be far better off if Dems could just be pro-life and Repubs could be pro-choice and either party could have a view on gay marriage and both could acknowledge climate change as something that is somewhere between "concerning" and "a big !@#$ing deal"...


If that happened...I think the GOP would be better off honestly. Just my opinion though, as I write I am instantly thinking about the wedge it drives and understand why the GOP guards those positions so well but I still think they would be better off.

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Man I felt awkward just watching that.


Why tip-toe around the truth that we all know...to be supported by the GOP fully any candidate has to be against gay marriage and abortion and to a far lesser extent cannot really talk too seriously about carbon emissions. It's an institutional flaw with their party (IMO) however for those that feel that way it guarantees their issues are front and center and they always have a candidate by the neck regardless of whether or not that candidate would otherwise be open to some reasonable discussion on the issue.


The country would be far better off if Dems could just be pro-life and Repubs could be pro-choice and either party could have a view on gay marriage and both could acknowledge climate change as something that is somewhere between "concerning" and "a big !@#$ing deal"...


If that happened...I think the GOP would be better off honestly. Just my opinion though, as I write I am instantly thinking about the wedge it drives and understand why the GOP guards those positions so well but I still think they would be better off.

The same sex marriage debate is entirely about the GOP pandering to the vocal fringes of it's base. No sane person, especially no sane Christian person, really thinks a same sex couple enjoying equal protection and rights is a threat to their own marriage or their faith. The loons on the other hand eat that stuff up with a spoon.


Sadly, the loons on both side of the aisle have hijacked the issue.

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The same sex marriage debate is entirely about the GOP pandering to the vocal fringes of it's base. No sane person, especially no sane Christian person, really thinks a same sex couple enjoying equal protection and rights is a threat to their own marriage or their faith. The loons on the other hand eat that stuff up with a spoon.


Sadly, the loons on both side of the aisle have hijacked the issue.


The GOP needs a cleansing and a retooling.

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I'm considered to be a lib on this board for some reason... but even I can't defend that statement.


I just say what I feel. And I think the statement speaks for itself. The GOP has real issues. The best candidates wanted no part and Huntsman was a joke...for some reason...he was a joke and Herman Cain held a lead for weeks...say what you will but at least on the Dems side strong candidates want in...

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I just say what I feel. And I think the statement speaks for itself. The GOP has real issues. The best candidates wanted no part and Huntsman was a joke...for some reason...he was a joke and Herman Cain held a lead for weeks...say what you will but at least on the Dems side strong candidates want in...

And yet, with statements like this all you do is continue the cycle of division and spitefulness you're attempting to rail against.


I'd be more impressed with you taking a real stand.

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And yet, with statements like this all you do is continue the cycle of division and spitefulness you're attempting to rail against.


I'd be more impressed with you taking a real stand.


It's pure fairness bias to act like the GOP is equally dysfunctional in this moment. It's simply not true. Why do you feel this is somehow not a real "stand" to say this opinion out loud and merely "continues the cycle of division"?

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I see that libs don't understand what "repeal and replace" means, or changing the tax law to eliminate loopholes and deductions. :rolleyes:

Oh we get it, better than you in fact. Repeal Obamacare and replace it "Get sick and die" care. As for the loopholes, they will eliminate home mortgage deductions, charitable deductions, etc, but not the corporate jet deduction because, you know, job creators can't fly commercial.


Face it. Romney is going to lose because no one like him. Not even Republicans. The GOP is controlled by its fringes and you wind up with what you have.



Edited by PromoTheRobot
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