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Paul Ryan is a Lying Liar!!!

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This guy said NATIONALLY that 20 years ago he ran a marathon in around 3 hours. Well it just so happens that his time was actually around 4 hours. How can we trust anything this guy says?





Edit: This article was posted right next to the Ryan article on Yahoo. Now we know what to look for.


8 Words that Most Liars Use


I know he's used these words.

Edited by Rob's House
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This guy said NATIONALLY that 20 years ago he ran a marathon in around 3 hours. Well it just so happens that his time was actually around 4 hours. How can we trust anything this guy says?





Edit: This article was posted right next to the Ryan article on Yahoo. Now we know what to look for.


8 Words that Most Liars Use


I know he's used these words.

I know, right? 4MY 4MY 4MY
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In the summer of 2009, Obama said in an interview with NBC’s Chuck Todd that raising taxes in a recession “would just suck up—take more demand out of the economy and put business in a further hole.” Raising taxes in such a downturn, the president said, is “the last thing you want to do.” Obama can point out, correctly, that we’re not in a recession. The obvious question to ask him, however, is why it’d be foolish to raise taxes in a recession but wise to do so in a sputtering recovery.


The second time he made this argument presents more problems—or might if journalists actually asked him about it. On January 29, 2010, with an economy he described as “somewhat fragile,” Obama said that the “consensus among people who know the economy best” was that raising taxes was one of two ways to damage the economy. At a House Republican retreat in Baltimore, Obama rejected a Republican proposal to freeze spending at pre-stimulus levels and warned against the “destimulative effect” of tax hikes.


I am just listening to the consensus among people who know the economy best. And what they will say is that if you either increased taxes or significantly lowered spending when the economy remains somewhat fragile, that that would have a de-stimulative effect and potentially you’d see a lot of folks losing business, more folks potentially losing jobs. That would be a mistake when the economy has not fully taken off.


Raising taxes, the president said without qualification, would be a “mistake” that could lead to “a lot of folks losing business, more folks potentially losing jobs.” Here’s the kicker: The economy today is not doing nearly as well as it was when Obama made those comments. Then, the “somewhat fragile” U.S. economy was coming off a fourth quarter in 2009 that had seen economic growth at a robust 5.6 percent—a pace that the New York Times described as a “roaring growth rate,” while noting that it was expected to slow. (The first quarter of 2010 would show growth at 3.2 percent.) Growth today is considerably slower—a mere 1.7 percent in the last quarter, down from 2 percent in the first quarter.


Why would the president run for reelection on a policy that he believes will damage the economy, hurt business, and lead to higher unemployment?


It’s a good question. Perhaps when journalists are done fact-checking the Republicans, they’ll ask him. 

Edited by Oxrock
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Repeat the lie. I'll say again.. They are lying about everything right of the bat. The plant closed in April 2009. That makes the whole 26 minutes of that video a complete propaganda horseshit of a video.



My home state voted for President Obama. When he talked about change, many people liked the sound of it—especially in Janesville, where we were about to lose a major factory. A lot of guys I went to high school with worked at that G.M. plant. Right there at that plant, candidate Obama said, “I believe that if our government is there to support you, this plant will be here for another 100 years.”



That’s what he said in 2008. Well, as it turned out, that plant didn’t last another year. It is locked up and empty to this day. And that’s how it is in so many towns where the recovery that was promised is nowhere in sight.


Glenn Kessler, the Washington Post’s fact-checker, accused Ryan of lying.


“In his acceptance speech, GOP vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan appeared to suggest that President Obama was responsible for the closing of a GM plant in Ryan’s hometown of Janesville, Wisconsin,” Kessler wrote. “That’s not true. The plant was closed in December 2008, before Obama was sworn in.”


There are two things wrong with this. Ryan didn’t claim that Obama was responsible for the closing of the GM plant, he faulted Obama for failing to do what he’d suggested he’d do: Save it. It’s an important distinction. If Ryan’s intent had been to deceive, he wouldn’t have introduced his critique noting that “we were about to lose a major factory” when Obama told workers, “this plant will be here for another 100 years.” Second, Kessler was simply wrong to claim “the plant was closed in December 2008, before Obama was sworn in.” The plant was producing trucks as late as April 2009, several months after Obama was sworn in. On February 19, a month after Obama’s inauguration, the Janesville Gazette reported on the imminent closure: “General Motors will end medium-duty truck production in Janesville on April 23, four months to the day after the plant stopped building full-size sport utility vehicles. About 100 employees associated with the line learned of the layoffs Wednesday.”


It’s true that GM, in the summer of 2008, had announced its intention to put the plant on standby. But if announcing something accomplished it, I would have long ago announced that I’d lost 30 pounds. The plant was not, in fact, “closed in December 2008.”

The disgraceful Obama campaign spokesperson sends out a false claim on twitter, and nobody bothers to look up the history of the plant. Not only that, but the "factcheck" claims he never made.

Edited by Oxrock
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Repeat the lie. I'll say again.. They are lying about everything right of the bat. The plant closed in April 2009. That makes the whole 26 minutes of that video a complete propaganda horseshit of a video.




The disgraceful Obama campaign spokesperson sends out a false claim on twitter, and knobody bothers to look up the history of the plant. Not only that, but the "factcheck" claims he never made.


Even the Liberals I know freely admit Obama & Co will never win a truth telling contest

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Repeat the lie. I'll say again.. They are lying about everything right of the bat. The plant closed in April 2009. That makes the whole 26 minutes of that video a complete propaganda horseshit of a video.




The disgraceful Obama campaign spokesperson sends out a false claim on twitter, and knobody bothers to look up the history of the plant. Not only that, but the "factcheck" claims he never made.

I had actually considered voting for Obama, but after this I'm voting for Romney.

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I think the Mayans knew what they were doing in predicting the apocalypse, befor the upcoming inauguration. I don't think they knew who would win, but I think they had an idea how bad this election cycle would be.


Then again, I think they picked Spinks over Tyson.......

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I had actually considered voting for Obama, but after this I'm voting for Romney.

Me too. I carefully considered is opinions and positions, but try as he might to come across as a conservative, he's just not conservative enough for me.

Nope. Can't see myself voting for him.

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Why do you care so much about the goose?


A goose has white feathers

A crow has black feathers


Do you only care about what happens to the white bird?

Do you not care about the avian of color?

Sometimes I can't even hear my own dog whistle. Only now do I realize how deeply my inherent racism runs.

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