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Final say on the Paul Ryan pick...comes from Obama

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The final say: Paul Ryan is a hugely successful pick for VP, and Obama et al ranges from very concerned....to scared shiteless of him.


How do I know? Simple: Obama himself constantly referring to Ryan by name over and over. Did Obama refer to Sarah Palin, by name, more than once = the day she was picked? No.


SOP in campaign speeches has been "my opponent", "the other party" etc. However, these are the rules of the top of the ticket. When have we ever seen a Presidential candidate, especially an incumbent, even acknowledge the other VP, never mind refer to them by name...constantly? Did Bush talk about Lieberman? Why would Clinton ever talk about Quayle? :lol:


Obama's said "the other party" plenty...but 0 "my opponent(s)" for while now. In fact, Obama has been referring directly to both Romney and Ryan recently, but, especially Ryan. That's because: not acknowledging Ryan now...is like saying "the DE the Bills signed". :lol:


You can try to give me more false bravado...and tell me that they are purposely moving Ryan to the front...so that they crush him. I'll save us both the time: horeseshit.


The Ryan pick itself moved Ryan to the front, as intended, day one. Given Ryan's performance since, the very last thing they want is more Ryan. They are better off focusing on Romney...but that would require unity and discipline. In this Obama campaign? :lol:.


Honorable, yet supporting mentions:

1. The liberal media has run like bunnies from the "Ryan the extremist" story...haven't heard that in a solid week. The only people still trying to make that dog hunt are the usual crackpot columnists...and they have a history of being a week behind the story. Perhaps they have to file their stories a week ahead of time?

2. The polls are now more than clear, moving considerably towards Romney...which is why the "No Ryan bounce" story only lasted a day and a half in the news.


Therefore, it's over. All that remains is Oct 11, when we get to see Ryan publicly humiliate Biden.

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As a side note, for once the Repubs have ammo in the Medicare fight. Ryan has his mom to trot-out and Barry cut $716B from Medicare. Kind of hard to claim Ryan is trying to push his own mom off the cliff, or that cutting $716B from Medicare is doing anything but hurting it severely.


Then again, I've heard the Medicare cuts being called "savings" by the libs. :lol: I guess Repub making cuts to all the entitlement programs can be called "savings."

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While the dems thought that Ryan would be a disaster for the ticket with seniors, that doesn't seem the case. Maybe those blue-haired ladies and bald men understand that you can't use you credit card forever without repercussions.

It's clear the dems didn't read the part where Ryan's plan kicks-in after 10 years. But reading stuff before they vote/comment on it isn't exactly their strong suit.

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While the dems thought that Ryan would be a disaster for the ticket with seniors, that doesn't seem the case. Maybe those blue-haired ladies and bald men understand that you can't use you credit card forever without repercussions.


I saw a segment on special ed where he specifies that older folks aren't tech savvy and easily get fooled :lol:


At least Chris Matthews is funny. Ed is a nutjob

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I saw a segment on special ed where he specifies that older folks aren't tech savvy and easily get fooled :lol:


At least Chris Matthews is funny. Ed is a nutjob


My father wants no part of a computer. Although a brilliant engineer and a person who can in a practical way fix most any problem, still probably keeps a stash (money) under his mattress. He might not be (modern) tech savvy but savvy enough to see through the smoke and mirrors of this administration.

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The final say: Paul Ryan is a hugely successful pick for VP, and Obama et al ranges from very concerned....to scared shiteless of him.


No. Pretty sure Obama high fived Biden when the pick was announced. Ryan pretty much ensured that Romney would lose the election. You make like him, but you are not the only person who votes in this country.

Edited by conner
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I saw a segment on special ed where he specifies that older folks aren't tech savvy and easily get fooled :lol:


Thats the soft bigotry of low expectations, a hallmark of the left, at work right there.


George Soros called. He read your post and is happy his investment paid off




No. Pretty sure Obama high fived Biden when the pick was announced. Ryan pretty much ensured that Romney would lose the election. You make like him, but you are not the only person who votes in this country.


Not reading the thread again, I see. The Ryan pick has NOT scared away seniors. The scare tactic of "Ryan's gonna change medicare as we know it!!!!!!" is actually working well. Becuase anyone who can add realizes the current system is unsustainable.

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Palin at-worst evenly debated Joe. And she's a half-wit. Joe doesn't stand a chance against Ryan. And while Barry may be a great orator with a teleprompter in front of him, he won't have one during the debates and has no real defense for the economy, since saying "it's Bush's fault" doesn't wash after 4 years, 2 of them with full control of congree, and when the economic collapse started because of sub-prime mortgages pushed by libs.

Not reading the thread again, I see. The Ryan pick has NOT scared away seniors. The scare tactic of "Ryan's gonna change medicare as we know it!!!!!!" is actually working well. Becuase anyone who can add realizes the current system is unsustainable.

The more I look at the pick, the more I think it was the better move than Rubio. I wanted Rubio to help get the Latino vote. But with Ryan, he'll help get the senior vote by trotting-out his mom and talking about the $716B in cuts coming to Medicare in 2014, versus his proposed changes to Medicare starting in 2022.

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No. Pretty sure Obama high fived Biden when the pick was announced. Ryan pretty much ensured that Romney would lose the election. You make like him, but you are not the only person who votes in this country.


Come October 11th....I'm not so sure he'll be fist-bumping Biden. In fact, we can all be fairly certain that Obama has hung his head many times over his own VP pick. I strongly suspect he will be doing so again very soon. You also have to acknowledge that Obama even 'considering' debating Ryan makes one think that he feels the need to 'knock him down.' Why else would he even consider risking it? If Ryan has already 'punched' Obama's ticket then what's the point? Why chance Ryan blowing him up in a debate? (Not saying it would be that way but it could).


Ryan does appeal to a lot of folks and he, and Romney, bring an alternative to the table. As you said, there are lots of voters and time/November will tell.

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Palin at-worst evenly debated Joe. And she's a half-wit. Joe doesn't stand a chance against Ryan. And while Barry may be a great orator with a teleprompter in front of him, he won't have one during the debates and has no real defense for the economy, since saying "it's Bush's fault" doesn't wash after 4 years, 2 of them with full control of congree, and when the economic collapse started because of sub-prime mortgages pushed by libs.


The more I look at the pick, the more I think it was the better move than Rubio. I wanted Rubio to help get the Latino vote. But with Ryan, he'll help get the senior vote by trotting-out his mom and talking about the $716B in cuts coming to Medicare in 2014, versus his proposed changes to Medicare starting in 2022.


aren't the debates a set of programmed questions that they will know ahead of time? He won't need a teleprompter if he has a week to write a stunning answer to the question. This is my concern, because I think that in a cold debate, the President would be in real trouble. I suspect others know this as well...

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LOL...If you believe this then you're either a crack smoker or only watch MSNBC.


Or read the polls all of the time...


Edit: The latest poll I seen was 15. The average right now is around 9 points towards Obama.

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It was a NBC/WSJ poll. I seen it on Morning Joe a couple days ago. It was 54-39. I can't seem to find the poll though. Hmmm...


Here is the video from MoJo: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/morning-joe/48735257 (The poll was from July, not August)


But, here it shows Obama with a 10, not 15 point lead: http://firstread.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/08/21/13399788-nbcwsj-poll-heading-into-conventions-obama-has-four-point-lead?lite


(In the margin of error of changing so it's not too crazy, but definitely misleading from Morning Joe!)

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