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do you live in a bubble?

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Where do you live? Which Jimmie came to mind first?

The sprinkles. Duh.


The euphemism for "penis" was a close second. I listen to too much gangsta rap.

Edited by LeviF91
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(66) How is that possible? And, I wonder what happens if we know that Jimmie Johnson is both? :D


These conclusions about me are wrong. I watch next to 0 TV. I watch tons of movies. Living in bad neighborhoods and being in poverty were choices I have made subject to the type of work I do. Other than that I have never lived in anything less than upper middle class neighborhoods, also by choice, or parents. Lifelong resident? :lol: Retarded. I've barely been a year-long resident...of anywhere.


They shouldn't make ASSumptions about consultants and start-up guys. We don't fit into the world view of college professors, and certainly not political ones. Therefore, we don't fit into their analyses of the raw data of this survey. We might as well not exist for them.


Archetypes? :lol: When you need to get requirements from 100+ $10-20/hr claims processors, mortgage processors, public utility crews, etc., you can twiddle around talking about archetypes and get fired, or, you can find a way to relate to them in the next 5 minutes and get your job done.


I can just see some poor fool going to my first project manager and saying "I wasn't able to get it...because I wasn't raised in a working-class neighborhood". :lol: No. If we came from rich, poor, middle, it mattered not. We were all subject to the same "STFU with that! Find a f'ing way to do it...by lunch!" standard answer. Always, by lunch...and we actually did...most of the time.


This is buffoonery for us. Perhaps these professors should consider if they are living in a bubble.

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(66) How is that possible? And, I wonder what happens if we know that Jimmie Johnson is both? :D


These conclusions about me are wrong. I watch next to 0 TV. I watch tons of movies. Living in bad neighborhoods and being in poverty were choices I have made subject to the type of work I do. Other than that I have never lived in anything less than upper middle class neighborhoods, also by choice, or parents. Lifelong resident? :lol: Retarded. I've barely been a year-long resident...of anywhere.


They shouldn't make ASSumptions about consultants and start-up guys. We don't fit into the world view of college professors, and certainly not political ones. Therefore, we don't fit into their analyses of the raw data of this survey. We might as well not exist for them.


Archetypes? :lol: When you need to get requirements from 100+ $10-20/hr claims processors, mortgage processors, public utility crews, etc., you can twiddle around talking about archetypes and get fired, or, you can find a way to relate to them in the next 5 minutes and get your job done.


I can just see some poor fool going to my first project manager and saying "I wasn't able to get it...because I wasn't raised in a working-class neighborhood". :lol: No. If we came from rich, poor, middle, it mattered not. We were all subject to the same "STFU with that! Find a f'ing way to do it...by lunch!" standard answer. Always, by lunch...and we actually did...most of the time.


This is buffoonery for us. Perhaps these professors should consider if they are living in a bubble.

I think the football coach is Jimmy, not Jimmie.


Anyway how is somebody supposed to break out of their bubble if they live in one? If you've been in your bubble too long you will certainly get beat up once you venture outside. Non-bubblers can smell a bubbler a mile away. And this guy is NOT a libertarian or else he would not be criticizing peoples lifestyles and choices. Wake up and smell the COMMIE.


Plus the fact that he left out modern technologies ways of breaking out of the bubble. Lots of bubblers are friends on Facebook with non-bubblers. This proves they are informed and just don't want to get beat up.

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I got a 23. I think something's wrong with that quiz.

Same score here. In a world of stupid quizzes, that one stands out. I think Chef Jim called it correctly; I live in a bubble because I don't watch American Idol, didn't pay to see any of those crappy movies (other than the Oscar winner) and I know who Richard Branson is? Boy, I sure hope this bubble never pops!



And yes, I've been on a factory floor. :rolleyes:

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Same score here. In a world of stupid quizzes, that one stands out. I think Chef Jim called it correctly; I live in a bubble because I don't watch American Idol, didn't pay to see any of those crappy movies (other than the Oscar winner) and I know who Richard Branson is? Boy, I sure hope this bubble never pops!



And yes, I've been on a factory floor. :rolleyes:

Grown Ups did not win an Oscar.


Did it get screwed? Yes. But it did not win.

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(66) How is that possible? And, I wonder what happens if we know that Jimmie Johnson is both? :D


Like duh... You are smarter than this. Of course almost everyone knew both... BUT you weren't allowed to answer both. The point was to answer what came to mind first to determine what or how much of bubble you have. For me NASCAR driver came to mind first... He is all over the news and sports the last couple of years... Hence, NOT living in a bubble. When was the last time Jimmie Johnson coached the Cowboys? The question did ask you specifically that he was an ex-football coach (I think it even said Dallas Cowboys?)... The question didn't say Miami Dolphins (less of a bubble) or FOX commentator (would be on par with the NASCAR driver bubblewise).


That question was well worded to figure how much of a bubble one has. From my memory of the test, I am sure they specifically said ex-Dallas Cowboys coach.

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take a point or 2 off. they were referring to the country music place in missouri where some unbelievable number of "average" americans visit every year.


I know what it is. I'm just ridiculing the theory that associating a name with a tourist trap rather than one of the world's most successful entrepreneurs demonstrates living 'outside a bubble'. The point of the quiz seems to be to ask how close you are to the cultural mentality of the herd, or if you grew up and/or remain poor. And apparently it equates the two.

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Did they just change the test? Had a co-worker take the test and he got a 60... 30 something male and he answered Richard Branson... WTF is wrong with you people... Who the heck is Richard Branson???




Answer which one you are more comfortable with... Was this changed?


Do you know who Jimmie Johnson is?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Which of these is he?
      • A NASCAR driver
      • A former coach of the Dallas Cowboys

    <LI class=question id=q12_avon style="DISPLAY: block" sizset="25" jQuery17108158193223634649="132" sizcache06678058078974467="12">Have you ever purchased Avon products?


    • Yes
    • No


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I know what it is. I'm just ridiculing the theory that associating a name with a tourist trap rather than one of the world's most successful entrepreneurs demonstrates living 'outside a bubble'. The point of the quiz seems to be to ask how close you are to the cultural mentality of the herd, or if you grew up and/or remain poor. And apparently it equates the two.


Not really. Everybody has a certain amount of "bubble." With less of a "bubble" a person is in tune with the herd... Doesn't mean they gotta "be" the herd.


"Lone wolf" is more appropriate. Does the lone wolf still go in and out of the pack?

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So have you ever been there?

Nope. Bristol is the birthplace of country music and it's a short drive away as is the carter fold (real country music). don't need to go anywhere else (although i love going to nashville).

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