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upshaw is safer than reiff

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Evaluate, and draft, based on results, not potential! :wallbash:



I understand your argument but I wouldn't make this a rule when drafting. Drafting purely based on results and being on the best team would be just as dangerous as drafting only on potential. You have to consider everything.

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We're talking about 20-22 year old kids transitioning to making nothing to making millions of dollars. There is no such thing as a safe draft pick. Aaron Curry looked to be one of the safest picks in his draft and he was traded after 3 years.


That said, I do think Upshaw is a very solid, if unspectular pick. Personally, I think the offensive tackle position has be completely devalued in the new NFL. While it would be great to have an all pro at those spots, you can get back with servicable players there. However if you don't have a pass rush, you're dead.


This ^...Mike Williams was considered to be a super "safe" pick...The Bills should pick the player they think can help the team the most, and as quickly as possible.


I also agree on the comments on Upshaw...I think he can be a top notch 3-4 OLB, but I don't necessarily see a big time pass rusher. I think some people are just assuming he will be that.


I understand your argument but I wouldn't make this a rule when drafting. Drafting purely based on results and being on the best team would be just as dangerous as drafting only on potential. You have to consider everything.


Yup...Pierre-Paul was drafted mostly on potential...Seems like that panned out just fine...

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Just out of curiosity to those who may know, what is Upshaw's past like in terms of injuries? Has he been able to stay healthy most of his career? I saw on CBS sports they only mentioned one high ankle sprain which would be phenomenal if thats the worst of his injuries.

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Williams was not even the best OT in that draft. The consensus was, and time has proven, that Bryant McKinney was the more talented with more upside than the two. Williams won out on charm, character and personality. Linemen, especially offensive linemen should be big and mean. Mckinney was mean and Williams wasn't. Take note Chan and Buddy.

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Williams was not even the best OT in that draft. The consensus was, and time has proven, that Bryant McKinney was the more talented with more upside than the two. Williams won out on charm, character and personality. Linemen, especially offensive linemen should be big and mean. Mckinney was mean and Williams wasn't. Take note Chan and Buddy.


Williams' major flaw was that he wasn't passionate about the game. His failure had little to do with meanness or having a a pleasant personality. Football is a brutal sport that requires a lot of work on and off the field. He simply was not committed enough to put in the effort to be successful.


More often than not you can't predict whether a prospect is going to work out to the level you expect because you don't know what that person is made of from a character standpoint.


I understand why Donahoe took Williams over McKinney. Williams was a more rugged run blocker. In addition, there were red flags on McKinney concerning his character which Williams didn't have. As it turned out McKinney did have some off field incidents that got him in trouble. He is the only player that I know of who was thrown off of an all-star team before the game was played. He didn't even adequately fake his disinterest in the game. He skipped out on practice because he was too busy clubbing.


All teams make draft mistakes. It is the nature of endeavor. But the good organizations acknowledge their mistakes more quickly and move on with rectifying their mistakes.

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Williams' major flaw was that he wasn't passionate about the game. His failure had little to do with meanness or having a a pleasant personality. Football is a brutal sport that requires a lot of work on and off the field. He simply was not committed enough to put in the effort to be successful.


I gotta disagree John. ;)


Mike Williams was a fat right tackle (I know Simms was left handed :wallbash:) with a chronic ankle injury. In college, he just out-muscled his opponents. Remember how well he did at the combines with 225?

In those days, my signature on this board was, "Draft McKinnie." He was a MUCH better player both in college and in the NFL.


TD really whiffed on that pick, and it cost Ralph millions. After a very good draft in 2001, this was certainly the first step toward Ralph bringing back Levy and REALLY screwing things up. Btw, I recently read that Levy stated that he would love to go back into coaching. You can't make this stuff up.


I think we should just draft Upshaw and be done with it......he can play in any scheme.


That would be fine with me John.

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Whos is Greg Gabriel?

If you click on his name you can read a short bio.


Worked for the Bills, Giants for 16 years under Young/Accorsi, and was director of college scouting for the Chicago Bears for 9 years. He was the one who found guys like Briggs and Forte.

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