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We need another scat back

Matty Shu

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CJ did so well today I can justify drafting another like him in round 1. Secondary thoughts - Steve Johnson is not a number 1 reciever, Fitz is not a franchise QB, and the D sucks.

Stevie is a number one receiver he just dropped a gimme catch which happens to the best of them. He put a clinic on Revis today and if Fitz (who is good QB just not elite) put the ball on Stevie in the end zone we would have won.


CJ is below average, did ok today but just doesn't have it to be a player in this league. If Freddy was in there we win this game.


D plays tough but somehow always gives up the game winning drive. Secondary was pretty good, pass rush was non existent as usual and Dareus is not a NT and has done nothing there and needs to go back to DE where he belongs. At least put Heard at nose where he has played before and also has the big body to take up blockers.

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My how opinions change when the team is losing...At 5-2, nobody wanted to talk about nor hear these things. Now, thats ALL anyone wants to talk about.


Sorry to burst your bubble but at 3-0, I was one of the few saying that Fitz was not a franchise QB and that the D was horrible...but back then I was a troll and now no wants to face reality

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Sorry to burst your bubble but at 3-0, I was one of the few saying that Fitz was not a franchise QB and that the D was horrible...but back then I was a troll and now no wants to face reality


You're still a troll.



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CJ proved he's average at best, He'll have the rest of the season to prove me wrong, and I hope he does.


Save for the bad penalty and drop, what will be lost in this game is that Stevie Johnson did pretty much own Revis Island today. He still has some maturing to do. That being said, the Bills can't afford to le him walk. Do we see how hard it is to get quality receivers.


Ftiz missed fired on two game winning opportunities. He has to make those throws.

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