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Bills "Laid Down"


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It is amazing the turn that has happened in the last three weeks. I fear that Chan is losing control of the team. The fact that they drafted so heavily on D and there has been nothing but a back slide in performance is highly discouraging. I do not think a HC change is in order as Chan will get the O back on track. The defense is another story. I fear that we will be lucky to finish 8-8. Very sad given the hot start.


.500? You're talking about .500!? .500? I just hope we finish 6-10!

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I don't know... if you're Nix, and the season has changed as it has, and we've got Wood, Kyle Williams, Merriman out for the year, and we lose Easley, Parrish, sent off Evans, have dealt with injuries to recievers on and off all year on top of that, I think he looks at the season and if he's not in the playoff picture, he's got to want this team to lose out. With an owner who isn't spending, and who knows if Nix would even go after big time playmakers - I can't tell if its his philosophy to neglect the star F.A.'s, or if it is because he doesn't have the okay to go after them - but, the draft is the only place he's going to find talent, and with a team this obviously short on it, he's got to want high draft picks until they feel they have a team capable of competing. I mean, Indy wouldn't have got Manning - and now probably Luck - without going through terrible times. I could see Nix and Gailey saying to themselves behind closed doors, "This isn't going to turn around over night - we need talent, so we suffer through a few losing seasons, etc."

That is practically what they said last year, and I felt as if Nix and Gailey expected us to lose last year - they didn't make any attempts at going after quality F.A.'s. And, I felt, back in training camp, that they were okay with losing this year, too, and building through the draft.


I've felt since they got here that they gave themselves a 3 year cushion, and that they didn't really expect to be winning much for those first years. Compare that with San Francisco! That is the difference between good coaching, and getting the right coordinators. That SanFran D-coordinator could come in here and with these guys we'd not be giving up all these yards week in and out.

It all starts at the top. These men have believed the Bills were handicapped since they took over, and it shows all the way down to the players, the announcers - everyone knows it.

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Wow! I was feeling OK today until I just read this thread . . . fortunately my window is sealed shut here on the 4th floor, I don't think I could be anymore depressed after reading these posts. :oops:


Really people? We're the same ones who couldn't say enough positive things about this club after the first 4-5 games, now we're jumping off the ledge as quickly as we can.


My advise: step back, put it all in perspective. I ( and I'm totally honest about this ) believe this team is going to bounce back next week.


"You may be right, I may be crazy, but it just may be a lunatic you're looking for." :thumbsup:

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Wow! I was feeling OK today until I just read this thread . . . fortunately my window is sealed shut here on the 4th floor, I don't think I could be anymore depressed after reading these posts. :oops:


Really people? We're the same ones who couldn't say enough positive things about this club after the first 4-5 games, now we're jumping off the ledge as quickly as we can.


My advise: step back, put it all in perspective. I ( and I'm totally honest about this ) believe this team is going to bounce back next week.


"You may be right, I may be crazy, but it just may be a lunatic you're looking for." :thumbsup:

Anyone who watched the last 3 games and thinks the Bills will bounce back against one of the teams that humiliated them within those 3 weeks is a God of optimism in my opinion! And I salute you! :worthy:

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Wow! I was feeling OK today until I just read this thread . . . fortunately my window is sealed shut here on the 4th floor, I don't think I could be anymore depressed after reading these posts. :oops:


Really people? We're the same ones who couldn't say enough positive things about this club after the first 4-5 games, now we're jumping off the ledge as quickly as we can.


My advise: step back, put it all in perspective. I ( and I'm totally honest about this ) believe this team is going to bounce back next week.


"You may be right, I may be crazy, but it just may be a lunatic you're looking for." :thumbsup:


Please list the FACTS that allow you to hold this opinion.

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Offense - Fitz is an average quarterback, and we knew that. He needs the rest of his team to be effective, They are down Wood and Bell, two starting O-linemen, two starting receivers with Jones and Parrish out and Johnson played hurt, and Freddie went down. That means they played with about half of their starting lineup. I'm not talking about missing a WR or OL here or there, but they have lost the LT, OC, WR2, WR3, played half of the game w/o RB and WR1 is banged up.


Defense - They are missing the best player on this side of the ball; Kyle Williams is on IR. Merriman - IR. Torbor - IR. Wilson was out. Couple that with starting a rookie in place of Williams. There is a HUGE difference between Edwards - Williams - Darius and Edwards - Darius - Carrington. And the team also has no pass rush. None. Zero. Zilch. The LB crew is very weak with the exception of Barnett, who is playing his ass off. If they had one OLB that could raise a little hell, this would be a different group.


That is going to have to wait until next year. This year, the Bills play it out as best as they can.


In the off-season, fire Edwards and Wanny both. Get a stud pass rusher or two and a tall, deep threat WR, a cover corner that will/can play the ball, and OL depth. Lastly, they need to get a smash mouth attitude on defense to compliment the finesse offense.

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And the team also has no pass rush. None. Zero. Zilch. The LB crew is very weak with the exception of Barnett, who is playing his ass off. If they had one OLB that could raise a little hell, this would be a different group.

It is very interesting (and painful) to watch other teams and see these PASS RUSHERS. Wow, who are these guys and how can the Bills get one or two?


Oh, you have to draft them? Darn, Bills have no clue how to select a pass rusher. Except that one guy back in 1985...


Painful to watch these Bills.


Are they demoralized by the loss of Eric Wood??? Could that be it?


Like the other thread says: "What the hell is going on in that locker room these days?"



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As bad as they have played, I think the guys that are playing in place of the starters will get better as the season goes into the last quarter. They will win a few games. I think people are over-reacting. I think the O-line will pull it together when the have Levitre at guard again with Bell/Hairston. They will score some points again.


The defense is just gonna suck. I'm hoping that Aaron Williams can get enough experience these next few games to be a reasonable starter next season. Sheppard too.


I still think this team when healthy is pretty good, and has made big strides. They need a few key guys, and some of the guys that start now, should be backups next season.


All this "laid down" talk is just overwrought to me.


Moorman wasn't the only guy that was pissed. Corey Mac is still cool with me!


PS- I have lost any faith in Spiller as a feature back. He might be ok in an Eric Metcalf kind of role, but they need to get a new 2nd back next season.

Edited by Matthews' Bag
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Its odd to me, and also very refreshing, that a dose of realism has set in here at TBD.


I read the first 3-4 posts, and I kept expecting to hear from the Sunshine posters who hijack every thread with "Oh you trolls are over-reacting, please leave so we can fill this place with Sunshine"


But they never came. All of the posts (except for one on page 2) were from realists. Not cry-babys. Not suicidal pessimists. But realists.


When you watch the product on the field, and when you compare it to other NFL teams, you cant feel much hope.


We're not as soft as San Diego, but we lack fire. And we lack grown men who refuse to lose. Its like the team woke up, remembered that the Bills arent supposed to be good, and just relaxed. And remembered that there really isnt much talent here anyway. How much longer (in terms of years) am I supposed to take this ?

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