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Mitt Romney is a quack and a political peon


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That was a one-liner, you nitwit. :rolleyes:


Ahh, and in comparison, my trolling skills are as sharp as ever I see!


Give up Tom you are never going to convince OC that brevity is the soul of wit.


....lybob, poor ...lybob


At least Juror#8 is a rookie, and therefore has an excuse!


Did you enjoy watching all those Bill O'Reilly videos? Did you enjoy reading all those articles? Remember the "Soros/common knowledge" thing, you dolt? (I like dolt, thank's Juror#8!)




That's your f'ing penance for posting all your dopey youtube videos.


Do it again, and I will make you watch Hannity next time.

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....lybob, poor ...lybob


At least Juror#8 is a rookie, and therefore has an excuse!


Did you enjoy watching all those Bill O'Reilly videos? Did you enjoy reading all those articles? Remember the "Soros/common knowledge" thing, you dolt? (I like dolt, thank's Juror#8!)




That's your f'ing penance for posting all your dopey youtube videos.


Do it again, and I will make you watch Hannity next time.

I think the correct response is "my hovercraft is full of eels"

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Again, you are a rookie, so you don't know why they haven't.


That said, you don't seem to get that I completely answered your analysis. Your assumption that we are all idiots, validates my question: since we are all idiots, as idiots, why wouldn't we ignore all your wonderful analysis and simply ask "why should we listen to people that = FAIL"?


I am sorry that you are struggling with your own premise. I assure you, if we could get past your premise, I might have some interest in responding to each of your points. But, since we are all idiots, your analysis is irrelevant. I am merely responding to you in line with your assumption. Why are you complaining?


What you don't seem to get: when I read your OP, your assumption that we were all idiots was easy for me to infer. The fact that I got you to say it literally? Well, that's just more evidence of my superior trolling skills. :death:


I don't know what's funnier, the fact that you still don't understand what's going on here, or, the fact that you believe anybody is going to go back and read posts #64 and 65


I don't know what's funnier, the fact that you are calling so many people you don't know idiots, or the fact that you somehow believe that only the people on this board, and not the rest of the country, aren't dolts. You do understand that the TEA party exists right??? You do understand that NOT ONLY the Obama Administration's incompetence, but ALSO, DC's general intransigence, has energized the entire country, and created them, right? Energized as in: we don't think you are responsible. Response-able. Say it with me.


Perhaps you really don't understand, so I will suspend my trolling in this section:

Under normal circumstances, you and the rest of the elected people/staffers/everybody in DC simply aren't as important to us as you think you are. In fact, government is looked down on by just about everybody I know and work with. Take any multinational consulting firm: do you think the best talent works in the government group? Do you think that the best people in the government group don't try to get out of there? Go to a government trade show, and then a corporate one, and talk to the people from the same firm on any relevant subject. The difference will be obvious.


The talent you have gotten from consultants directly corresponds to YOUR abilities. How can it be that the corporate groups consistently deliver on time, and the government side rarely does? Answer: Because you idiots don't know how to manage anything, and therefore you let the worst of us get away with murder. I can only imagine what the best of us would do to you.


In this one section, I am being deadly serious. You have a massive credibility problem, and operating on the assumption that we are the idiots isn't going to solve it. Wanna compare my approval rating with your boss's? Wanna put both of us in a room and see who people will listen to? The truth will set you free: You are the idiots. That's your problem, not ours. It's far past time for some introspection in DC. It's far past time for you to understand that to us? You, and your boss, are a joke that we don't even bother to tell.


:D Ahh, the rookie learns....or does he?


The only thing the community will judge...is whether you are still a rookie after you respond to this post.


I get this image of all you !@#$ers laughing at me as you read my posts - you sick !@#$s probably got kicks out of envisioning me feverishly typing, sweating profusely, researching for accuracy, and making sure my logic was sound.


All the while, you're probably devoting 10 minutes to a response...half laughing as you're formulating it...fully knowing that I'm gonna take the **** seriously and launch back into another internet tirade that lasts damn near an hour!


I wish you just coulda :nana: and called it a day. I could have won the lottery, or done something constructive with that time instead of spending time haranguing. !@#$!


A couple of serious points/questions though:


1. I'm not an elected official. I work for a Republican Congressman - though my politics are decidedly more moderate than his.


2. I don't like being grouped into the beltway crowd. I probably deserve to be because of my political background though. I try to think about things outside of this echo-chamber though.


3. I really think that vox populi, in general, are a bunch of dolts. Sad but true. There are too many constituent letters where people reference some radio program, or their conservative uncle, or what they heard at the local pub, as evidence of the political forecast. Not hundreds, thousands of these letter. I've spoken with too many people who thought Bush sabotaged the financial system, or that the current WH wants to abolish SUVs, to think that the majority of people have any clue about anything of real import.


4. How long is this fu(kkkking hazing process?

Edited by Juror#8
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I get this image of all you !@#$ers laughing at me as you read my posts - you sick !@#$s probably got kicks out of envisioning me feverishly typing, sweating profusely, researching for accuracy, and making sure my logic was sound.


All the while, you're probably devoting 10 minutes to a response...half laughing as you're formulating it...fully knowing that I'm gonna take the **** seriously and launch back into another internet tirade that lasts damn near an hour!

Um....yes! :lol: Christ, it's not like I didn't call you rookie enough. You picked up on it....late.

I wish you just coulda :nana: and called it a day. I could have won the lottery, or done something constructive with that time instead of spending time haranguing. !@#$!


A couple of serious points/questions though:


1. I'm not an elected official. I work for a Republican Congressman - though my politics are decidedly more moderate than his.


2. I don't like being grouped into the beltway crowd. I probably deserve to be because of my political background though. I try to think about things outside of this echo-chamber though.


3. I really think that vox populi, in general are a bunch of dolts. Sad but true. There are too many constituent letters where people reference some radio program, or their conservative uncle, or what they heard at the local pub, as evidence of the political forecast. Not hundreds, thousands of these letter. I've spoken with too many people who thought Bush sabotaged the financial system, or that the current WH wants to abolish SUVs to think that the majority people have any clue about anything of real import.


4. How long is this fu(kkkking hazing process?

1. I know. And I merely chose the insults I thought most congruent.


2. Hmm. I would assume nobody does. People tend to deserve what they get. For example, I don't like being grouped in with the stereotypical management consultant/IT guy, even though I am one. But, I feel that actions make it easy for others to make the distinctions I want.


3. Well, welcome to the board anyway, I think you'll find that we will be effective in changing your opinion. Well, most of us. The idiots will become readily apparent.


4. Look, with all these new people, somebody had to be taken for a ride, you're just the guy I picked. We like honest, cogent, BRIEF discussion here, and will really hate self-righteous phonies, or, at least I do.


As long as you don't launch into long screeds about the virtue of volunteer firemen, or, how erudite you are because you take the time to speak to janitors when you go to Denny's, you'll fit in just fine here.

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I get this image of all you !@#$ers laughing at me as you read my posts - you sick !@#$s probably got kicks out of envisioning me feverishly typing, sweating profusely, researching for accuracy, and making sure my logic was sound.


All the while, you're probably devoting 10 minutes to a response...half laughing as you're formulating it...fully knowing that I'm gonna take the **** seriously and launch back into another internet tirade that lasts damn near an hour!


I wish you just coulda :nana: and called it a day. I could have won the lottery, or done something constructive with that time instead of spending time haranguing. !@#$!


A couple of serious points/questions though:


1. I'm not an elected official. I work for a Republican Congressman - though my politics are decidedly more moderate than his.


2. I don't like being grouped into the beltway crowd. I probably deserve to be because of my political background though. I try to think about things outside of this echo-chamber though.


3. I really think that vox populi, in general, are a bunch of dolts. Sad but true. There are too many constituent letters where people reference some radio program, or their conservative uncle, or what they heard at the local pub, as evidence of the political forecast. Not hundreds, thousands of these letter. I've spoken with too many people who thought Bush sabotaged the financial system, or that the current WH wants to abolish SUVs, to think that the majority of people have any clue about anything of real import.


4. How long is this fu(kkkking hazing process?


Trust me, the last thing we envision is you using sound logic.




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Not hardly.


Ask ...lybob.


I spent all of last week giggling. In a meeting? giggling. At the bar? giggling. Giggling, envisioning him at his machine: "hmmm, nope nothing on Daily Kos about Soros, nothing at Huffpo....hmmm, I guess I'm gonna have to google this like OC said...hmm, Bill O'Reilly....I'll watch this one...nope, this one, nope, ok, this one...yeah, but hey! wait a minute!"


:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Not hardly.


Ask ...lybob.


I spent all of last week giggling. In a meeting? giggling. At the bar? giggling. Giggling, envisioning him at his machine: "hmmm, nope nothing on Daily Kos about Soros, nothing at Huffpo....hmmm, I guess I'm gonna have to google this like OC said...hmm, Bill O'Reilly....I'll watch this one...nope, this one, nope, ok, this one...yeah, but hey! wait a minute!"


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Glad to help you out, nothing commands respect at a business meeting or impresses chicks at bar like a man giggling for no apparent reason.

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Glad to help you out, nothing commands respect at a business meeting or impresses chicks at bar like a man giggling for no apparent reason.

...lybob, how many business meetings have you been to? Really. You honestly think most meetings are about "commanding respect"? :lol: Let me guess, you're the guy who can never seem to reserve the conference room, right? It's a mystery to you, isn't it?


And, wrong, again, about girls(why am I not surprised? ...lybob...wing-man...nightmare, "that guy" experience :lol:)


Whilst at the bar recently, this random chick suddenly appeared in my AO and demanded to know what I was giggling about. Thus I began trolling her as well.


So take heart ...lybob, this troll is now multi-tiered, all thanks to you. And, she's a solid 7 and cool as hell, so I have that to thank you for as well...for now. We'll see.

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