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Another Lee Evans thread......


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It was not about the money. We already paid Lee the bulk of his contract upfront.


Sooner or later people are going to realize that Lee was part of the problem all along. It's taking a while for many to grasp this, but I can see some people are noticing that a 5'10" burner is a liability inside the redzone. Again, he may be the most overrated player to ever don a Bills uniform, I have no idea why this city has a love affair with Evans.

The post you quoted was me being facetious. If it was about money, they wouldn't have paid him the $1.1M in bonuses and/or would have cut someone else like McGee.

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I did delete a couple posts of mindless drivel early in the thread (the only perk I ask for in exchange for the janitorial services I've been providing) and what do you know, it was a very good thread for a while.

Then when I wasn't online for a while it was overrun by blithering asshats who were too stupid to understand the content of the discussion and instead displayed their usual lack of self-restraint by posting their irrelevant opinions yet again. I'm not going to bother cleaning it up at this point, so feel free to continue adding even more of your oh so valuable and insightful contributions. <_<

Lee Evans, by his mere presence, has single-handedly changed the entire dynamic of the divisional rivalry that exists in the AFC North.



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Okay, but how many glasses of white zinfandel did you have?


There's no wine in this house. I've never tasted asscrack but I assume it's similar to rotten grapes.

If somebody gave me a glass of white zinfandel my first thought would be to wonder if it would work to clean my truck tires.

My second thought would be to realize I couldn't care less if my truck tires were clean.

Then I would consider cleaning my golf clubs with it, until I decided that would be a waste of time cuz they work just fine when they're dirty.

Finally I'd probably give it to the cat (those nasty critters will ingest anything) because I've never seen a cat drunk before.

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Okay Ladies, let's put them on the table because we hvae not seen Lee's for 4 years now. Lee quit 3+ years ago and the Bills are well rid of him. Stevie J can play without him and so can Nelson and Chandler. I'd let Roscoe find employment elsewhere BTW Ruvell can join him. I'd keep Namaan and wait for Marcus to return and let it roll.

Edited by jumbalaya
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