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Hot for Babysitter?


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The best one is the Halloween paranoia. At some point in the not-so-distant past, it became common knowledge that only horrible parents don't meticulously rake through their kids' trick or treating candy on Halloween night because random creeps love to use hypodermic needles to poison the candy. There have been exactly TWO (2) reported cases of children getting sick from Halloween candy, and in both cases the kid was poisoned by a member of their own family.

Jesus, your showing your naïveté. Parents rake through their kids halloween candy to pluck out their favorites. How many Reece's cups do you think that my kids got their hands on?

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I was agreeing with Joe Miner and indirectly responding to DC Tom's "What 14 year old needs a sitter?" At 14 there was no sitter. Niether at 13 did anyone watch; nor at 12 when I first used a 12 guage on birds did I ever get "babysat" !!! So ya to see that a 14 year old today needs a babysitter is in my book the "pussification" of teenage boys not that the kid was banging his babysitter. Good for him BTW. What constantly horny 14 year old boy doesn't dream about doing this exact same thing with some pretty lass? Think back to the time when you were 14 HONESTLY GUYS, there had to be at least one girl you dwelled on the coud make your Rocketship 7 take off for the moon. Today the thought police clamp down on kids that just want to be friends


I've seen it over and over by overly protective parents who coddle their kids. I was involved in scouting a few years back and the reasons these parents gave for not allowing their kid to go camping (this is Boy Scouts who do go camping BTW) just floored me. "Johnny will get homesick" "Mikey might get poison ivy" "Alex doesn't know how to swim"....ya we thaught them to swim BTW, at least the ones who were allowed to go to camp and that grand-daddy of all excuses "we don't allow richie to be alone with other people" That poor kid was screwed for life and not by some pretty young thing


Truth be told, the last time my parents ever got me a baby-sitter, I was probably 14...and was hitting on the babysitter (in clumsy 14-year old fashion) all night.


Cute, lithe blonde thing. Nice B-cups. Ah, memories...

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A cousin of mine actually pulled off the babysitter bang.


His parents had a lot of money and he had two younger siblings. So, they’d hire this supercute&sexy babysitter to watch the little ones even though my cousin was like 15. The sitter was probably 17 or 18 at the time. Somehow, he managed to finagle his way in with her. A couple years later, he actually dated her openly for a while. She was really gorgeous. I was quite jealous of that scoundrel bastard.

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Please. I'm not a psychopath, I'm a nerd. I whispered "e to the u, du, dx, e to the x dx..."

I don't know man, you must not have said it right. If you dropped that line and she didn't mount you right then and there, then she's either a total B or a lezzer. Integration is a panty dropper.

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