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one of you "WE GOTTA LOSE THIS WEEK!" people


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Balderdash! Give me the wins and let the scouting department find some players. Its all about winning.



Here here! And let's only play the starters in the preseason. Every win is a must, consequences be darned. Bills should also forfeit their first founders from here on out. Let's really make the scouting department earn their keep.

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Balderdash! Give me the wins and let the scouting department find some players. Its all about winning.


I'll see your "balderdash" and raise you a HORSEHOCKEY!!!!



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I'm willing to be less vague about this. If the bills do anything but lose sunday I will be greatly disappointed. My hope is to see the bills win a superbowl, not beat the jets in a meaningless game for both teams in the last week of the year.


As someone else pointed out a top 3 pick provides flexibility and the greatest chance to get the player you want. But mostly, I'm tired of watching the bills pick ~10. You know when the Bills last had a top 3 pick? 1985! 25 years ago! And they took Bruce Smith of course.


As bad as we've been for a decade...let's get a top pick for once. I like Gailey. I want him to have the best opportunity to continue on the positives from this year. Top 3 pick will do that more than a win will.


And I hope it's a top 2.

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It doesn't matter because the players drafted @ 8-10 could have gone 1-3.


True, but my guess is that the players from 1-3 have turned out better than 8-10. I already know Whitner at 8 and Spiller at will contribute to that outcome!


Were you just win every week people upset when Marv would go 0-4 and tank the last game of the year and then go to the Super Bowl?

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Most of your examples actually prove the point tgreg and others are trying to make:


Jerod Mayo (#10), Bills picked #11 in that draft, if only we had one more loss we could have grabbed him

Patrick Willis (#11), Bills picked #12 in that draft, if only we had one more loss

Demarcus Ware (#11), the Bills would have picked #20 in that draft

Rothlisberger (#11), Bills picked #13...


Ngata and Clady were misses, for sure, but I think the Ngata miss has been discussed enough here.


Again, Im not saying that an earlier pick guarantees you a better player. My thought though is that it gives you greater control and the ability to get the guys you want. And I trust Buddy and Chan to want better players than we have in the past.

That's the way you see it. I see it as proving that good players can be drafted outside of the top 10, and that not being in the top 3 doesn't mean the Bills won't get a quality player.


I didn't say that Bills' chances are "dead in the water if they don't secure that #3 pick". Not even close. I said the odds of the team improving quicker are better with a higher draft pick than they are from just a meaningless win against the Jets.


It's not that complicated. A higher draft position gives your team more options. Whether that be in the form of better players to choose from to more ammunition to move around in the draft to get the players you deem worthy etc.


There's really no argument against that logic.

Doesn't make a damn difference, my friend. You deal with your draft position and try to draft good players. The Bills have had plenty of chances to pick higher in the draft than most teams. They need to draft better, not necessarily earlier. The odds were better the year we drafted Big Mike. Maybe a meaningless win would have taken him out of the Bills' hands. A helpful defeat might've gotten us Joey Harrington.


If they get an earlier pick, that's fine, it's a nice consolation prize, but that's not why I watch the game.

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I wanted them to win each week of the season as I believe that a winning culture doesn't just happen. I wanted to see young guys step up and for the team to become a very tough out for opponents by the end of the season. I also believe that, despite the teams record, the recent wins have created some goodwill towards to Bills in that they aren't seen as a doormat, their coach isn't a loser and that things may be on the upswing. I don't want the Bills to win this weekend.


Especially if the Jets rest a bunch of their guys, play second string people and don't move out of the base defense or offense so as not to give up film to whomever they play next weekend in the playoffs.


Just sayin' that I was never a 2-14 fan, cursing every win so that the Bills would have a shot at drafting a guy that may or may not come out, but this game is different.

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Well actually your outlook is far more bleak and grim. You're essentially saying that this team will never improve until Ralph dies -- since we know that's the only way he's going to give up control. And thus, you just want to win because no matter who the Bills pick in April, the team will still suck and you want to feel good for just one more Sunday.


I think you are confusing "bleak and grim" with realistic. His position is correct. The team will not be a contender until Wilson no longer owns it. How many seasons of evidence do you need before you will face this fact? So don't tell a guy he is worse than the people who want the Bills to lose, because he wants to be entertained with a win.


The Bills are in the entertainment business. They have been more entertaining to watch during the second half of this season. Whatever they will be next year, we should hope that they continue to be entertaining this week. Several fans have made excellent points about how drafting high doesn't necessarily equate to becoming a better team. Perennial contenders do not need to draft in the top 5 (and almost never do). It's about being able to determine if a player's ability will make him successfull in the NFL. And that seems to be a skill that not all team staffs have. Especially the ones who will work for less money. So unless Ralph Wilson has been visited by three ghosts on Christmas Eve and now decides he will hire (and pay for) top talent evaluators on his staff, the Bills will not be contenders no matter where they draft.

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I think you are confusing "bleak and grim" with realistic. His position is correct. The team will not be a contender until Wilson no longer owns it. How many seasons of evidence do you need before you will face this fact? So don't tell a guy he is worse than the people who want the Bills to lose, because he wants to be entertained with a win.


The Bills are in the entertainment business. They have been more entertaining to watch during the second half of this season. Whatever they will be next year, we should hope that they continue to be entertaining this week. Several fans have made excellent points about how drafting high doesn't necessarily equate to becoming a better team. Perennial contenders do not need to draft in the top 5 (and almost never do). It's about being able to determine if a player's ability will make him successfull in the NFL. And that seems to be a skill that not all team staffs have. Especially the ones who will work for less money. So unless Ralph Wilson has been visited by three ghosts on Christmas Eve and now decides he will hire (and pay for) top talent evaluators on his staff, the Bills will not be contenders no matter where they draft.


Don`t disagree. I would love to see the Bills pour money into the scouting staff and have the biggest scouting budget in the NFL. The economics behind picking very high year after year just don`t work. The pressure for the high draft pick not to bust due the increasingly high top draft payouts is enormous given salary cap implications. If Stafford doesn`t get healthy and ends up costing Detroit all of that money what remedy would the Lions have in building the team in a salary cap league

and Stafford by all accounts could be a good to great player so it is not like the Lions blew the pick.


I am hoping that the ghost of Christmas past woke Ralph up and explained to him that the cheapest way to build a winner is to pay for top scouting. Maybe Nix, as a longtime scout and grunt will have some luck in this regard.

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I think you are confusing "bleak and grim" with realistic. His position is correct. The team will not be a contender until Wilson no longer owns it. How many seasons of evidence do you need before you will face this fact? So don't tell a guy he is worse than the people who want the Bills to lose, because he wants to be entertained with a win.


The Bills are in the entertainment business. They have been more entertaining to watch during the second half of this season. Whatever they will be next year, we should hope that they continue to be entertaining this week. Several fans have made excellent points about how drafting high doesn't necessarily equate to becoming a better team. Perennial contenders do not need to draft in the top 5 (and almost never do). It's about being able to determine if a player's ability will make him successfull in the NFL. And that seems to be a skill that not all team staffs have. Especially the ones who will work for less money. So unless Ralph Wilson has been visited by three ghosts on Christmas Eve and now decides he will hire (and pay for) top talent evaluators on his staff, the Bills will not be contenders no matter where they draft.

You're "realistic" stance is one of hopelessness. You're raising the white flag, saying that this team won't win with Ralph at the helm. That's just incredibly depressing. Why do that to yourself? It's also not really what being a fan is about. In fact, it's the opposite. It's worse than doom and gloom. It's hopelessness. Sheer and utter hopelessness.


As you said, this is entertainment. So if you're so convinced that this team offers no chance to be a winning franchise, then why do you "entertain yourself" with it when you could do countless other things like read a book. Pick some flowers. Run a marathon. No one cares if the Bills win Sunday. Not the Jets. Not the Jets' fans. Not the media. Half the Bills' fans don't either. So why do you? If you are resigned to the fact that this team is hopeless, why do you care? It's a bit backwards to me. The point of being a fan is to have hope. Is to believe in your team. Now, you can be a fan of football in general. There are plenty of those. But you're claiming to be a Bills fan. But are you really? It sure sounds like you're just bitter and pissed off. That's not how I'd want to spend my free time.


You can stand by your realistic stance. As I said, there's plenty of evidence to support it. But since this is entertainment and nothing more, I refuse to believe that it's impossible for the Bills to catch lightning in the bottle -- even with Ralph. The moment I believe that cheering for the Bills is hopeless is the day I stop watching them play.


Because let's be real. We all have better things to do with our time. But maybe you disagree. Maybe you like wasting your time. Or maybe you care more about being proven right than you do about seeing the Bills turn things around. Either way, it's not my style.

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