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Official Unofficial Super Post BiPartisan Election Thread

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Yeah, nothing had to do with the start of Republican 2.0, The Tea Party Invasion. Let's see they came out saying Democrats were going to take away Medicare and Medicaid, Death Panels, the President doesn't believe that America isn't the greatest force in the world, Democrats don't care about jobs, Democrats don't care about freedom, etc., etc.


And just own up to Republicans don't like gays and that lifestyle. They DO want to privatize Social Security. And I still wouldn't call yesterday embarrassing, if we lost the Senate to, maybe.


All in all, let's see what great things the Republicans can do. They had control for 8 years, been sitting on the sidelines for an additional 2.. so after 10 years, they should have some great ideas right?

Stereotype much?


So everyone who generally votes Republican (which is what you really mean when you say the word) are gay hating, bible thumping, drug prohibiting, dolts who want to bring back Jim Crow? That's brilliant.


Just because you can conceive of something in your mind doesn't mean it's real (see Conner), or in other words: "the map is not the territory". There are many of us who generally vote Republican but don the "libertarian" label (b/c society dictates you have a label, and yes, independent is now a label as well) because although we don't care if you smoke pot, pump butt, or believe/disbelieve in whatever invisible man in the sky you choose, we prefer less control by Federal government and realize that too much tinkering is usually counterproductive.


Nobody likes a micromanager at work, why would you want your govt to micromanage your life?


So stop projecting your prejudices on us and analyze what you believe and why you believe it, other than because you decided decades ago that it amounted to: helping the poor v helping the rich. That's the most simple minded outlook one could have.

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Stereotype much?


So everyone who generally votes Republican (which is what you really mean when you say the word) are gay hating, bible thumping, drug prohibiting, dolts who want to bring back Jim Crow? That's brilliant.


Just because you can conceive of something in your mind doesn't mean it's real (see Conner), or in other words: "the map is not the territory". There are many of us who generally vote Republican but don the "libertarian" label (b/c society dictates you have a label, and yes, independent is now a label as well) because although we don't care if you smoke pot, pump butt, or believe/disbelieve in whatever invisible man in the sky you choose, we prefer less control by Federal government and realize that too much tinkering is usually counterproductive.


Nobody likes a micromanager at work, why would you want your govt to micromanage your life?


So stop projecting your prejudices on us and analyze what you believe and why you believe it, other than because you decided decades ago that it amounted to: helping the poor v helping the rich. That's the most simple minded outlook one could have.



No, just the far right. Just like people saying that every Democrat is far left right?


All in all, let's see what the republicans can do. They have great ideas right?

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Two of the most important races of the night that will have far reaching implications for the 2012 elections were the gubernatorial races of Ohio and Florida. The new governors will be able to set the stage for the redistricting efforts that will have a significant impact on those states elections for the next decade. Obama visited Ohio I believe like 15 times and desperately wanted to keep that seat on the D's side, and Sink just conceded the race in Florida, landing the seat in the R column. Considering that the state senate seats turned over to the GOP, and just about all the house races went to the GOP as well along with the Senator seats, the uphill climb for Obama will be much steeper now as a result of these gubernatorial races.


These two races in my opinion were the most significant of the night, because usually the candidate in the presidential elections that win Florida and Ohio win the presidency.

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These two races in my opinion were the most significant of the night, because usually the candidate in the presidential elections that win Florida and Ohio win the presidency.

No, no, no. Harry Reid beat Sharon Angle! That's the big story! He beat the Tea Party person. Who gives a crap about Ohio or Florida. It's not like they plan an integral role in the 2012 elections or anything...

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Cuomo is a reasonable candidate (and the only reasonable choice among the given alternatives).


Brown? :lol:


Hey now, don't be dissing on Moonbeam. California could have been in much worse shape. They could have had either Quinn or Brady from here in Illinois. :D

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Well put Obama....


'We Were In Such A Hurry To Get Things Done That We Didn't Change How Things Got Done'



Well I did'nt expect to say something like.


!@#$! my ass is so sore from getting ass!@#$ed all night by the republicans I can hardly stand here and make some piss poor conner like excuses on why the !@#$ we got ass!@#$ed all night.

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Texas = booming economy, budget surplus



Yeah, screw that!!!!!

NY = controlled by liberal democrats = population loss, struggling economy and high taxes

TX = controlled by conserative republicans = population gains, boomin economy and lower taxes.


ya thanks for pointing that out conner and making me realize how doomed NY is that we just re-affirmed more of the same with cuomo


if I wasnt attached to the area i would be gone to a "red state" in a second.

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Texas = booming economy, budget surplus



Yeah, screw that!!!!!

NY = controlled by liberal democrats = population loss, struggling economy and high taxes

TX = controlled by conserative republicans = population gains, boomin economy and lower taxes.


ya thanks for pointing that out conner and making me realize how doomed NY is that we just re-affirmed more of the same with cuomo


if I wasnt attached to the area i would be gone to a "red state" in a second.

Fellas, remember, we hate facts. :lol: :lol: :lol:


You aren't allowed to post facts, because we hate them.


Oh, and I am almost out of patience with NYS. I did a year-long project in Dallas, and it was f'ing great...

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biggest and most depressing observation i had in this election was the impact of the invisible money, made possible by scotus. here in the virginia 9th, we saw a 14 term congressman go down to a fellow that lives outside the district. and it happened in the presence of a barrage of tv and internet attack ads funded by groups with unkown funding sources. rick boucher was an extremely popular congressman with the general population and big coal, voted against health care but was blamed for supporting cap and trade and portrayed over and over as an obama scut boy. i think va 9th was a test market for the ability of this newly allowed anonymous money's influence to be a game changer and it payed off big. there's much more of this to come...and the big winners will be big money.

Edited by birdog1960
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