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How Many of You Will Be...


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Not that I am the overly religious type or anything, but I do manage to find my way to

church, every other couple of weeks or so. I do however have a confession to make, and that

is, that I do go to church more often on Sundays when the Bills are playing. It's not that

I necessarily pray for them to win, well, I mean, I have, but it's not like I sit there and do

a novena for the Bills or anything. I do my normal worship thing, and sure they will be on my

mind, especially when I go to communion and see about one hundred Steeler Jacket backs,

as I live in West. Pa. Geez, I wouldn't even be able to bring myself to wear a Bills jacket,

or shirt, or anything, for that matter, let alone some of the other sort of parepenelia, or

heaven forbid, shorts and sneakers, but I am not here to preach, I will definitley be going

this Sunday, because I hate the dolphins (I will not even dignify them with a capitalization)

I was just wondering if you guys go more often too? Or any other type of special rituals for

that matter.


BTW, I have no idea what my record is on those Sundays that I do attend, but I would like to

Billieve that it's a winning one.

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Not that I am the overly religious type or anything, but I do manage to find my way to

church, every other couple of weeks or so. I do however have a confession to make, and that

is, that I do go to church more often on Sundays when the Bills are playing. It's not that

I necessarily pray for them to win, well, I mean, I have, but it's not like I sit there and do

a novena for the Bills or anything. I do my normal worship thing, and sure they will be on my

mind, especially when I go to communion and see about one hundred Steeler Jacket backs,

as I live in West. Pa. Geez, I wouldn't even be able to bring myself to wear a Bills jacket,

or shirt, or anything, for that matter, let alone some of the other sort of parepenelia, or

heaven forbid, shorts and sneakers, but I am not here to preach, I will definitley be going

this Sunday, because I hate the dolphins (I will not even dignify them with a capitalization)

I was just wondering if you guys go more often too? Or any other type of special rituals for

that matter.


BTW, I have no idea what my record is on those Sundays that I do attend, but I would like to

Billieve that it's a winning one.


I don't understand the concept of going to church ANY week. But from my perspective, I REALLY don't understand going to church during football season. The Bills need all the support and good vibes that I can give them. Church would be a harmful distraction. Maybe if they start winning again, they wouldn't need my focus on Sunday mornings...

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Well, they certainly didn't ask Brohm about what to do with Chad Jackson.

Cool, I caught that? Slick? I knew that I shouldn't have posted two so

close together. I think it's pretty neat, that I can pick up a response

to a totally different post and still get it. I amaze myself.


I will be attending St. Ralph's Cathedral on Sunday. Mass starts at 8am. Plenty of wine to go around.


Not trying to bump my own thread or anything, but that was classic! Maybe I will join you

Father O'Looney!

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I went to Church this past Sunday for the first time in over 20 years I would imagine. My nephew was getting baptised. I about vommitted. The dumb preacher was talking about how Stephen Hawking is wrong, his science may sound intelligent but it is still the will of God. He did admitt that Hawking was brilliant and very famous for his studies but ripped that down when he said that without God and our savior Jesus Hawking would not be anyhing.

Later he reminds us to turn over all of ourselves, souls and possessions to Jesus. I laughed. Someone looked at me for that. I felt so happy.

He wrapped up the service saying that he doubts the intellect of people like Hawking when he says that God may not be involved in our lives.


Obviously, I will not be going to Church...that is unless they were to fly me to the game with free tickets, with lots of alcohol, and some hot strippers. If I was catholic, well, I might get the wine and alter boys, but that's about it.

[/rage over religion off]

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On Sunday morning. I make every effort to spend a lot of time in the Church of the Big Mattress.

with heavenly pillows I presume?


better than the Church of the poison mind, yours was a classic to Deano, but the point of my

post was just to get a feel for those of us who do try to ATTEND semi or regularly, if they

happen to go more often on Bills day. What you do in your own bedroom is nobody else's business! But if you must discuss it, they have other websites for that!

Edited by Cookiemonster
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I went to Church this past Sunday for the first time in over 20 years I would imagine. My nephew was getting baptised. I about vommitted. The dumb preacher was talking about how Stephen Hawking is wrong, his science may sound intelligent but it is still the will of God. He did admitt that Hawking was brilliant and very famous for his studies but ripped that down when he said that without God and our savior Jesus Hawking would not be anyhing.

Later he reminds us to turn over all of ourselves, souls and possessions to Jesus. I laughed. Someone looked at me for that. I felt so happy.

He wrapped up the service saying that he doubts the intellect of people like Hawking when he says that God may not be involved in our lives.


Obviously, I will not be going to Church...that is unless they were to fly me to the game with free tickets, with lots of alcohol, and some hot strippers. If I was catholic, well, I might get the wine and alter boys, but that's about it.

[/rage over religion off]

Oh boy, what have I started, like I told Deano, I really don't care whether you go, don't go, or spit wood nickels

on Sunday morning, my point was more aimed at responders who do go to Church, and who may or may not go more often

on Sunday's that the Bills play on. It's not a condemnation nor promotion on those who do or do not go.

I guess just the sheer mention of the word Church throw some into a fit of panic. Chill!

PS:I don't think that it would make a difference whether you were catholic or not on the altar boy part

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I love this post. I guess i pray for them when i go to church...hahaha this is so odd to be writing about, but yes when i do go i pray that they win. after church i rush out of the place and get fired up lissinin to WEDG. i'm not a big tailgater,im usually full from a great breakfast, i park and walk past all the hoopla focused ready to munch on a few reeses cups. hahaha.im not overly religious but its nice to spend time w ppl spiritually and even better w booze-adrenalin pumped up freaks. i quietly munch on candy and high five like a mutha f@#$ker when we score.

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Not that I am the overly religious type or anything, but I do manage to find my way to

church, every other couple of weeks or so. I do however have a confession to make, and that

is, that I do go to church more often on Sundays when the Bills are playing. It's not that

I necessarily pray for them to win, well, I mean, I have, but it's not like I sit there and do

a novena for the Bills or anything. I do my normal worship thing, and sure they will be on my

mind, especially when I go to communion and see about one hundred Steeler Jacket backs,

as I live in West. Pa. Geez, I wouldn't even be able to bring myself to wear a Bills jacket,

or shirt, or anything, for that matter, let alone some of the other sort of parepenelia, or

heaven forbid, shorts and sneakers, but I am not here to preach, I will definitley be going

this Sunday, because I hate the dolphins (I will not even dignify them with a capitalization)

I was just wondering if you guys go more often too? Or any other type of special rituals for

that matter.


BTW, I have no idea what my record is on those Sundays that I do attend, but I would like to

Billieve that it's a winning one.

for whatever reason ive been really spending alot of time on these boards. i guess i really enjoy reading everything BILLS related.but a post like this makes it all the more interesting as im asked to reflect and relate my Bills passion w other aspects of my life. additionally this post is written so well...i feel like its an article outta the New Yorker. how entertaining haha.So yes i get that not pushing church thing. thats not the point here.Its another way a Die Hard fan feels. I too aint the type that will steal money from my momma to buy and paint an ice cream truck red white and blue so i can do a WWF flip off it destroying a beer pong table.

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Since I can't attend the game in person, I'll be the lone Christian here at Church. I didn't believe in God until I joined the service, now I'm considering seminary.


However, if I did still live in western NY, I would attend the game and my pastor would understand.

Edited by WY Counselor
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Since I can't attend the game in person, I'll be the lone Christian here at Church. I didn't believe in God until I joined the service, now I'm considering seminary.


However, if I did still live in western NY, I would attend the game and my pastor would understand.

Not a church going person but I do have my beliefs. I love the Bills to the point where more often than not my wife is completely pissed at my passion, (for lack of a better word), but yet I don't believe they are worthy of prayer. It is just a game nonetheless. With a bunch of overpaid knuckleheads having the privilege of playing it for a living. Tired of all the Brady/Manning watching what's going on with contract talks when if you gave twenty fans contracts worth twenty million total with the stipulation that they had to buy season tickets for twenty years and do everything they can to fill the stands for said twenty years they would do it with more fervor and love of the game than almost any paid 2nd plus year player out there. (Tired of pay day to pay day and having to argue with Direct TV for their "bottom line price NFL package".)
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I go to church every Sunday. I am uncomfortable about praying for victory because personally I think it is a little much to ask that of God for such a trivial thing. If I pray for anything game wise it is that no one gets hurt and they play to their abilities. Additionally, like Millbank, I pray for everyone's safety.


My prayer list is filled and very unfortunately and very sadly, lately with children who have leukemia and cancer.



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I go to church every Sunday. I am uncomfortable about praying for victory because personally I think it is a little much to ask that of God for such a trivial thing. If I pray for anything game wise it is that no one gets hurt and they play to their abilities. Additionally, like Millbank, I pray for everyone's safety.


My prayer list is filled and very unfortunately and very sadly, lately with children who have leukemia and cancer.




Sorry to hear about the children, keep up the prayers.


I agree, I think praying for victory is a little trivial, but I do pray for all Bills players to stay healthy and play at their very best. (I should extend those prayers to our opponent, but I figure let their fans worry about that!)

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