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  1. somebody let me know if their prescription works..I made it past Dick but couldn't finish the job.
  2. Not a church going person but I do have my beliefs. I love the Bills to the point where more often than not my wife is completely pissed at my passion, (for lack of a better word), but yet I don't believe they are worthy of prayer. It is just a game nonetheless. With a bunch of overpaid knuckleheads having the privilege of playing it for a living. Tired of all the Brady/Manning watching what's going on with contract talks when if you gave twenty fans contracts worth twenty million total with the stipulation that they had to buy season tickets for twenty years and do everything they can to fill the stands for said twenty years they would do it with more fervor and love of the game than almost any paid 2nd plus year player out there. (Tired of pay day to pay day and having to argue with Direct TV for their "bottom line price NFL package".)
  3. I don't have the rule book handy but I thought it said you're not allowed to do that if you are undersized?
  4. Didn't Palmer make a big play in the Detroit preseason game against us?
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