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Vincent Jackson


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A second next year and a third in 2012. Not bad. His salary demands are a drawback. But imagine a lineup with Evans, Jackson, Roscoe, Jackson, Spiller. Thats ridiculous!





We've been over this. He is suspended to start the season. Way too much to give up for him AND we would have to RE-SIGN him. Good thought and good player but not worth it. :thumbdown:

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Yeah, except we said the same thing last year sans Spiller, look where that got us. You're going to pay two WR's top dollar? For a run-based offense with a mediocre-at-best QB, one who still hasn't even been named the starter? Bad idea. Why not develop your players? There are two hundred WR's on the roster right now, will one of them not develop into a #2?

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I'd be leery of tying up to much salary in one or two players. Seems to me that a team built on depth has a better chance of success than a team built on stars and scrubs. The Bills already appear to have a stable of solid, though not spetacular, receivers.

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A second next year and a third in 2012. Not bad. His salary demands are a drawback. But imagine a lineup with Evans, Jackson, Roscoe, Jackson, Spiller. Thats ridiculous!




You must be confusing this team with the New York Yankees. Going out and effectively buying established stars is not the way to build a winner in the NFL. Nor is it even respectable. I'm all for adding talent at reasonable prices (I think Adalius Thomas would be a great addition), but develop your superstars.

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You must be confusing this team with the New York Yankees. Going out and effectively buying established stars is not the way to build a winner in the NFL. Nor is it even respectable. I'm all for adding talent at reasonable prices (I think Adalius Thomas would be a great addition), but develop your superstars.


I agree with you on this one. Adalius would be a great addition

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A second next year and a third in 2012. Not bad. His salary demands are a drawback. But imagine a lineup with Evans, Jackson, Roscoe, Jackson, Spiller. Thats ridiculous!




This is guy is over rated based on his contract demands. He does not have the resume worthy of the contract he is demanding. He is not Fitzgerald or Andre Johnson. He hasnt been consistent with high production over his career. Yes, he has had some good seasons, but the guy wants a rediculous contract. Proof in the pudding is that all the teams who inquired about trading for him immediately withdrew from talks as soon as they heard his contract demands.


More importantly, we would not get the production out of him that his contract would imply based on how this team is built.

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A second next year and a third in 2012. Not bad. His salary demands are a drawback. But imagine a lineup with Evans, Jackson, Roscoe, Jackson, Spiller. Thats ridiculous!



Think about how much money would be tied up at the WR position between Evans and V.Jackson. Pass.

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Spending lots of $$ at WR is not a turnaround formula. It may put a solid playoff team into the super bowl, but does not turn around a franchise. I am very optimistic about the crop of young receivers on the team, I would be happier seeing other spots helped out a bit more.


League wide, the gap between the best of the best, and the rest continues to close.



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I'd be leery of tying up to much salary in one or two players. Seems to me that a team built on depth has a better chance of success than a team built on stars and scrubs. The Bills already appear to have a stable of solid, though not spetacular, receivers.

agree completely. If we the Bills were current contenders, and only had a hole at WR, then sure. but thats not where we are, obviously.


and besides, look what TO did for us.

Edited by dgrid
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Didn't TO last year show people that regardless of how much talent you have at WR, you need a decent QB to have a successful passing game? Vincenzo's a very good player, but he's not going to turn Edwards into Rivers.


Now, if the Vikings went and got him, that would be a pretty good move for them.

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