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Prop 8 struck down

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Calling somebody a bigot has a funny way of acheiving those results you state.

Tom never called you a bigot. Other people have, and rightly so.

You want somebody to listen, you check the hate at the door... That is exactly what I have done.

No, you haven't. All you've done is changed your tactic because you didn't like being exposed. It's patently ridiculous but that's pretty much expected. Bigots don't change - they die and their prejudices die with them. The next generation of Americans will give homosexuals the rights they deserve and the world won't end because of it, just the same as it didn't end when women got equality and people of color started using the same public facilities.


You're a scared bigot who thinks his kids can be recruited to be gay. Sad AND funny.

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Again... Gayness or heteroness has nothing to do about how you are born. There I said it... Yes Conner, you surely could have turned GAY if YOU WANTED TOO (I am not so sure you didn't). :thumbsup:


Anyway... Everything is a cultural thing. Of course ever action or practice is natural biology thing. I just had co-workers come back from Afghanistan... It's funny how they tell stories how the culture there likes male-boy... My point is, it is perfectly natural to them.


Why is this even a "state" issue? Because of the damn preferential treatment the heteros receive... And that should stop!


I do believe homosexuality is partially influenced by genes. There is some scientific evidence to support this position. The key word and the word I want to emphasize here is partially.

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You are very silly these recent days. Either you've stopped trying, or you are trying to hard to insult me. I can't tell.


Conner, there is nothing I can say or add to your posts that illustrates your complete stupidity any better than you do yourself.


I can only marvel at the phenom of you.

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I think it is normal to eat chicken. We should hold a vote to kick non chicken eaters out of the country.


This talk about "alternate life styles" makes me laugh. Unless these so-called alternate life styles cause direct harm, you just live with it. That is how America was meant to be. Majority vote doesn't mean that the so-called minority has to submit

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I'm on board. It'll take care of PETA.

PETA has their headquarters in Norfolk. The building has an elephant statue out front.


I want to buy a small plot of land in downtown Norfolk near the PETA building and build a statue of a hunter in orange cammies pointing a shotgun :thumbsup:

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Ok if you want a realistic comparison, how about a law that says if a parent allows their kid to play video games or watch TV for more than 20 minutes a day, they are stripped of guardianship permanently and the kids will be given to someone who actually will look after them. That is realistic, cause any parent who allows more that that 20 minutes is unsuited to look after a child anyways.

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Tom never called you a bigot. Other people have, and rightly so.


No, you haven't. All you've done is changed your tactic because you didn't like being exposed. It's patently ridiculous but that's pretty much expected. Bigots don't change - they die and their prejudices die with them. The next generation of Americans will give homosexuals the rights they deserve and the world won't end because of it, just the same as it didn't end when women got equality and people of color started using the same public facilities.


You're a scared bigot who thinks his kids can be recruited to be gay. Sad AND funny.


You misjudge how powerful organized religion plays on the hearts and minds of many. All I can say is to keep hope alive brother! The world won't end of course. If you can come back from the afterworld, you are going to be deeply surprised how entrenched people (as you call bigots) are.


No need for me to be scared here... If I was, I wouldn't be advocating what I am saying. I am by no means scared my children will be gay... If they choose that road so be it... I don't insulate them from any gay/lesbian influence. YOU seem to be scared and here is why: There is an easy way to make people equal and that is to NOT recognize any marriage in the eyes of the state. Only children should ride the coattails of an adult individual in the eyes of the state. What that means is if you and I are in hetero, state recognized "marriages" we should be willing to give up any preferential treatment we and our significant other enjoys. Are you willing? I am. Of course you are not, because I don't see you being into organized religion so this is the one area (gay marriage) where "Libertarian Darin" clings to the state for recognition. I will still have my marriage in the eyes of the church as will gays who get married in churchs that recognized gay marriage. Again, you are the disease, the spreader of ill will, not the cure.

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You misjudge how powerful organized religion plays on the hearts and minds of many. All I can say is to keep hope alive brother! The world won't end of course. If you can come back from the afterworld, you are going to be deeply surprised how entrenched people (as you call bigots) are.


No need for me to be scared here... If I was, I wouldn't be advocating what I am saying. I am by no means scared my children will be gay... If they choose that road so be it... I don't insulate them from any gay/lesbian influence. YOU seem to be scared and here is why: There is an easy way to make people equal and that is to NOT recognize any marriage in the eyes of the state. Only children should ride the coattails of an adult individual in the eyes of the state. What that means is if you and I are in hetero, state recognized "marriages" we should be willing to give up any preferential treatment we and our significant other enjoys. Are you willing? I am. Of course you are not, because I don't see you being into organized religion so this is the one area (gay marriage) where "Libertarian Darin" clings to the state for recognition. I will still have my marriage in the eyes of the church as will gays who get married in churchs that recognized gay marriage. Again, you are the disease, the spreader of ill will, not the cure.

I am mixed at the concept of letting religous groups the power to make the decision.


People clearly shouldn't get to vote on it, but giving religous groups power, seldom ends well.


Again, things that can't harm anyone are things that should be ignored.

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Again, things that can't harm anyone are things that should be ignored.


It is not so much that gay marriage will harm anything (except maybe put a burden on society's finances or open up the whole plural marriage debate etc..) as it is the harm done by ignoring the will of the people who believe that gay marriage is as wrong as speeding in a work zone. The danger lies in the gov't trying to instill new social mores against the will of the people. People can make comparisons to African-Americans, women's suffrage, etc... BUT it was the will (or at least the majority putting pressure on the pockets of resistence) of the people who changed how those issues were thought about in society. We are skating on very thin ice, not so much the world will end, but the trouble it brings. In do time if the will of the people change, so be it... It ain't gonna happen because gov't says so. Gov't won't win against religious issues... It is best to separate ALL marriage now.


This doesn't mean I am scared, by no means I am not.


The area of "why people are gay" is very much debated... Nobody knows the answer... Till then, the issue can't be resolved the way the people for gay marriage want it to be so all they resort to is bullying and name calling to try an intimidate people into their way of thinking (IE: "Libertarian" Darin). Yes, two can play that game. :thumbsup:

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It is not so much that gay marriage will harm anything (except maybe put a burden on society's finances or open up the whole plural marriage debate etc..) as it is the harm done by ignoring the will of the people who believe that gay marriage is as wrong as speeding in a work zone. The danger lies in the gov't trying to instill new social mores against the will of the people. People can make comparisons to African-Americans, women's suffrage, etc... BUT it was the will (or at least the majority putting pressure on the pockets of resistence) of the people who changed how those issues were thought about in society. We are skating on very thin ice, not so much the world will end, but the trouble it brings. In do time if the will of the people change, so be it... It ain't gonna happen because gov't says so. Gov't won't win against religious issues... It is best to separate ALL marriage now.


This doesn't mean I am scared, by no means I am not.


The area of "why people are gay" is very much debated... Nobody knows the answer... Till then, the issue can't be resolved the way the people for gay marriage want it to be so all they resort to is bullying and name calling to try an intimidate people into their way of thinking (IE: "Libertarian" Darin). Yes, two can play that game. :thumbsup:

I am for taking children away from parents who allow them to play more than 20 minutes of video games per day. These parents are social deviants and allowing there kids to do this is tantamount to child abuse. Put the kids in a caring environment, which will allow them to be functioning members of society, instead of being like their deviant parents

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Why is it always about "sides" with you? Can't issues be a complex array of intricacies with many variables? Is it always just simply right or left, republican or democrat? Stop pigeonholing people.




We still do not know why people are gay. Is it social? Is it biology? Or both? We know it is natural. Just because it is natural, doesn't mean it has to be recognized. Plural relationships are natural, they happen in almost every culture just as there are homosexual people... Yet, plural marriages are not recognized in American society. A co-worker of mine did three stints in Iraq and two in Afghanistan. He tells stories how he worked with a man in Iraq that maintained three wives and three households. He also mentioned how in Afghanistan homosexuality is quite a tradition (little boys) in that country among the Pashtun. Of course I am not judging these societies, just pointing out how these things happen in nature among other cultures.


Why do societies have any rules than?

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You misjudge how powerful organized religion plays on the hearts and minds of many.

No I don't.

All I can say is to keep hope alive brother! The world won't end of course. If you can come back from the afterworld, you are going to be deeply surprised how entrenched people (as you call bigots) are.

No, I'm not. I see the deep entrenchment here every day, regardless of subject or what reality is.

No need for me to be scared here... If I was, I wouldn't be advocating what I am saying. I am by no means scared my children will be gay... If they choose that road so be it... I don't insulate them from any gay/lesbian influence.

Sure you don't.

YOU seem to be scared and here is why: There is an easy way to make people equal and that is to NOT recognize any marriage in the eyes of the state.

Patently ridiculous.

Only children should ride the coattails of an adult individual in the eyes of the state. What that means is if you and I are in hetero, state recognized "marriages" we should be willing to give up any preferential treatment we and our significant other enjoys.

Preferential treatment? You think you're helping yourself here?*

Are you willing? I am. Of course you are not, because I don't see you being into organized religion so this is the one area (gay marriage) where "Libertarian Darin" clings to the state for recognition. I will still have my marriage in the eyes of the church as will gays who get married in churchs that recognized gay marriage. Again, you are the disease, the spreader of ill will, not the cure.

The only thing I cling to is reality. You've whined completely and totally about "societal norms" then your "solution" to making people equal is to rip out the very fabric you tried so desperately to defend because you're unable to face your own bigotry.


Allowing EVERYONE the same legal rights is the foundation our country was built upon. I could give a flying crap about whatever "flying spaghetti monster" edifice you or any other zealot is trying to cling to. They won't have to perform gay marriages in the future, just like they don't have to perform hetero marriages for everyone now.


Thanks, though, for the ridiculous notion that someone who advocates the same rights for all is the spreader of ill will. Just another feather in the retard bonnet you wear so proudly. And yeah, I get the irony of insulting you here.

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The only thing I cling to is reality. You've whined completely and totally about "societal norms" then your "solution" to making people equal is to rip out the very fabric you tried so desperately to defend because you're unable to face your own bigotry.


Body blow, body blow...

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