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We're talking about pens here.  Stay on topic.


By the way, you know that story about the tortise and the hare?  Turns out that it never really happened.  In fact, if you race a rabbit and a turtle, the rabbit wins every time!  I read it on snopes.com.  Just want to keep the record straight.



Are you absolutely sure that Lombardi said the exact quote that's in your signature? Wouldn't want you spreading false information....

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I may be spreading propoganda, since the moon is not really made of ribs




The best skit was when he was talking about hot dogs...


he said if they ever perfected cloning, he would clone hots dogs... "Hot dog's would be so plentiful, they would be our currency"... "20 hot dogs would roughly equal a nickle"


(man this is so much funnier when you can hear his drunken voice saying it....

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We're talking about pens here.  Stay on topic.


By the way, you know that story about the tortise and the hare?  Turns out that it never really happened.  In fact, if you race a rabbit and a turtle, the rabbit wins every time!  I read it on snopes.com.  Just want to keep the record straight.



there's a topic?

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Walter Cronkite was amazed when (I think it was) Wally Schirra emerged from a space capsule clean shaven. It was a big deal after being in space for over a week. He used shaving lather and a safety razor. Norelco and Shick had nearly driven them to extinction. Poor old Walter was astonished and amused, kinda like I was when I saw my first shaved one.

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