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OT - Michael Peca

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Michael Peca turned down millions of dollars from Buffalo because it wasn't enough for him. He said he would never play for Buffalo again because they did not offer him enough money. He was so greedy he left an area where he was well respected and admired and he held out for a year so he could make money somewhere else.


Michael Peca is a part of why there is no NHL hockey being played today.


He also recently said that if the owners use replacement players that there would be actions (implying dirty play) taken against the NHL players who first decide to go against the players union & play hockey under a new NHL.


Michael Peca you are dirty greedy scum. Enjoy playing hockey at the Pepsi center instead of NHL arenas.



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Michael Peca turned down millions of dollars from Buffalo because it wasn't enough for him. He said he would never play for Buffalo again because they did not offer him enough money. He was so greedy he left an area where he was well respected and admired and he held out for a year so he could make money somewhere else.


Michael Peca is a part of why there is no NHL hockey being played today.


He also recently said that if the owners use replacement players that there would be actions (implying dirty play) taken against the NHL players who first decide to go against the players union & play hockey under a new NHL.


Michael Peca you are dirty greedy scum. Enjoy playing hockey at the Pepsi center instead of NHL arenas.





Um yeah.

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the bigger picture was that peca saw what was happening with the regas/adelphi stuff. I still have a problem with the way that he and hasek left the team, but all in all, i'd take peca back in a heartbeat. as for the cheap shot for guys who cross the line, that's weak. The only guys who people should be cheap shotting is that bob gootenow guy and buttman. What tools.


Oh yeah, colin campbell can take one too. He's a buffalo hater.

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What's amazing about these guys is how they're talking retribution against players who'd cross the line and take their jobs, yet it's OK for over a third of their union members to go to Europe and take someone else's job.


Nicely put :doh:

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The Rigases were looting money from Adelphia all over the place and they let Peca hold out for an entire season over $500,000 and then traded him for 2 pieces of crap. I'd have thought if they were stealing millions and millions, why not just steal a little more and keep the captain of their hockey team and try and win the Stanley Cup? Greedy SOB's kept all the money they stole for themselves.


Rigas and his son will be sentenced on January 5th.


NHL and the Player's Association will start negotiations next week. Just like in 1994, there has to be an agreement by the end of December to have a shortened season starting in late January.

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Michael Peca turned down millions of dollars from Buffalo because it wasn't enough for him. He said he would never play for Buffalo again because they did not offer him enough money. He was so greedy he left an area where he was well respected and admired and he held out for a year so he could make money somewhere else.


Michael Peca is a part of why there is no NHL hockey being played today.


He also recently said that if the owners use replacement players that there would be actions (implying dirty play) taken against the NHL players who first decide to go against the players union & play hockey under a new NHL.


Michael Peca you are dirty greedy scum. Enjoy playing hockey at the Pepsi center instead of NHL arenas.





Who here has left their job for more money? No one right. I mean we all stay with our employers because we love to play for them. Oh wait what am I saying...

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Peca captained Sabres to multiple playoff berths, then left here and led the Islanders to the playoffs. Meanwhile, the Sabres gave Stu Barnes, a third line center on most teams, the contract Peca wanted. Barnes is long gone and we haven;t been in playoffs in years.

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There are also some good hockey players..read this;;;




"Patrick, who has developed an e-mail friendship with Butterworth, scoffed at any comparison between what he does for a living and what Butterworth does as a soldier."


James Patrick is just the best. The more you know about the guy, the more there is to like.

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Michael Peca turned down millions of dollars from Buffalo because it wasn't enough for him. He said he would never play for Buffalo again because they did not offer him enough money. He was so greedy he left an area where he was well respected and admired and he held out for a year so he could make money somewhere else.


Michael Peca is a part of why there is no NHL hockey being played today.


He also recently said that if the owners use replacement players that there would be actions (implying dirty play) taken against the NHL players who first decide to go against the players union & play hockey under a new NHL.


Michael Peca you are dirty greedy scum. Enjoy playing hockey at the Pepsi center instead of NHL arenas.





Peca has really made himself into a very unsympathetic character. I don't blame the owners who take a stand against escalating salaries in hockey because the revenue isn't there. It's not just the money they didn't pay Peca, it's the escalation that stuff causes. I miss coming home and turning on a Sabres game, but I am ecstatic that this season is circling the drain because ultimately it's the only hope for competitive balance in the NHL.

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