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NAACP accuses Tea Party of being racist

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I'll say it again--you folks defending him are NUTS and by standing up for this guy you show your true colors. What he did was plain and simply WRONG and his tactics here to any fair-minded, non-bitterly partisan person serve to severely delegitimate any "message" he was trying to send (although it's been fun watching him try to spin this aspect of things).


For the record, quit trying to peg me as someone "you know" on these issues who defends things like Al Sharpton, which is what Mr. LA is implying. No, when someone like Sharpton says something nuts I call him out on it, too, as do most reasonable-minded people. Keep setting up some non-existant boogeyman to knock down--works so well for Beck, Hannity and O'Reilly, must work here, right? Absolutely, ridiculous and as I said before, anyone who defends this guy should be ashamed of themselves now that the whole truth has come out.....

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Which is why you're regularly called an idiot.


No, looked to me, too, like he was trying to defend that POS Breitbart. Simple question--do you repudiate this guy and what he did here? If not, I've got no time for you, since you're so far gone from reality that you can't be saved and I'd hate to live in your bitter and twisted world.


PS As you can tell, this guy's got me very worked up--the last thing people in this country need is some racist wannabe demagogue creating racial issues where there were none. What he needs to be is shunned......

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No, looked to me, too, like he was trying to defend that POS Breitbart.

And you'd be wrong, too.

Simple question--do you repudiate this guy and what he did here? If not, I've got no time for you, since you're so far gone from reality that you can't be saved and I'd hate to live in your bitter and twisted world.

I don't know the story and frankly I don't care about it. It's chaff - something to keep the idiots satiated while the ruling elite continue to steal your grandchildren's grandchildren's money. And I could give a flying rat's ass about whether you have time for me or not. I've managed to live this long without your approval, so I'm sure I'll be OK.

PS As you can tell, this guy's got me very worked up--the last thing people in this country need is some racist wannabe demagogue creating racial issues where there were none. What he needs to be is shunned......

You mean like the vast majority of the the two ruling parties?

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I'll say it again--you folks defending him are NUTS and by standing up for this guy you show your true colors. What he did was plain and simply WRONG and his tactics here to any fair-minded, non-bitterly partisan person serve to severely delegitimate any "message" he was trying to send (although it's been fun watching him try to spin this aspect of things).


For the record, quit trying to peg me as someone "you know" on these issues who defends things like Al Sharpton, which is what Mr. LA is implying. No, when someone like Sharpton says something nuts I call him out on it, too, as do most reasonable-minded people. Keep setting up some non-existant boogeyman to knock down--works so well for Beck, Hannity and O'Reilly, must work here, right? Absolutely, ridiculous and as I said before, anyone who defends this guy should be ashamed of themselves now that the whole truth has come out.....


It took three words in this whole screed to see you are utterly and totally full of ****.

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After what's come out the last day or so on this story, I have ZERO respect for anyone who can stand up in any way for what Breitbart did here. He basically edited a film to distort and in some ways completely reverse the speaker's message in order to score political points. In doing so it was clearly foreseeable that it was going to have horrible consequences for his innocent victim who he didn't even know, but he didn't give a rat's ass who he hurt and damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead. This guy is a complete jerk and what he did here should completely delegitimate any message he was trying to send.


I'm normally a fairly non-violent guy, but there's a part of me that thinks justice will only be done here should Ms. Sherrod have a 6 foot 5 250 pound son who played some D-I linebacker happen to have an "encounter" with good ole Mr. B.....


Here's the transcript of her ENTIRE speech, BTW--makes me incredibly angry to read it, but the primary sources are always your best bet for unspinned information:




You're mad at Breitbart after he followed the general script of 95% of all news organizations?


What do you think happens when you read a news story or watch a TV news segment? Do you get to see the who story from both sides, or just the writers', editors' and reporters' version of what happened?


Welcome to the sausage factory. You were warned it wasn't pretty.

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It took three words in this whole screed to see you are utterly and totally full of ****.


How so? I give reasonsed responses and I get back grade school name-calling and garbage. Par for the course in political discourse these days, sadly. I'll ask it again--how can ANYONE defend what this guy did? He clearly knew what he was doing was wrong (I suspect he didn't realize that someone else had the tape to find him out and is now spinning like mad to try to not appear to be the complete jerk he's been shown to be) and could inflict serious damage to the person he was wronging, but really didn't care. She should do us all a favor and sue him into the poorhouse.


What infuriates me is that if you take the time to read her speech, while you may not agree with aspects of it, it was 180 degrees away from what Breitbart's excerpts painted it as. It was about racial reconciliation and this woman using an example of she herself learning to not be racist and to overcome her own background and prejudices--using herself as an example of what not to do and why--and this guy twisted it completely around. Absolutely shameful.....

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How so? I give reasonsed responses and I get back grade school name-calling and garbage. Par for the course in political discourse these days, sadly. I'll ask it again--how can ANYONE defend what this guy did? He clearly knew what he was doing was wrong (I suspect he didn't realize that someone else had the tape to find him out and is now spinning like mad to try to not appear to be the complete jerk he's been shown to be) and could inflict serious damage to the person he was wronging, but really didn't care. She should do us all a favor and sue him into the poorhouse.


What infuriates me is that if you take the time to read her speech, while you may not agree with aspects of it, it was 180 degrees away from what Breitbart's excerpts painted it as. It was about racial reconciliation and this woman using an example of she herself learning to not be racist and to overcome her own background and prejudices--using herself as an example of what not to do and why--and this guy twisted it completely around. Absolutely shameful.....


I'll defend him...but ONLY in the context of a news cycle that deprecates actually researching a story in favor of hundreds of "outlets" trying to scoop each other to salacious stories that sell ad space. Breitbart's failing in this story isn't his, it's systematic.


The administration's failure was bigger, in my opinion...Breitbart is inescapably part of that system, the administration could and should have chosen to be aloof from it, and they didn't.

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How so? I give reasonsed responses and I get back grade school name-calling and garbage. Par for the course in political discourse these days, sadly. I'll ask it again--how can ANYONE defend what this guy did? He clearly knew what he was doing was wrong (I suspect he didn't realize that someone else had the tape to find him out and is now spinning like mad to try to not appear to be the complete jerk he's been shown to be) and could inflict serious damage to the person he was wronging, but really didn't care. She should do us all a favor and sue him into the poorhouse.


What infuriates me is that if you take the time to read her speech, while you may not agree with aspects of it, it was 180 degrees away from what Breitbart's excerpts painted it as. It was about racial reconciliation and this woman using an example of she herself learning to not be racist and to overcome her own background and prejudices--using herself as an example of what not to do and why--and this guy twisted it completely around. Absolutely shameful.....


How do you feel about this?



Your answer will tell how full of it you really are.

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How do you feel about this?



Your answer will tell how full of it you really are.


Two wrongs making a right? What's your point other than to deflect blame here since "the other guys do it too"? Pathetic.


Quit dodging the immediate questions here--where do YOU stand on Breitbart? Difference is, what he did referenced an INDIVIDUAL and was clearly something that was going to COST AN INNOCENT (AND SOME WOULD EVEN SAY INSPIRATIONAL) PERSON HER JOB AND WORSE (SHE'S GOTTEN DEATH THREATS, FOR EX.). HUGE, HUGE difference. Imagine if it was YOU he pulled this crap on. I'm using all caps because you seem a little slow on the uptake or maybe just unwilling to think for yourself and away from your orthodoxy. It's funny that since you're such a slave to it you figure others are, too, but no, some of us can realize that something's clearly wrong even if it's "our side" that's doing it....

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Two wrongs making a right? What's your point other than to deflect blame here since "the other guys do it too"? Pathetic.


Quit dodging the immediate questions here--where do YOU stand on Breitbart? Difference is, what he did referenced an INDIVIDUAL and was clearly something that was going to COST AN INNOCENT (AND SOME WOULD EVEN SAY INSPIRATIONAL) PERSON HER JOB AND WORSE (SHE'S GOTTEN DEATH THREATS, FOR EX.). HUGE, HUGE difference. Imagine if it was YOU he pulled this crap on. I'm using all caps because you seem a little slow on the uptake or maybe just unwilling to think for yourself and away from your orthodoxy. It's funny that since you're such a slave to it you figure others are, too, but no, some of us can realize that something's clearly wrong even if it's "our side" that's doing it....


Dont try to switch this to me...Ive already given my opinion of Breitbart.


So basically saying "but this is different." vis a vis the MSNBC video and how they used very selective editing to further their agenda.


Do I have that correct? And you're saying that mostly because the man in the MSNBC video is somehow "guilty" of something, where Sherrod isn't?


No...two wrongs dont make a right...but it doesnt give the people who committed the wrong in the first place..and still do commit that wrong on a daily.....to B word about other people committing it. Thats called hypocrisy.

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Dont try to switch this to me...Ive already given my opinion of Breitbart.


So basically saying "but this is different." vis a vis the MSNBC video and how they used very selective editing to further their agend.


Do I have that correct? And youre saying that mostly becuase the man in the MSNBC video is somehow "guilty" of something, where Sherrod isnt?


No...two wrongs dont make a right...but it doesnt give the people who commited the wrong in the first place..and still do commit that wrong on a daily.....to B word about other people commiting it. Thats called hypocrisy.



I've searched your posts this week, but I must have missed your thoughts on Breitbart other than your "egg on his face" comment. Really, that's all you have to say about someone who INTENTIONALLY RUINED AN INNOCENT PERSON'S LIFE FOR PERSONAL/POLITICAL GAIN?


That's okay, keep trying to switch topics, but it just makes YOU look like a one-trick political hack (to use your word) who can't think for himself and who's got himself so far out there on the Right Wing limb that he can't realize when someone on that side of things does something reprehensible.


PS Do you only write on politics and not football (the original purpose of this board, BTW)? From a quick look, sure looked that way to me. Are you from WNY and/or a football fan or did the Republican party plant you here to just stir the political pot? :w00t:

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I've searched your posts this week, but I must have missed your thoughts on Breitbart other than your "egg on his face" comment. Really, that's all you have to say about someone who INTENTIONALLY RUINED AN INNOCENT PERSON'S LIFE FOR PERSONAL/POLITICAL GAIN?


That's okay, keep trying to switch topics, but it just makes YOU look like a one-trick political hack (to use your word) who can't think for himself and who's got himself so far out there on the Right Wing limb that he can't realize when someone on that side of things does something reprehensible.


PS Do you only write on politics and not football (the original purpose of this board, BTW)? From a quick look, sure looked that way to me. Are you from WNY and/or a football fan or did the Republican party plant you here to just stir the political pot? :w00t:

Rk is both a BILLS' fan AND a retarded righty partisan hack.


I'm not sure Breitbart ruined anyone's life. That's pretty emotional. There's a really good chance that the "victim" is going to end up far better off financially than if this story never hit the airwaves.

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I've searched your posts this week, but I must have missed your thoughts on Breitbart other than your "egg on his face" comment. Really, that's all you have to say about someone who INTENTIONALLY RUINED AN INNOCENT PERSON'S LIFE FOR PERSONAL/POLITICAL GAIN?


That's okay, keep trying to switch topics, but it just makes YOU look like a one-trick political hack (to use your word) who can't think for himself and who's got himself so far out there on the Right Wing limb that he can't realize when someone on that side of things does something reprehensible.


PS Do you only write on politics and not football (the original purpose of this board, BTW)? From a quick look, sure looked that way to me. Are you from WNY and/or a football fan or did the Republican party plant you here to just stir the political pot? :w00t:


I engaged you from the get-go to show that your diatribe and "outrage" over Andrew Breitbart's actions are completly phony and self-serving to your liberal politics. To do so, I gave you an example of a left-leaning media source employing the exact same tactic that Andrew Breitbart used, also used against an innocent man (unless he broke any weapons carry laws, he did nothing wrong) and also used against the prism of race to see if you would equally condemn that one.


So Ill ask you again...my original question........do you equally condemn the "gotcha" style politics wherever its used and do you acknowledge that it is a common tactic that is deployed by many on both sides of the political spectrum?


And yes....I am a Bills fan...and do spend the bulk of my time at PPP. Im not sure how that's germane to the situation, though.

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I engaged you from the get-go to show that your diatribe and "outrage" over Andrew Breitbart's actions are completly phony and self-serving to your liberal politics. To do so, I gave you an example of a left-leaning media source employing the exact same tactic that Andrew Breitbart used, also used against an innocent man (unless he broke any weapons carry laws, he did nothing wrong) and also used against the prism of race to see if you would equally condemn that one.


So Ill ask you again...my original question........do you equally condemn the "gotcha" style politics wherever its used and do you acknowledge that it is a common tactic that is deployed by many on both sides of the political spectrum?


And yes....I am a Bills fan...and do spend the bulk of my time at PPP. Im not sure how that's germane to the situation, though.



Go ahead--keep refusing to answer the question. This thread is about Breitbart and his video, in case you've forgotten. Your silence on that point speaks volumes about your views. Personally, I view this issue as a litmus test about whether someone has good intentions and is a reasonable person and not just a party apparatchik. FWIW, I've got several very good and very conservative friends (one of whom was sending me e-mails from Monday touting Breitbart's initial video) who've admitted that this guy did wrong and deserves to be at the very least sued. That's because along with being conservative, they're also fair-minded.


Without saying that your video shows a wrong (I watched about half of it before getting disgusted at your attempt to change the topic--maybe it does show a "wrong", maybe it doesn't, but I don't believe that germane to my question to you right here), I've told you above, two wrongs a right do not make. If someone "on the left" uses dodgy tactics then call them out on them and condemn them for it, but BE CONSISTENT, otherwise you're no more than an unthinking, knee jerk moron without principles.


I'm still waiting for your answer to the question at hand here in this thread ON THE BREITBART VIDEO.....

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Go ahead--keep refusing to answer the question. This thread is about Breitbart and his video, in case you've forgotten. Your silence on that point speaks volumes about your views. Personally, I view this issue as a litmus test about whether someone has good intentions and is a reasonable person and not just a party apparatchik. FWIW, I've got several very good and very conservative friends (one of whom was sending me e-mails from Monday touting Breitbart's initial video) who've admitted that this guy did wrong and deserves to be at the very least sued. That's because along with being conservative, they're also fair-minded.


For what?

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Go ahead--keep refusing to answer the question. This thread is about Breitbart and his video, in case you've forgotten. Your silence on that point speaks volumes about your views. Personally, I view this issue as a litmus test about whether someone has good intentions and is a reasonable person and not just a party apparatchik. FWIW, I've got several very good and very conservative friends (one of whom was sending me e-mails from Monday touting Breitbart's initial video) who've admitted that this guy did wrong and deserves to be at the very least sued. That's because along with being conservative, they're also fair-minded.


Without saying that your video shows a wrong (I watched about half of it before getting disgusted at your attempt to change the topic--maybe it does show a "wrong", maybe it doesn't, but I don't believe that germane to my question to you right here), I've told you above, two wrongs a right do not make. If someone "on the left" uses dodgy tactics then call them out on them and condemn them for it, but BE CONSISTENT, otherwise you're no more than an unthinking, knee jerk moron without principles.


I'm still waiting for your answer to the question at hand here in this thread ON THE BREITBART VIDEO.....


You just admitted to the whole forum that you didnt watch my video example and you just also revealed (implied) that your whole diatribe and "outrage" is NOT motivated by the acutal action that took place, but by the ideological association of the man who committed it. Becuase if your routrage really WAS about the action, you WOULD have watched my video and you WOULD have condemned it as well. But you wont. Youre focused on Breitbart and used ONLY right leaning pundits to show how "bad" the gotcha tactic is. Not a word about when the left does it. Not one.


That makes you a !@#$ing phony or as you say "an unthinking, knee jerk moron without principles."


Which was my point all along.



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Rk is both a BILLS' fan AND a retarded righty partisan hack.


I'm not sure Breitbart ruined anyone's life. That's pretty emotional. There's a really good chance that the "victim" is going to end up far better off financially than if this story never hit the airwaves.


Yeah, and that was Breitbart's intention, to make this woman rich. Give me a break. That said, I hope it works out that way and I hope she sues him for defamation and slander for all he's worth (which is probably a lot, not from his own endeavors, but since from his bio it's pretty clear that he's a spoiled little rich kid from Brentwood--what a shock, a wealthy Republican talking head who largely inherited money and his position in our society from mommy and daddy. I shall alert the media).


I'm pretty sure he thought he had the only videotape of that speech and wouldn't be unmasked as he has been, otherwise unless he's a complete and utter moron he'd have never run the story the way he did. It's pretty clear to any objective person that this guy ran (no, created through his disingenous editing) a story with the incredibly foreseeable result that it would ruin an innocent person's life, but he really didn't care about that at all. That it didn't turn out that way through forces outside of Breitbart's control doesn't excuse this fact. He's a scumball who deserves to be shunned (or worse).....

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