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Mosque coming to Ground Zero

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1. Of course they have a right to build the Mosque, no rational person with an 11th grade understanding of the Constitution can deny that.

2. They have as much of a right as Rex Ryan has to take his shirt off at the beach, but, nobody wants to see either exercise their rights.

3. This will not help the cause of healing, or, inter-faith relations, or, increasing the understanding/tolerance of Islam, and it won't help Americans to see Muslims as rational, tolerant, or sensitive.

4. If "Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance", and you are trying to convince me of that, why are we talking about the Constitution? The document has nothing to do with Islam, and was not based on it in any way.

5. If you are trying to convince me of something, show me where in your teachings the justification lies for building this Mosque. Show how this is an example of "tolerance".

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Not quite; with McCain there would have been more people unemployed, as he would have let GM go down the tubes, he wouldn't have provided money in a Recovery act to save first responders and teachers jobs, significant health care reform would have been kicked down the road, and there would be no reduction of troops in Iraq. Not to mention that I would pray every night that he remain healthy and safe.


What's the down side?

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1. Of course they have a right to build the Mosque, no rational person with an 11th grade understanding of the Constitution can deny that.

2. They have as much of a right as Rex Ryan has to take his shirt off at the beach, but, nobody wants to see either exercise their rights.

3. This will not help the cause of healing, or, inter-faith relations, or, increasing the understanding/tolerance of Islam, and it won't help Americans to see Muslims as rational, tolerant, or sensitive.

4. If "Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance", and you are trying to convince me of that, why are we talking about the Constitution? The document has nothing to do with Islam, and was not based on it in any way.

5. If you are trying to convince me of something, show me where in your teachings the justification lies for building this Mosque. Show how this is an example of "tolerance".

Please, oh please show me that the religion of peace, tolerance and love of fuzzy wookies is Christianity.


This should be good......

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Please, oh please show me that the religion of peace, tolerance and love of fuzzy wookies is Christianity.


This should be good......

Ok Bill Clinton Obfuscation master...we are talking about Islam, because we are talking about building a Mosque, not a Cathedral. Christianity has nothing to do with this. Stay on topic, Mr. "I bring up the irrelevant as a way to defend the indefensible". Apparently it's impossible to talk about Islam by itself, because apparently Islam doesn't exist in stand-alone form, it only comes with the "Christianity module". :w00t:


The premise is that building the mosque will be a source of healing. I am asking you, or anyone, how the f that makes sense, and to show their work using the Koran, or any Muslim rationale.

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Ok Bill Clinton Obfuscation master...we are talking about Islam, because we are talking about building a Mosque, not a Cathedral. Christianity has nothing to do with this. Stay on topic, Mr. "I bring up the irrelevant as a way to defend the indefensible". Apparently it's impossible to talk about Islam by itself, because apparently Islam doesn't exist in stand-alone form, it only comes with "Christianity module". :w00t:


The premise is that building the mosque will be a source of healing. I am asking you, or anyone, how the f that makes sense, and to show their work using the Koran, or any Muslim rationale.

No religion should factor into whether is should be built or not, but that is the only reason for opposition.


I don't care if it is for healing or heeling (rodeo reference). There is only one reason there is opposition and that does not meet a constitutional standard. if you don't care about the constitution, then go on and continue your protesters. I wish I could be up there to help build it and wave to the "peace loving" fundamentalist protesters walking by

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No religion should factor into whether is should be built or not, but that is the only reason for opposition.


I don't care if it is for healing or heeling (rodeo reference). There is only one reason there is opposition and that does not meet a constitutional standard. if you don't care about the constitution, then go on and continue your protesters. I wish I could be up there to help build it and wave to the "peace loving" fundamentalist protesters walking by

There are lots of reasons for opposition. Are you telling me that the Jews that oppose it are doing so because they are Christian? How about the atheists?


Yes, the atheists must have suddenly turned Christian when they heard that this mosque was getting built, since according to you, religion is the only reason this is being opposed. :w00t:


Logic is a B word, huh? The only religion that is relevant to this discussion is Islam, since a mosque is getting built. I would like to know how building this Mosque represents "tolerance", since we keep getting told that Islam is such a "tolerant" religion.

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There are lots of reasons for opposition. Are you telling me that the Jews that oppose it are doing so because they are Christian? How about the atheists?


Yes, the atheists must have suddenly turned Christian when they heard that this mosque was getting built, since according to you, religion is the only reason this is being opposed. :w00t:


Logic is a B word, huh? The only religion that is relevant to this discussion is Islam, since a mosque is getting built. I would like to know how building this Mosque represents "tolerance", since we keep getting told that Islam is such a "tolerant" religion.

Exactly- the protest is against one specific religion. And that makes it baseless


I have come across so many intolerant christians that I get nervous around christians that I don't know- but I don't prejudge them based on that.

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Exactly- the protest is against one specific religion. And that makes it baseless


I have come across so many intolerant christians that I get nervous around christians that I don't know- but I don't prejudge them based on that.

So your experience with Christians =


what, exactly? Again, it's irrelevant.


Atheists have no religion, by definition, they are not supportive of any religion. Since atheists are also opposed, this cannot be as you say. Your position is more about your prejudice against what I can only assume are annoying evangelical types.


And besides, there are a whole lot of reasonable Muslims who oppose the building of this Mosque. Are you telling me they are prejudiced against themselves? that they oppose their own religion? Ridiculous. :w00t:

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So your experience with Christians =


what, exactly? Again, it's irrelevant.


Atheists have no religion, by definition, they are not supportive of any religion. Since atheists are also opposed, this cannot be as you say. Your position is more about your prejudice against what I can only assume are annoying evangelical types.


And besides, there are a whole lot of reasonable Muslims who oppose the building of this Mosque. Are you telling me they are prejudiced against themselves? that they oppose their own religion? Ridiculous. :w00t:

Allow me to clarify, as I see what I said it getting jumbled.


I am not making this christians vs muslims. I see that a great number of americans fear muslims, because of the actions pf a few idiots.


I was tying that to my fear of christians, due to the actions of a few idiots.


Hope I stated that better this time.

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Allow me to clarify, as I see what I said it getting jumbled.


I am not making this christians vs muslims. I see that a great number of americans fear muslims, because of the actions pf a few idiots.


I was tying that to my fear of christians, due to the actions of a few idiots.


Hope I stated that better this time.

No, I got it the first time. The problem is: it's still irrelevant. This is not the central issue, not even close. This is about whether this will advance the cause of reasonable Muslims, both in this country and elsewhere, or not.


I am still waiting for you to explain how this helps an already strained relationship. It doesn't, but go ahead :w00t:


And, like I said in another thread. None of this matters. Little turtle without a shell Bloomberg won't be able to stop what is coming for this "project". I spoke to a friend of mine who owns a large construction firm in Jersey. He won't touch it, and he says nobody down there will. He says the main reasons he is worried are safety, insurance, getting robbed blind, etc. You know, rational business concerns, not prejudice.

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No, I got it the first time. The problem is: it's still irrelevant. This is not the central issue, not even close. This is about whether this will advance the cause of reasonable Muslims, both in this country and elsewhere, or not.


I am still waiting for you to explain how this helps an already strained relationship. It doesn't, but go ahead :w00t:


And, like I said in another thread. None of this matters. Little turtle without a shell Bloomberg won't be able to stop what is coming for this "project". I spoke to a friend of mine who owns a large construction firm in Jersey. He won't touch it, and he says nobody down there will. He says the main reasons he is worried are safety, insurance, getting robbed blind, etc. You know, rational business concerns, not prejudice.

This doesn't have to be about improving relation. The people they supposedly have to improve relations with won't change anyways.


Muslims will hire them, then rob them blind? Highly unlikely.

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No, I got it the first time. The problem is: it's still irrelevant. This is not the central issue, not even close. This is about whether this will advance the cause of reasonable Muslims, both in this country and elsewhere, or not.


I am still waiting for you to explain how this helps an already strained relationship. It doesn't, but go ahead :w00t:


And, like I said in another thread. None of this matters. Little turtle without a shell Bloomberg won't be able to stop what is coming for this "project". I spoke to a friend of mine who owns a large construction firm in Jersey. He won't touch it, and he says nobody down there will. He says the main reasons he is worried are safety, insurance, getting robbed blind, etc. You know, rational business concerns, not prejudice.


As is his choice, pity you are are against others exercising similar rights. Your glee at the prospect of thefts, deliberate sabotage and union interference is duly noted. Hypocrite.

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Not quite; with McCain there would have been more people unemployed, as he would have let GM go down the tubes, he wouldn't have provided money in a Recovery act to save first responders and teachers jobs, significant health care reform would have been kicked down the road, and there would be no reduction of troops in Iraq. Not to mention that I would pray every night that he remain healthy and safe.


According to you, we had a budget surplus under Clinton. So we are supposed to take this post seriously?

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Anybody that believes or fears that Sharia Law will ever be in effect in the USA is a complete and utter moron. In a land of 300 million, only ten million of which are Muslim, you honestly believe in this fear mongering wench???


What a wasted worry! When I wake up every morning I don't fear radical Islam, I like most, worry about making ends meet, my property value and the health and well being of my children. I have real things to worry about. I don't waste my time on fear-mongering crap.





Wake up, Dummy.

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And yet you refuse to tell us what you consider an acceptable proximity for building a mosque.


What was that about a red herring??


A few blocks. Geez.


Some right wing bloggers think they should change the name, too.....


Maybe from "Ground Zero Mosque" to “Site very far from WTC crater where faulty landing gear struck a now defunct Burlington Coat Factory turned peaceful multi-faith cultural center”

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As is his choice, pity you are are against others exercising similar rights. Your glee at the prospect of thefts, deliberate sabotage and union interference is duly noted. Hypocrite.


Hypocrisy NOTHING.


If this Imam has the ABSOLUTE RIGHT, almost the DUTY to put the Mosque here, then the Union hacks had THEIR RIGHT to refuse to work on it.


But dont worry....bet number 2 right here...Bloomshithead or some other gubmint "agency" will find a way to strongarm construction firms to work there.


Would you be shocked if Herr Bloomshit or that incompetent in the White House and his clown puppet who runs the DOJ suddently "investigates" the Construction firms and Union Shops for some bull **** "discrimination" charge or some bull **** like that?


I know I wouldnt.

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A few blocks. Geez.


Some right wing bloggers think they should change the name, too.....


Maybe from "Ground Zero Mosque" to “Site very far from WTC crater where faulty landing gear struck a now defunct Burlington Coat Factory turned peaceful multi-faith cultural center”


It already is "a few blocks". You sound like the liberals saying the wealthy should pay "just a little bit more" in taxes when they already pay the vast majority. And a little bit more is somehow never enough.


Your argument lacks any rational basis whatsoever. Park Place didn't have anything in common with or any link to the WTC before or after 9-11.

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Not quite; with McCain there would have been more people unemployed, as he would have let GM go down the tubes, he wouldn't have provided money in a Recovery act to save first responders and teachers jobs, significant health care reform would have been kicked down the road, and there would be no reduction of troops in Iraq. Not to mention that I would pray every night that he remain healthy and safe.

There may have been more unemployed people under McCain, that very well could of been the case. Those state and local jobs that were "saved" by the administration are jobs that will eventually be lost in any case. As the economy was in a multi decade property bubble, leveraged to the hilt, state and local jobs rose with the tide. Meaning that when the bubble burst, it wasn't just the property bubble that popped but state and local government jobs as well.


Those jobs WILL be cut within the next few years. The $800 Billion "Stimulus" bill was a stop gap solution, of course the W.H miscalculated and thought that it would take us to escape velocity and that the economy would get back on track. They were wrong, the problems are structural and structural problems need structural solutions.


So now Pasta Joe, the jobless claims numbers are at a 9 month high and rising, we will most likely soon see a contraction in private jobs, or at the very least incredibly slow job growth, and that $800 Billion will wear off, just like a cortizone shot. Sure, it makes you feel better for a while, but it doesn't heal the wound, and when it wears off, it still hurts like hell.


I said this would happen over a year ago, didn't I?


Now, the health bill is still as unpopular as ever with over 60% opposing and hoping for it's repeal, the Democrats know that this bill sucks and are going to be paying the price for it this NOvember and are now trying to change the message, good piece on Politico this morning Dems retreat on health care cost pitch . This bill by the entire business community is being criticized as being a job killer. Look at the billions that Caterpillar, Boeing, Deere and many many others took in charge offs because of the bill.


The uncertainty of Wall Street Reform is another piece of terrible legislation that is inhibiting the private sector. Look at the Dick Durbin Amendment, look at the banking sector, there revenues will go down an estimated 20% from what it is today.


Small businesses in every survey mention the government as being one of the main deterrents for allowing them to grow.


Corporations are sitting on $2 Trillion worth of cash in their coffers. Why is that?


Also, I read the other day, that out of all the jobs that were "saved" from this administration, whether it was the auto industry, state and local government jobs, over 95% were people that were part of the unions.


Did you hear that? 95%


The Stimulus has failed and now we are $800 Billion closer to going through a bond crisis. ANd all those jobs that were saved, will eventually be lost and there will be very little to show for it.

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Two is "a few".


Again, depends on what you define as the perimeter.


And again, no response to trains & construction equipment regularly tramping on the sacred dust (or the daily sewage leaks) ...


And again, why is Alan's Falafel stand allowed to operate across the street? The fruit guys?

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