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Hold on a sec...If this is what Patterson says about NYS government...

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Try to read this without laughing


The current fiscal and economic crisis has made one thing crystal clear: “business as usual” in Albany cannot be tolerated. State government is too big, too costly, and too inefficient. And we owe it to you, the taxpayer, to hold state government more accountable.


Now, how the f did we get here? Because people are ripping off the state, and we wouldn't be in this mess if we caught all the "fraud"? Or is it: we have spent years building government to massive size, and now, when the ass falls out of our ridiculous construction, its time to turn the the tax payer? instead of the idiots who created the mess? to fix it?




How about they create an Office of Rejecting Jackass Ideology and Anti-Vote Bribing Enforcement? I'll volunteer to lead it. Each time some folly comes along that creates more government jobs and raises taxes, or, that proposes to compete with business and/or pick winners and losers, I will hit the sponsor of that bill with a tack hammer in the forehead. My budget? I have my own tack hammer, so, all I need is my travel expenses covered. I will do it on Wednesday, so just like on Ash Wednesday, everybody will get to see who the jackasses are, except I imagine my "policy" will leave a more lasting mark.


And, I have a question: If this agency, staffed with even more government employees we will never be able to fire/lay off, decides to cut a program, can't our wonderful legislature simply pass a law to override that cut? So again, I ask, WTF?

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How about they create an Office of Rejecting Jackass Ideology and Anti-Vote Bribing Enforcement? I'll volunteer to lead it. Each time some folly comes along that creates more government jobs and raises taxes, or, that proposes to compete with business and/or pick winners and losers, I will hit the sponsor of that bill with a tack hammer in the forehead. My budget? I have my own tack hammer, so, all I need is my travel expenses covered. I will do it on Wednesday, so just like on Ash Wednesday, everybody will get to see who the jackasses are, except I imagine my "policy" will leave a more lasting mark.


Sounds like my old Management Consulting business plan, where I'd just stand in meetings with a baseball bat, and whenever anyone said something stupid I'd hit 'em upside the head and say "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING? WHAT THE !@#$ IS WRONG WITH YOU?"


There's got to be a market for that, right?

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Sounds like my old Management Consulting business plan, where I'd just stand in meetings with a baseball bat, and whenever anyone said something stupid I'd hit 'em upside the head and say "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING? WHAT THE !@#$ IS WRONG WITH YOU?"


There's got to be a market for that, right?

Heh, since in the past I worked as a Managment Consultant...yeah, it sounds about right :lol: Essentially, that is a significant part of the job, except we use the words "paradigm" and "synergy" a lot, which, after you have heard them for the 1000th time, hurt your head just as bad as a bat. :) I count the word "paradigm" as one of the biggest reasons I left.


And, so...apparently you are testing out that business plan here? :wallbash: Doing some feasibility work in preparation for some seed money? :D

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Heh, since in the past I worked as a Managment Consultant...yeah, it sounds about right :lol: Essentially, that is a significant part of the job, except we use the words "paradigm" and "synergy" a lot, which, after you have heard them for the 1000th time, hurt your head just as bad as a bat. :) I count the word "paradigm" as one of the biggest reasons I left.


My first interview in DC, I'm asked "What are your mission-critical skill sets?" Being far more experienced now, were that to happen again I'd respond "I leverage my core competencies to create new paradigms" and walk out of the interview.


And, so...apparently you are testing out that business plan here? :wallbash: Doing some feasibility work in preparation for some seed money? :D


Mental note: deduct my internet costs as "market research".

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My first interview in DC, I'm asked "What are your mission-critical skill sets?" Being far more experienced now, were that to happen again I'd respond "I leverage my core competencies to create new paradigms" and walk out of the interview.

I think you need to throw in a "re-purpose" these days.

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<a href="http://www.bullshitbingo.net/cards/bull'>http://www.bullshitbingo.net/cards/bull ****/" target="_blank">http://www.bullshitbingo.net/cards/bull ****/</a>


You can start with this and write your own cards. Fun to take to big meetings.


Hah, the IT wonks are onto this site for obvious reasons:


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I'm one of the few who actually likes Patterson in NY. The guy stood up to Obama, and is at least making an attempt to cut spending.

Frankly I don't know much about the guy, which is why I was reading the site. Along with this, there was one other thing he said that I thought was kinda cool, something along the lines of "I didn't realize how difficult this job is, when I was in the legislature I would frequently complain to the gov. when programs I wanted were cut. Now, I see that this is a lot harder than I knew" or something like that.


A modicum of humility and introspection in a politician. Not a bad thing.


OTOH, the stuff he has been accused of looks bad. Real bad. I wonder though: how much of it would we have ever known about if he didn't stand up to Obama? Worse, what is the next guy going to get away with if he doesn't stand up to Obama?


And, I still don't know how this office can cut waste without being overridden.

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<a href="http://www.bullshitbingo.net/cards/bull'>http://www.bullshitbingo.net/cards/bull ****/" target="_blank">http://www.bullshitbingo.net/cards/bull ****/</a>


You can start with this and write your own cards. Fun to take to big meetings.


Seems as appropriate a place to ask this as any, with the earlier discussions of bull **** buzzwords:


Has anyone ever heard the phrase "climbing a steep learning curve" used before? I just read it in a document...and if it's not considered a bull **** buzzword (or "buzzphrase", I guess), it really REALLY needs to be.


I think I'll edit the document, and replace that phrase with "right-sizing the personal knowledge base". I love government work. :worthy:

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Seems as appropriate a place to ask this as any, with the earlier discussions of bull **** buzzwords:


Has anyone ever heard the phrase "climbing a steep learning curve" used before? I just read it in a document...and if it's not considered a bull **** buzzword (or "buzzphrase", I guess), it really REALLY needs to be.


I think I'll edit the document, and replace that phrase with "right-sizing the personal knowledge base". I love government work. :worthy:



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