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First and Ten has a Bills/Raiders topic coming up

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Skip will bash the Bills saything they need to move to LA or Canada. Chan sucks he was never a good coach. They don't have any good players on the roster. Will have #1 pick next year.



They'll all bash the Bills. I am curious however to see what Houshmanzadah says. He's co-hosting it with him, they're going to talk about TO before that.

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In cover 2 they said Chan thinks Trent can become the Bills QB so they won't draft one or bring one in. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


I'm thinking Brohm will be in the mix if they have no chance at Bradford or Clausen. Brohm seems like a Gailey type of QB.



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In cover 2 they said Chan thinks Trent can become the Bills QB so they won't draft one or bring one in. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Wonder how they got that idea?


From the press conference:

On the quarterback position:

CG: Buddy and I have talked about it somewhat, but until I get in there and watch film, and evaluate, it’s unfair for me to sit here and say what’s going to happen. That’s not fair. I would be talking off the cuff and that’s the quickest way to get in trouble. So I’m trying, I want to make sure that we do a thorough evaluation, thorough study, do a great job of deciding and then us talking about what needs to go on in the future. So no, I can’t tell you what’s going to happen right now and what the plans are. I know both guys have had some success playing in the NFL but they have not done it for a length of time with consistency. So can they? We’re going to decide that.

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Wonder how they got that idea?

That CG quote doesn't tell me anything. In fact, it sounds like typical coach speak.


If he had said something like "Edwards has great potential, a good head on his shoulders, and just needs the right coaching", then we can all get scared. But I don't see his quote as anything close to endorsing any QB on the current roster.

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The black guy said buffalo. TJ and skip OAK.



And considering what a moron Skip is, I'm very happy to be on the other side. He is the worst. He constantly bashes Lebron James for not winning a title. LeBron just turned 25, had the best record in the NBA, and went to a finals with a crappy team. Skip makes the cast of Jersey Shore look like Einsteins.

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That CG quote doesn't tell me anything. In fact, it sounds like typical coach speak.


If he had said something like "Edwards has great potential, a good head on his shoulders, and just needs the right coaching", then we can all get scared. But I don't see his quote as anything close to endorsing any QB on the current roster.


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The question was raised Which Team would you rather coach?


Skip-Raiders because the fans are better. Al Davis football knowledge>Ralph Wilsons



TJ-Raiders, because players don't want to go to Buffalo.



Other guy- He'd rather coach the Bills.

Really? Really? The same fans that come too games disguised as empty seats? The other ones that come to games dressed up in douchey costumes looking like total douches? Those fans? The only fans worse are the gay Pats fans that wear fuggin helmets to games. They might be douchier. What a dink. Say what you want about the Bills team itself but in my mind the fans are among the best in the league.

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Really? Really? The same fans that come too games disguised as empty seats? The other ones that come to games dressed up in douchey costumes looking like total douches? Those fans? The only fans worse are the gay Pats fans that wear fuggin helmets to games. They might be douchier. What a dink. Say what you want about the Bills team itself but in my mind the fans are among the best in the league.

By "the Oakland fans are better," I think Skip meant to say, "they don't fill up my e-mail inbox/Twitter feed with hate mail like the Bills fans do."


Not that there's anything wrong with doing just that, in this particular case ... :blink:

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