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The Billboard is up

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one would hope that this billboard would elicit some response from Cowher.


That's about the only thing we could hope for at this point in time.


I completely understand the sentiment of wanting to do something as a fan base to make our voices heard about what we want, but I feel like the people that organized this saw how it worked and/or coincided with Jauron's firing and now they think "All we have to do is buy a billboard and say what we want and it will work everytime!"


Unfortunately though it seems as if Cowher coming to our beloved bills is completely up to Cowher.

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I don't know Cowher but I imagine the guy has an ego; therefore, this kind of thing won't smack of desperation in his eyes. I think it could help accelerate this process in that it strokes his ego - or at very least, gets him to acknowledge and comment on the situation. I can't take much more of this, this vigil is too time consuming, so I'd like some sort of closure which I hope the sign will hasten.

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That's about the only thing we could hope for at this point in time.


I completely understand the sentiment of wanting to do something as a fan base to make our voices heard about what we want, but I feel like the people that organized this saw how it worked and/or coincided with Jauron's firing and now they think "All we have to do is buy a billboard and say what we want and it will work everytime!"


Unfortunately though it seems as if Cowher coming to our beloved bills is completely up to Cowher.


I think that it's definitely up to cowher at this point, but I like it because it solidifies fan support. I'm sure this isn't going to effect anything whatsoever, and you do risk looking like a pathetic fan base buying billboards all the time, but the coach search has been so life less thus far, that fans actually felt they needed to voice their opinions.

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Its just like saying to anybody "Hire somebody who can win and has a team of proven winners. NOW!!"


We are sick of waiting and knowing that most kids and even 20 somethings can't even remember seeing Bruce Smith play or the power of the teams of the early 90s."


Oh yeah, and not for nothing, but when they hire Frazier it will send the message that its help and win or get the h*ll out before you get in!

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Someone said this on WGRZ - I thought I'd share it with you... its true!!!!


"Obviously the economy is doing well in Buffalo. People of WNY have lost how many jobs over the past three years? Yet, people may not be able to out a roof over their heads, their homes in foreclosure, accepting food stamps from the State....but damn they will attend a football game with a bunch of drunk and roudy people"


and put up billboards? :huh:

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This billboard makes Bills fans look pathetic. It's like having a song written when Bledsoe came to town or those damn cereals, even though I must admit I still have an opened box of Flutie Flakes in my closet.

This is embarrassing. We're making a friggin coach into an idol. I hope Fraizer gets the job now. At least we won't worship him.

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