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I have an announcement to make.


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Moderator: Our debate is with Mike the Republican and Whonoze the Democrat. Mike you won the toss so you start first.

Mike: I want everyone to know that my petitions are for everyone. I stand by my petitions. I got more positions signed than any other candidate in this election. Just don't expect me to work Saturday nights. I'm usually blotto then.



Moderator: Ummmm, ok. Mr. Whonoze do you want to respond. Mr. Whonoze's jaw has dropped.


Mr. Whonoze: Not really, no. I think that statement says everything the voters need to know about Mike. :ph34r:


Jackass (Steely)


Good luck man (TheFourHorsemen), new people are needed at every level of government.

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Congrats. Delete any posts where you admit to smoking pot or something else illegal in your youth.


Honestly, I've never smoked pot. Didn't even have a drink until I was in 22 and in law school.


I had a perfect off-color joke here, but I'm not gonna post it. Don't want it coming back to haunt me. :lol:

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