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Spying on Your Kids

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im on the other side of the situation. my parents are on FB and friends with all my friends. and i love it.


it's the most convenient form of communication, and i can post pictures and keep my family in the loop without having to do the hour long weekly call anymore. my family gets to interact with my friends and feels like a much bigger part of my life. which definitely helps since im 1200 miles away and rarely make it home.


you shouldnt be embarrassed to read your kids' pages. anything they are putting up they are doing so with the knowledge that it's completely public.


spy away!!

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I have 3 grown kids. They have accepted me as a facebook friend. But I kinda feel like I am spying on them when I go to their pages. Anyone one else in this situation?


They are 19, 23 and 34. All single.

There's also plenty of privacy options on Facebook. If your kids are worried about what you would be seeing, they can restrict certain areas. I do that with some of my family who are a little too nosy.

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I have 3 grown kids. They have accepted me as a facebook friend. But I kinda feel like I am spying on them when I go to their pages. Anyone one else in this situation?


They are 19, 23 and 34. All single.


Your kids probably have two separate profiles anyone - one for the family, one for the non-family. Does that make you feel better or worse? :(

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I actually stopped using facebook because my dad started to use it not that there was stuff I didn't want my dad seeing but that it wasn't cool anymore if my dad was using it. I also had a friend convince me that Facebook sucks because it takes the randomness out of life.


My friend she has this theory that you are suppose to loose touch with people in life and not know everything they are up to because if you really cared about what they are up to you would make time to care or keep in touch. She always use to tell me if I care what you are up to I will call you or IM you if not I don't give a ****. So I have kind of taken that stance on Facebook as well. I don't need to know what guys and girls I went to high school with are doing if I really want to know I will go to the reunions.


I think that the moment guys can't get girls on Facebook is the moment guys stop using it. 9 out of every 10 guys I know only really care about Facebook because they can get girls off of it. I give Facebook 2-4 more years before it goes the way of MySpace.


But if you feel its like spying the way I look at it is your kids accepted you as a friend and they know you are able to look at what they have on their profile. So if they don't want you looking they will either set the privacy options to avoid that or just not accept you as a friend.

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im on the other side of the situation. my parents are on FB and friends with all my friends. and i love it.


it's the most convenient form of communication, and i can post pictures and keep my family in the loop without having to do the hour long weekly call anymore. my family gets to interact with my friends and feels like a much bigger part of my life. which definitely helps since im 1200 miles away and rarely make it home.


you shouldnt be embarrassed to read your kids' pages. anything they are putting up they are doing so with the knowledge that it's completely public.


spy away!!


I agree.

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that's a pretty depressing outlook on things, in my humble opinion.....why would you 'strive' to "loose" touch with people that you actually enjoy knowing? I love reconnecting with old friends, all the while keeping the bonds between current friends strong......and you need to stop doing or not doing things because they are or are not cool....do things because you get some sort of pleasure or satisfaction out of doing things.....


I actually stopped using facebook because my dad started to use it not that there was stuff I didn't want my dad seeing but that it wasn't cool anymore if my dad was using it. I also had a friend convince me that Facebook sucks because it takes the randomness out of life.


My friend she has this theory that you are suppose to loose touch with people in life and not know everything they are up to because if you really cared about what they are up to you would make time to care or keep in touch. She always use to tell me if I care what you are up to I will call you or IM you if not I don't give a ****. So I have kind of taken that stance on Facebook as well. I don't need to know what guys and girls I went to high school with are doing if I really want to know I will go to the reunions.


I think that the moment guys can't get girls on Facebook is the moment guys stop using it. 9 out of every 10 guys I know only really care about Facebook because they can get girls off of it. I give Facebook 2-4 more years before it goes the way of MySpace.


But if you feel its like spying the way I look at it is your kids accepted you as a friend and they know you are able to look at what they have on their profile. So if they don't want you looking they will either set the privacy options to avoid that or just not accept you as a friend.

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I think that the moment guys can't get girls on Facebook is the moment guys stop using it. 9 out of every 10 guys I know only really care about Facebook because they can get girls off of it. I give Facebook 2-4 more years before it goes the way of MySpace.



I'm not sure what kind of people you have as friends who use Facebook, but I don't really see how it is used to pick up girls. For awhile I had a facebook and myspace page, but it seemed myspace was more for random hookups and things like that, where facebook seems more adult and a better tool for staying connected with friends and family, not just having the coolest page or the hottest pics...... just my $.02

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that's a pretty depressing outlook on things, in my humble opinion.....why would you 'strive' to "loose" touch with people that you actually enjoy knowing? I love reconnecting with old friends, all the while keeping the bonds between current friends strong......and you need to stop doing or not doing things because they are or are not cool....do things because you get some sort of pleasure or satisfaction out of doing things.....


I keep in touch with a lot of people. I use IM, text, or I actually call people. And I actually enjoy seeing people I went to high school with out and about I always say high and ask what they are up to. BUT I don't need to know what everyone is up to all the time. As I said if I like someone I find a means to stay in touch with them. BUT with Facebook I feel its like the only people that I don't really care about that I stay connected with.


I don't strive to loose touch with people I like. If I like someone as I said I find many means to keep in touch with them. BUT I feel like Face Book is a very impersonal way to maintain a connection. Letting me see online what you are posting to everyone isn't much of a way to feel connected to at least in my opinion. I feel like to stay in touch with someone it requires a little more going out of your way.


As for the whole cool thing I just felt like the whole concept jumped the shark for me when my dad was on it.

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I'm not sure what kind of people you have as friends who use Facebook, but I don't really see how it is used to pick up girls. For awhile I had a facebook and myspace page, but it seemed myspace was more for random hookups and things like that, where facebook seems more adult and a better tool for staying connected with friends and family, not just having the coolest page or the hottest pics...... just my $.02


Yeah Facebook isn't as bad as Myspace when it comes to the whole seedy element. BUT I know a lot of guys that meet girls in the real world, then they Facebook them and keep in touch with them and eventually hook up with them. Yeah its not as direct but a lot of guys do get laid both directly and indirectly as a result of Facebook. Facebook is also a great way to see if a girl is single or not just look at her profile and see if she say single or not and look at pictures and see if there are any guys in them.


I do think Facebook is much more refined and serious then MySpace (Which burnt out very quickly) and it will remain popular longer then MySpace did. I do think that as time goes on while the younger crowd will move away from Facebook but the older crowd will stay with it.

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Yeah Facebook isn't as bad as Myspace when it comes to the whole seedy element. BUT I know a lot of guys that meet girls in the real world, then they Facebook them and keep in touch with them and eventually hook up with them. Yeah its not as direct but a lot of guys do get laid both directly and indirectly as a result of Facebook. Facebook is also a great way to see if a girl is single or not just look at her profile and see if she say single or not and look at pictures and see if there are any guys in them.


I do think Facebook is much more refined and serious then MySpace (Which burnt out very quickly) and it will remain popular longer then MySpace did. I do think that as time goes on while the younger crowd will move away from Facebook but the older crowd will stay with it.

It is also a good place to look up all the chicks who used to be hot in high school to see how fat they are now.

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fair enough, and after reading this, it appears it may be more of a generational thing....I am guessing from your screen name that you were born in 1989? You grew up in an age of cell phones, texting and IM. I was born in 1963, so people I am connecting with on facebook are people that I may not have seen in 30 years, when all we had was a phone and stamps. For me this gives me the opportunity to get in touch with long lost friends that I didn't want to lose touch with, but we all just kind of went different directions and didn't have the internet to stay in touch.....


as for jumping the shark....trust me, your Dad is cool, and you will realize that as you begin/continue to go through your own adult life journeys..... :doh:;)


I keep in touch with a lot of people. I use IM, text, or I actually call people. And I actually enjoy seeing people I went to high school with out and about I always say high and ask what they are up to. BUT I don't need to know what everyone is up to all the time. As I said if I like someone I find a means to stay in touch with them. BUT with Facebook I feel its like the only people that I don't really care about that I stay connected with.


I don't strive to loose touch with people I like. If I like someone as I said I find many means to keep in touch with them. BUT I feel like Face Book is a very impersonal way to maintain a connection. Letting me see online what you are posting to everyone isn't much of a way to feel connected to at least in my opinion. I feel like to stay in touch with someone it requires a little more going out of your way.


As for the whole cool thing I just felt like the whole concept jumped the shark for me when my dad was on it.

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or vice versa....some that weren't so hot were apparently late bloomers...and I also see a lot of girls that have held on to their appearances



It is also a good place to look up all the chicks who used to be hot in high school to see how fat they are now.
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I have 3 grown kids. They have accepted me as a facebook friend. But I kinda feel like I am spying on them when I go to their pages. Anyone one else in this situation?


They are 19, 23 and 34. All single.

I have two daughters aged 15 and 11 and they have added me on fb. I mostly do not comment on their status, wall or pics unless it is an occasional compliment. What I do like is to keep a tab of their mood and then pay special attention to them when they write that they are sad or depressed. I don't tell them I saw it on their fb but just casually give them more attention during those days.

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