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Leach next Bills HC?

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It would make perfect sense knowing how Wilson operates.


He would come cheap, provide incredible media buzz from this scandal, and is considered a "mastermind" offensive coach. Imagine hiring Leach as HC, signing Vick at QB, resigning Owens at WR and having Lynch at RB. The national publicity generated with all these tabloid friendly characters together in Buffalo would be priceless, and no doubt be a huge boost for ticket sales for very little money!

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It would make perfect sense knowing how Wilson operates.


He would come cheap, provide incredible media buzz from this scandal, and is considered a "mastermind" offensive coach. Imagine hiring Leach as HC, signing Vick at QB, resigning Owens at WR and having Lynch at RB. The national publicity generated with all these tabloid friendly characters together in Buffalo would be priceless, and no doubt be a huge boost for ticket sales for very little money!

I can think of a dozen players that need to be locked in a shed.

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It would make perfect sense knowing how Wilson operates.


He would come cheap, provide incredible media buzz from this scandal, and is considered a "mastermind" offensive coach. Imagine hiring Leach as HC, signing Vick at QB, resigning Owens at WR and having Lynch at RB. The national publicity generated with all these tabloid friendly characters together in Buffalo would be priceless, and no doubt be a huge boost for ticket sales for very little money!

A man after my own heart! :doh:


Exactly the point(s) I've been trying to make for months now - with some slight progress.


I can think of a dozen players that need to be locked in a shed.


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cant wait to see his full throttle offense in a blizzard :rolleyes:


The best game I ever saw was the 51-3 route to get to our first SB. I seem to recall Kelly and the boys throwing the ball all over the field in a snowstorm that day... Just because the wind is blowing doesnt mean you cant throw the ball. You just need to know how to, and have experience doing just that....

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The best game I ever saw was the 51-3 route to get to our first SB. I seem to recall Kelly and the boys throwing the ball all over the field in a snowstorm that day... Just because the wind is blowing doesnt mean you cant throw the ball. You just need to know how to, and have experience doing just that....


No snowstorm that day. You may be thinking of the previous week's playoff game vs. the Dolphins. 44-34, with Reed, Lofton, and Thomas running wild.

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Nowadays, you can't even say "fag" or "homo" without threat of a huge backlash. Players and parents now make their kids wear skirts and throw a hissy fit if their kid gets yelled at the wrong way. I have no problem with what he did. So I have no problem with him being a disciplinarian and would welcome him to Buffalo with open arms.

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Spurrier was an Offense mad scientist as well. Just because you can put up points in college doesn't mean you can HC at the next level. That's like saying "Well I'm pretty good at being a cop, maybe I'll try my luck joining the Army and going to Ranger school." They're two different creatures. Pete Carrol is a horrible NFL HC but great at banging college chicks so he stays at USC. With the rare exception these guys should come to the NFL as cord. first before taking over a franchise that expects you to win now.


I would love Mike Leach as an OC or even AsstHC but we can't turn this mess over to someone who's never done this before. It would be like giving a soup sandwich to Edward Scissorhands and expecting him finish his meal.

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Nowadays, you can't even say "fag" or "homo" without threat of a huge backlash. Players and parents now make their kids wear skirts and throw a hissy fit if their kid gets yelled at the wrong way. I have no problem with what he did. So I have no problem with him being a disciplinarian and would welcome him to Buffalo with open arms.

There is a huge difference between discipline and hate. Not being able to freely say racial or homophobic slurs has zero to do with parents over-protecting their kids. Zero. That's just being a decent, accepting human being.


Is locking a kid in a closet (or equipment shed) really a big deal? No. It's not life or death and not necessarily inhumane or cruel. It's just stupid and childish on Leach's part. As a leader of men, he has to know better. Do you really think he would be able to do that with a grown, professional athlete? Try telling someone like Mitchell that he has to do push ups on the sideline during practice because he has a bum wheel. Right.


This story, if true ... which based on his firing appears to be the case ... reflects poorly on Leach. Not the kid. The kid may well be a wuss. Leach may have been trying to teach the kid a lesson about toughening up. But he is a first rate moron for doing it this way. It's ASKING to be fired. You have to know the rules.

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There is a huge difference between discipline and hate. Not being able to freely say racial or homophobic slurs has zero to do with parents over-protecting their kids. Zero. That's just being a decent, accepting human being.


Is locking a kid in a closet (or equipment shed) really a big deal? No. It's not life or death and not necessarily inhumane or cruel. It's just stupid and childish on Leach's part. As a leader of men, he has to know better. Do you really think he would be able to do that with a grown, professional athlete? Try telling someone like Mitchell that he has to do push ups on the sideline during practice because he has a bum wheel. Right.


This story, if true ... which based on his firing appears to be the case ... reflects poorly on Leach. Not the kid. The kid may well be a wuss. Leach may have been trying to teach the kid a lesson about toughening up. But he is a first rate moron for doing it this way. It's ASKING to be fired. You have to know the rules.


This is where the college game differs greatly from the NFL game. Kids in college are not men yet and are still maturing and need help growing up, and when you're in the NFL you are expected to be a man and police yourself.


The fact of the matter is, we don't know anything other than what ESPN has told us about this. Was he really put in a closet or was the story skewed along the way to the ESPN headquarters? Everything ESPN does is to create ratings and boost their profits, and drama creates ratings. I'm not saying what Leach did was right, I'm just saying that everything is becoming pansified and the coaches (Mangino for example) are taking the rap for what the parents of the student-athletes don't like.


Football is a tough sport for tough guys and parents and students crying out about being yelled at and such is getting obnoxious and annoying. If there was physical violence then its a different story but getting in a kids face and yelling at him is not the coach being a bad guy, its a coaching technique that some people just cannot accept and therefore blame the coach for being a bad person.


That being said, I would love for Leach to come in here and lay down the law and let the players know what would be accepted and what wouldn't be accepted. As for telling Mitchell to do whatever you said, thats just dumb and a ridiculous comparison. The kid had a concussion and some reports said he was put in a press box with a stationary bike in it, so take that for whatever you want.

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Why would anyone want a career college coach leading the Bills? These guys make their livings ordering naive teenagers (usually from poor and working class families) around and manipulating them into either staying at the school whenthey could make great money in the pros or away from class when they are not good enough to go pro in order to further the program. In the college game, the coach is the center of their little college town universe and don't have to answer to anyone. They can treat players like garbage and act like idiots and nobody will say anything as long as they win and bring in booster money.


When they get to the NFL, they realize it is a lot harder to order around and manipulate a grown man who is a millionaire. The coach is no longer the center of the universe anyomore because the players outshine the coaches on the pro level.


This is why most conceeded college coaches will never be and have usually never been successful in the NFL.


Seriously, could you just see an idiot like Mike Leech telling Alex Van Pelt to lock T.O in closet at One Bills Drive because he had a headache and did not want to practice......How funny would that be!

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