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What is your favorite hangover "cure?"


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Yeah like you should be concerned about that after a night of heavy drinking. :rolleyes:

I do enough damage to my liver without advil or tylenol. And when your liver is trying to rid your body of the booze you drank the last thing it needs is to get bogged down with advil. I never take the stuff

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advil is bad for your liver

FWIW: Any OTC medication whose active ingredient is ibuprofen is much safer to take than those that contain acetaminophen which may cause severe liver damage. The greater risk with ibuprofen is stomach bleeding. So go ahead, drink up, and if you have to take something OTC, you are probably better off taking Advil, Motrin or regular aspirin. You definately want to stay away from the likes of Tylenol, Excedrin, Sudafed, Nyquil, etc.

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Here's the best way to avoid hangovers.......don't drink.


[/Chef ducks]

That will work. I've never been able to drink much without getting sick, so I've never had a hangover because every time I got drunk I threw up. When you have my tolerance & throw up a few times without ever enjoying it, it ends your drinking days pretty quickly. Can you still get a hangover after barfing up the alcohol?

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