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Trent is out for the season


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Interesting post considering that Edwards and Allen were high school teammates. Edwards and Tully Banta-Cain also played in the same league in high school and Banta Cain never laid a hand on him in two meetings - unlike the debacle of a game this last weekend. His high school line was better than the Bills. God, lets hope he gets out of Buffalo and away from the sorry excuse for fans who have posted in this thread (with the exception of Dog and Positive, of course). The really sad part is that he loves Buffalo and their fans - but not the morons in this thread. I've got a hundred bucks that either Brohm or Hamdan doesn't finish this season either.


nope, nothing interesting about my post.

trent played well 6 times in 2 years. gets injured constantly and was barely good those 6 times. Sub mediocre qb behind a sub mediocre line. Lots of teams have sub mediocre lines...and are playoff contenders. Broncos, Steelers, Pack...


Plenty of blame to spread around this season, no reason to act like trent is any kind of innocent victim

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Interesting post considering that Edwards and Allen were high school teammates. Edwards and Tully Banta-Cain also played in the same league in high school and Banta Cain never laid a hand on him in two meetings - unlike the debacle of a game this last weekend. His high school line was better than the Bills. God, lets hope he gets out of Buffalo and away from the sorry excuse for fans who have posted in this thread (with the exception of Dog and Positive, of course). The really sad part is that he loves Buffalo and their fans - but not the morons in this thread. I've got a hundred bucks that either Brohm or Hamdan doesn't finish this season either.

Eureka!!!! So that's the formula...


folks who despise lousy, ineffective, wimpy, fragile QBs = sorry excuses for fans





folks who adore frightened, injury prone, noodle armed losers = good fans



Thanks for setting us straight! :rolleyes:



Edwards has played one complete season (2005) without injury since high school. Get a clue, ferchrissakes - the guy's made out of porcelain. Guy was a wuss and a total Jauron suck-ass.

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Trent Edwards is so tough every time he throws a ball a wolf gets pregnant

Trent Edwards once swallowed an entire chicken on a dare

Trent Edwards uses a live cobra as a condom

If you plug earphones into Trent Edwards bowel movements you can hear side two of Dark Side of the Moon

Trent Edwards once impregnated the entire Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader squad. Nine months later they gave birth to the Kansas City Chiefs

The Matrix is based on Trent Edward's freshman year of college

During the catscan after Trent Edward's last concussion the doctor's found Jimmy Hoffa's body and $37 in loose change

The UFL is composed solely of former payers driven insane from staring directly into Trent Edward's glory


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Ah, the first third of last year, Edwards played pretty darned well, even managed multiple come back victories for

us. The he took his first serious concussion, and clearly he's not been the same since. The presence, the quick release he

displayed prior to the "hit" is gone. He may be done, but jeez, what short memories folks around here have.


In the right situation, Trent may well be a serviceable guy, even for the Bills, once the line is shaped up a ton. Right now, it's

apparent that who ever is back there, they better be ready to run for their life.


No excuses, just reality. Personally I don't like Trent's throwing motion. It looks forced, unnatural if you will. But, dang, burning him in effigy?

As I said before, the hate-on for Trent Edwards by some people on this board is very disturbing.

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This really is a shame. His career here started with such promise and began to unfold in a positive way. Then it turned to poop. Poop!

unlike losman and countless others before him , I'm still not convinced edwards can't play. it does appear that whatever happened to him here in buffalo "ruined" him, in a manner of speaking. clearly he's not the guy we need and he needs a change of scenery. but it's going to suck when he lands somewhere else and starts playing well...

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Never really liked the guy to begin with - always thought the Dakota Fanning thing was really weird, and grew to positively hate the wuss once he became a total Jauron suck-ass.



Dude, whats this about?? Was Stanford boy trying to copy MJ???? Be with a minor??

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Dude, whats this about?? Was Stanford boy trying to copy MJ???? Be with a minor??

OK, so here's Edwards profile from the Stanford web site...


Meet Trent Edwards


Forget the faggy nickname ("Trenters"), or that he's from Los Gatos (just about 30 miles down Rt. 101 from Boys Town), and scan down to the 'Favorite Actress' section.


Now, the site references the 2005 season, so lets assume it was posted in 2006, when 'Trenters' was 23 years old, and Dakota Fanning was 11.


I just find it very bizarre that a 23 year-old PAC 10 quarterback's favorite actress is an 11-year-old girl. No?

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honestly I cannot think of another QB who has been so....delicate. You look at dudes like Favre and Manning starting hundreds of games in a row and Trent, I don't think, has gone 5-6 games in a row.


man, you could hit Jim Kelly with a truck and he'd be playing. Trent is far too much of a flower to play nfl ball.

Man how things have changed from the 5-1 point of last season and all the "In Trent We Trust" huh (not specifically you Astro, but Bills fans in general). Pretty disturbing.


All the Trent bashers should probably realize that no matter who was playing QB the last couple of seasons, be it Favre, Manning, or Kelly, with a **** HC, a **** OC, and a all but non-existent ****ty O-Line no one would have looked good and they all would have taken a physical beating.


Now I'm not saying that Trent ever had the skills of the aforementioned QB's. But again, look at the facts. He was drafted in the third round with the 92nd overall pick. How could you expect Edwards to be as good as say Peyton Manning (first overall pick)? You can't.


So all you Trent bashers who claim to "bleed red and blue" please remember one thing. Edwards has suffered 3 concussions (that we know about, some claim more) for "your team". And based on recent medical studies that does not bode well for his future quality of life. So keep that in mind before you type your next "don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out" post. You do not have to love him or even like how he has played, but if you love the Bills as much as you claim you should at least respect the man.

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Guest dog14787
OK, so here's Edwards profile from the Stanford web site...


Meet Trent Edwards


Forget the faggy nickname ("Trenters"), or that he's from Los Gatos (just about 30 miles down Rt. 101 from Boys Town), and scan down to the 'Favorite Actress' section.


Now, the site references the 2005 season, so lets assume it was posted in 2006, when 'Trenters' was 23 years old, and Dakota Fanning was 11.


I just find it very bizarre that a 23 year-old PAC 10 quarterback's favorite actress is an 11-year-old girl. No?


When the actress is friends with the family?

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Man how things have changed from the 5-1 point of last season and all the "In Trent We Trust" huh (not specifically you Astro, but Bills fans in general). Pretty disturbing.


All the Trent bashers should probably realize that no matter who was playing QB the last couple of seasons, be it Favre, Manning, or Kelly, with a **** HC, a **** OC, and a all but non-existent ****ty O-Line no one would have looked good and they all would have taken a physical beating.


Now I'm not saying that Trent ever had the skills of the aforementioned QB's. But again, look at the facts. He was drafted in the third round with the 92nd overall pick. How could you expect Edwards to be as good as say Peyton Manning (first overall pick)? You can't.


So all you Trent bashers who claim to "bleed red and blue" please remember one thing. Edwards has suffered 3 concussions (that we know about, some claim more) for "your team". And based on recent medical studies that does not bode well for his future quality of life. So keep that in mind before you type your next "don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out" post. You do not have to love him or even like how he has played, but if you love the Bills as much as you claim you should at least respect the man.

This is not entirely true. It's not like TE carried the team over that stretch of games. He did enough to allow the team to win but in reality he was the same player. Alot of posters had their doubts about him, even during those "glory games".

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unlike losman and countless others before him , I'm still not convinced edwards can't play. it does appear that whatever happened to him here in buffalo "ruined" him, in a manner of speaking. clearly he's not the guy we need and he needs a change of scenery. but it's going to suck when he lands somewhere else and starts playing well...


This is one of the two great lies about Trent Edwards. Nothing "ruined" Trent Edwards besides his lack of talent and unwillingness to take a chance, any chances at all, to attempt to score points.


The other great lie is that he was anything beyond mediocre during the first 6 games of last year. The "comebacks" were necessary because he played like crap for 3 quarters against the absolute worst teams in the NFL. Statistically he has fewer than 5 games that could even be considered average in his career-and not one that would be considered above average by good quarterback.


He will never amount to anything, and never had a chance to. Plenty of QB's have porous offensive lines and take plenty of hits and get concussions and have been much more successful than Trent has ever show an inkling of becoming.


That's not hate, that's truth. The hate is reserved for the chowderheads incessantly blathering on about talent or promise in a guy that has never shown either. There's no rational argument to be made in his favor. May he never disgrace our atrocious uniforms again.

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OK, so here's Edwards profile from the Stanford web site...


Meet Trent Edwards


Forget the faggy nickname ("Trenters"), or that he's from Los Gatos (just about 30 miles down Rt. 101 from Boys Town), and scan down to the 'Favorite Actress' section.


Now, the site references the 2005 season, so lets assume it was posted in 2006, when 'Trenters' was 23 years old, and Dakota Fanning was 11.


I just find it very bizarre that a 23 year-old PAC 10 quarterback's favorite actress is an 11-year-old girl. No?



I agree, Trent sucks, but they asked fav actress not hottest chick. He also said his fav actor was Jim Carrey, does that mean he's gay?

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Some of you are absolutely ridiculous.


Here's a bit of reality that some folks don't seem to comprehend: there exist, on this board, both Trent "apologists" and Trent "bashers". However, there is also another faction of people (among whom I consider myself) known as "objective observers", who wanted Edwards to be good, but have seen enough of his play to conclude that he's not.


The "apologists" constantly point to his first 5 games on 2008 and claim that his concussion is the reason for his lack of success. As an objective observer, I have to say that this theory has a major flaw: if the concussion were responsible for his inability to successfully direct the offense, could he have possibly turned in good performances against Kansas City and Denver later that year? If the answer is yes, then what prevented him from getting back to his seemingly-above-average play ever since? If the answer is no, then obviously the concussion wasn't the issue.


I think some of us need to face the reality that Edwards played well in his first 5 games on 2008 because he played against teams that had a combined record of 11-21 through the first 7 weeks (the portion of the season during which Edwards played its first 5 full games). He played well because the Seahawks, Jaguars, Raiders, Rams, and Chargers ranked 30th, 17th, 27th, 28th, and 25th respectively in total defense in 2008. Further, he played his only remaining quality games in 2008 against Denver and Kansas City, who ranked 28th and 31st respectively in total defense. Compare those defenses to the teams Edwards faced in his losses: New England (10th), NY Jets (16th), Miami (15th), San Francisco (13th), and--the aberration of the group--Cleveland (26th).


I personally think it's intuitively obvious: Edwards played well against bad defenses, and poorly against average or above-average defenses. That, to me, is the mark of a QB that simply isn't good enough.

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I agree, Trent sucks, but they asked fav actress not hottest chick. He also said his fav actor was Jim Carrey, does that mean he's gay?

I don't understand the question - you're saying Jim Carey is gay? I thought he was doin' Jenny McCarthy. :wallbash:


If you asked me, way back when I was 23, who may favorite actress is, I might have said Geena Davis, Raquel Welch, Andie Macdowell, Sigourney Weaver, Farah Fawcett, Jaclyn Smith, or any number of hotties close to my age or older, but I wouldn't have picked, say, Christina Applegate, Winona Ryder, or Brooke Shields!


Sorry, but I still think it's very odd. I think Edwards is very odd. Besides sucking out loud as a QB. JMO.

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This really is a shame. His career here started with such promise and began to unfold in a positive way. Then it turned to poop. Poop!



My sentiments exactly, must be hard to have started the season with such promise, such potential and to have it end this way. Bad enough to have your career fall apart on the edge of success but to have to hit the meat market after an injury, youch.


He is a fine youngman and has nothing to be ashamed of, he put in the time and gave it all he had. If he is smart, he will regroup and accept that maybe being a career back-up wouldn't be the worst thing ever.

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I don't understand the question - you're saying Jim Carey is gay? I thought he was doin' Jenny McCarthy. :wallbash:


If you asked me, way back when I was 23, who may favorite actress is, I might have said Geena Davis, Raquel Welch, Andie Macdowell, Sigourney Weaver, Farah Fawcett, Jaclyn Smith, or any number of hotties close to my age or older, but I wouldn't have picked, say, Christina Applegate, Winona Ryder, or Brooke Shields!


Sorry, but I still think it's very odd. I think Edwards is very odd. Besides sucking out loud as a QB. JMO.


Frankly, I find the blurb about reading bible verses with a buddy in the locker room as his favorite pre-game ritual to be a lot stranger than naming Dakota Fanning as his favorite actress. Just seems sort of a passive approach to me. How does that get the adrenaline flowing?

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Frankly, I find the blurb about reading bible verses with a buddy in the locker room as his favorite pre-game ritual to be a lot stranger than naming Dakota Fanning as his favorite actress. Just seems sort of a passive approach to me. How does that get the adrenaline flowing?

There's a lot of really odd stuff in that profile.


For example -


One moment in history I wish I could have seen: "Amelia Earhart's transatlantic flight."


(Where exactly would you watch that from? :wallbash: )


And have you checked out his buddy's (and roommate) profile?


Matt Traverso (nickname - 'Princess', describes himself as "charismatic & fashionable", admits he has waxed his body)


I wonder if Trenters and his 'buddy' watched his favorite TV program together?


Bobby's World



The more I dig, the stranger this guy seems.

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Some of you are absolutely ridiculous.


Here's a bit of reality that some folks don't seem to comprehend: there exist, on this board, both Trent "apologists" and Trent "bashers". However, there is also another faction of people (among whom I consider myself) known as "objective observers", who wanted Edwards to be good, but have seen enough of his play to conclude that he's not.


The "apologists" constantly point to his first 5 games on 2008 and claim that his concussion is the reason for his lack of success. As an objective observer, I have to say that this theory has a major flaw: if the concussion were responsible for his inability to successfully direct the offense, could he have possibly turned in good performances against Kansas City and Denver later that year? If the answer is yes, then what prevented him from getting back to his seemingly-above-average play ever since? If the answer is no, then obviously the concussion wasn't the issue.


I think some of us need to face the reality that Edwards played well in his first 5 games on 2008 because he played against teams that had a combined record of 11-21 through the first 7 weeks (the portion of the season during which Edwards played its first 5 full games). He played well because the Seahawks, Jaguars, Raiders, Rams, and Chargers ranked 30th, 17th, 27th, 28th, and 25th respectively in total defense in 2008. Further, he played his only remaining quality games in 2008 against Denver and Kansas City, who ranked 28th and 31st respectively in total defense. Compare those defenses to the teams Edwards faced in his losses: New England (10th), NY Jets (16th), Miami (15th), San Francisco (13th), and--the aberration of the group--Cleveland (26th).


I personally think it's intuitively obvious: Edwards played well against bad defenses, and poorly against average or above-average defenses. That, to me, is the mark of a QB that simply isn't good enough.


careful, didn't you see "Lord of the Flies"? That all started when Piggy said something sensible about the quarterback situation. If you don't unconditionally love Trent it means you personally are responsible for the last ten years and for chasing good people out of Buffalo. Just YOU wait until Trent leads the Rams to 5 straight Super Bowls. Then you will be sorry for not recognizing his genius and non-threatening man beauty.

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