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CBO scores the Senate Health Bill


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Good...sounds like you need one. Otherwise your incessant worrying could cause heart failure soon....hope your insurance is up to date.



Saying that you dont care where your tax dollars are being spent, isint funny? Are you that rich or that ignoant? Why wouldnt care? Again if you read the article the HGealth care system in Canada will be broke soom, Hello? Why wouldnt you care since you continue to tell everyone here how happy you are living in Canada?


Is you growing debt to the health care system not a concern to you? The debt that being incured to your heirs? The baby boom Gen is going to retire in Canada and bankrupt your gloriuos HCS, and yet you dont give a **** how your tax dollars are being spent.


Yeah, you're an idiot. :rolleyes:


EDIT: Sorry for the speeeeeling.......

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Saying that you dont care where your tax dollars are being spent, isint funny? Are you that rich or that ignoant? Why wouldnt care? Again if you read the article the HGealth care system in Canada will be broke soom, Hello? Why wouldnt you care since you continue to tell everyone here how happy you are living in Canada?


Is you growing debt to the health care system not a concern to you? The debt that being incured to your heirs? The baby boom Gen is going to retire in Canada and bankrupt your gloriuos HCS, and yet you dont give a **** how your tax dollars are being spent.


Yeah, you're an idiot. :rolleyes:


EDIT: Sorry for the speeeeeling.......

Um, I think he/she (?) is being facetious.

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Saying that you dont care where your tax dollars are being spent, isint funny? Are you that rich or that ignoant? Why wouldnt care? Again if you read the article the HGealth care system in Canada will be broke soom, Hello? Why wouldnt you care since you continue to tell everyone here how happy you are living in Canada?


Is you growing debt to the health care system not a concern to you? The debt that being incured to your heirs? The baby boom Gen is going to retire in Canada and bankrupt your gloriuos HCS, and yet you dont give a **** how your tax dollars are being spent.


Yeah, you're an idiot. :rolleyes:


EDIT: Sorry for the speeeeeling.......


Wow. Yahoo picks up a Reuters article and the sky is falling. I live here and am fully aware of our financial situation. I repeat, where does the article talk about Saskatchewan? I haven't received that answer yet.


If my tax dollars were spent on something like, say, a giant solid gold Dig 'em Frog, I'd be pissed. Spending $$ on health care? Not so bad.


Sorry for the correct spelling.

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I did, absolutely. Tell me where Saskatchewan is mentioned in the article. Health care is almost exclusively a provincial responsibility and our province is enjoying one of the top economies in North America. Therefore I am not worried about where my tax dollars are going.


Now, back to my comatose state.



Saskatchewan's a province, dumbass. Not a state.



Learn to read, dumbass.

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