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Sunday's game a perfect example of


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I’m going to be like Michael Corleone here speaking to Carlo.



The Corleone reference is yours. But I'll play. How's this:


You can lead a horse to water, but somebody always seems to end up with their head stuck up its ass. (Having one's head in there might also explain a considerable difficulty with reading comprehension)!


The fact is that Brady is a poor Red Zone QB who is bailed out by the best kicker in the NFL during the regular season, the post season and especially during big games. I have led you to the facts; you need look no further than the New England game recaps to see that Brady chokes more often than most NFL QBs once he crosses the 20 yard line. Ignore it, deny it, but its a fact supported by his play every week and the resultant stats. This week is a perfect example:


6 Red Zone trips, a running back in Corey Dillon having a field day against us, and only 2 TDs to show for it. It's why Brady remains among the worst in the league in points per red zone play- his red zone trips are most likely to end up as Vinatieri scores.


Bottom line- Brady is very, very good between the 20s and he consequently gets himself a lot of Red Zone opportunities. That's the premium on his playing ability, between the 20s. It does not change the fact that he's a proven underachiver once he hits the red zone.

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Well you and I hear a different broadcast then. I see drew with a nice pocket, clock ticking near 4 seconds and INTERCEPTION!  Keep making the excuses, Bledsoe is done, and this OL is NOT nearly as bad as people want to think it is.



How many rushing yards did we have this game? The line IS bad and needs fixed. The QB does, too.

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I noticed passes reaching the defenders much, much faster ;-)


What I saw that I really, really didn't like was Losman running and diving forward. It would be bad enough in a game in reach, it's purely stupid in a game that's over. His bad habits in pre-season are incredibly disappointing to see popping right back up, especially considering his injury. I don't expect him to come in and play well right away, but it would sure be nice to see him come in and play with some intelligence.



I'll be he's got a mental block against sliding. I know that after my first knee surgery it took me two whole softball seasons to be able to slide feet first again. It just doesn't feel right when your leg has been damaged. He's got to get over that, and soon.

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The Corleone reference is yours. But I'll play. How's this:


You can lead a horse to water, but somebody always seems to end up with their head stuck up its ass. (Having one's head in there might also explain a considerable difficulty with reading comprehension)!


The fact is that Brady is a poor Red Zone QB who is bailed out by the best kicker in the NFL during the regular season, the post season and especially during big games. I have led you to the facts; you need look no further than the New England game recaps to see that Brady chokes more often than most NFL QBs once he crosses the 20 yard line. Ignore it, deny it, but its a fact supported by his play every week and the resultant stats. This week is a perfect example:


6 Red Zone trips, a running back in Corey Dillon having a field day against us, and only 2 TDs to show for it. It's why Brady remains among the worst in the league in points per red zone play- his red zone trips are most likely to end up as Vinatieri scores.


Bottom line- Brady is very, very good between the 20s  and he consequently gets himself a lot of Red Zone opportunities. That's the premium on his playing ability, between the 20s. It does not change the fact that he's a proven underachiver once he hits the red zone.



How is Vinatieri “bailing” him out? He’s supposed to make 90+% of his kicks from inside 40 yards. He’s just doing his job.


You don’t understand the difference between “statistics” and “statistics that actually mean something.” Taking a statistic like Brady’s red zone performance and calling him an “underachiever in this area” is somewhat akin to looking at Cindy Crawford circa 1988 and dismissing her on the basis of her mole. It’s laughable to the point of absurdity.


Brady was a 6th round pick and is 47-13 in his career with two rings. These are “statistics that actually mean something.” He’s the biggest overachiever at his position in the history of the NFL. Splitting hairs on specific stats is entirely unreasonable in analyzing what the kid has accomplished.


Instead of these non sequitur insults, why not answer the question? Who is the good QB referenced in your thread title that succumbed to pressure? Is it really the guy who had an 11 QB rating going up against a nickel package that consisted of a UDFA, a practice squad player, and a wide receiver? And if the answer is yes, did you really just have the temerity to suggest that *I* have my head someplace it shouldn’t be? I shudder to think where yours is. ;)

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*I* have my head someplace it shouldn’t be?



Still trying to differentiate between "Push" and "Pull" I see!


Carry on! You may see the ,"ahem", light when you go back to the original post, a post you alone seem to be struggling to grasp. I'll be sure to dummy the next one down so that there's less of likelihood for you to be forced to embrace the conical cap once again!

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Still trying to differentiate between "Push" and "Pull" I see!


Carry on! You may see the ,"ahem", light when you go back to the original post, a post you alone seem to be struggling to grasp. I'll be sure to dummy the next one down so that there's less of likelihood for you to be forced to embrace the conical cap once again!



Right - when there's no intellectual defense to your argument, childishly insult the people that disagree with you. Aren't you over 40 years old? What's up with that?


You're not going to tell everyone who "the good QB" is, because you know that it makes you look pretty foolish to admit that you meant Drew Bledsoe on 11/16/2004. Apparently digging up insults from your high school days makes you look better by comparison. You might be right about that! ;)

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You're not going to tell everyone who "the good QB" is, because you know that it makes you look pretty foolish to admit that you meant Drew Bledsoe on 11/16/2004. Apparently digging up insults from your high school days makes you look better by comparison. You might be right about that!  :unsure:



A message board community can be enhanced with a mix of posters that even includes those who choose a controntational personality. It only becomes pathetic when one of those who chooses such a personality is unable to "take" in the same manner in which he "gives".


As for your comprehension level, high school might be a bit of a jump. I'd think you'd find it a bit embarassing to note that among all the posters in the string you're the ONLY one confused about the subject in the title.


TTU later, it's gotta' be time for your nap!

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A message board community can be enhanced with a mix of posters that even includes those who choose a controntational personality. It only becomes pathetic when one of those who chooses such a personality is unable to "take" in the same manner in which he "gives".


As for your comprehension level, high school might be a bit of a jump. I'd think you'd find it a bit embarassing to note that among all the posters in the string you're the ONLY one confused about the subject in the title.


TTU later, it's gotta' be time for your nap!



Right on with that first paragraph as you lob more insults at me rather than answer the very simple question of who the "good QB" you are referring to in your title is. :unsure: Here's a webpage that might be able to help you with your next "football observation." Momma Jokes


I'm probably the only one in the string that is too new to have figured out that debating with you in a civilized and intellectual manner is not possible. I won't be fooled again. The continued deviation of Drew and Brady's career paths from your skewed view of them will be punishment enough.

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The continued deviation of Drew and Brady's career paths from your skewed view of them will be punishment enough.



That's pronounced "Thank you sir, may I have another- Please".

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As far as the Bills are concerned, we have been improving our play through the course of the season and the Sunday night hiccup shouldn't change that at all. I expect this team is going to finish well, and that's regardless of who is playing at the QB position for us. We've beaten a good team and I see no reason why we won't do it with more frequency. Mularkey just got his certified indoctrination into the AFC East this past Sunday night, if he's our coach of the future our team will take a bigger step forward in the learning curve from it than any other game we've played under his tutelage.




I agree, this team is getting better. I never expected that the Bills would win this past Sunday, but I was positve they would make a better showing than they did. The type of loss, was more disheartening than the loss itself. That being said, the Bills have been performing below my expectations for about 34 years now, and I still get fooled by them every time. I don't expect that to change.....I still think we can finish 8-8 this year. I know that won't mean anything ultimately, but it would be nice....

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The fact that he falls apart in big games is proof that Drew Bledsoe is NOT a good QB. I was at the game, sitting at the 50yd line in the upper deck, so I saw this abortion first hand. Bledsoe was not rushed when he threw those 3 picks. Furthermore, he did not overthow his target, he threw RIGHT TO BRUSCHI AND TROY BROWN. He also threw right to Roosevelt Colvin, but he dropped it.


Make excuses, quote stats, do whatever you want. It doesn't change the fact that Drew Bledsoe is a BAD QB! Statistically speaking, he is the WORST in Buffalo Bills history! Worse than Joe Dufek. Worse than Vince Ferrigamo. Worse than Rob Johnson. Bledsoe wins the SUCK Olympics.



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Statistically speaking, he is the WORST in Buffalo Bills history!  Worse than Joe Dufek. 




You wouldn't be talking about the same Joe Dufek that had a QB rating of 52.9 while playing for the Bills? The same Vince Ferragamo who posted a 50.8 passer rating while in a Bill's uni? And you can't possibly be talking about the same Rob Johnson who was too recently cut from our roster, are you? If you are let me share with you the wisdom of converting all your property and investments into Krugerands! And they're fun to polish too!

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OK. Let's be rational, and no, you won't need a currency exchange calculating website to follow along.


Here's perhaps a different perspective...


It's a 16 game season, and nobody (except champaign sippers) wins 'em all.

It's a safe bet to say before the season starts that the best any team will do is lose only 2 games.

Conversely, it's safe to say the worst any team will do is to win only 2 games.

So, hypothetically every team starts out the year at 2-2 with 12 games to go.


Now of those 12 games, every team has a decent chance of winning two games they "shouldn't" over a superior opponent, and they will probably lose two games they shouldn't to an inferior opponent.


That puts every team at 4-4 with 8 games to go - or left in play.


If a team is really good and/or lucky, it'll run the table and end up 12-4.

If a team is really bad it'll dredge along with the whale stevestojan at the bottom of the sea and end up 4-12.


We're 9 games into a less-than-thrilling season and stand at 3-6. That means we're going to win one more game no matter who's schtupping who's wife/sister/daughter/girlfriend. That puts us at 4-6 with 6 games left in play.


We could end up sleeping with the fishes at 4-12, and the best we could do would be an extroadinary 10-6.


But we're on pace to win at a rate of 40%. And 40% of those 6 games is 2.4 games - which leaves us at 6-10 or 7-9 at best.


That's not going to get us into the playoffs.


I think the best case scenario now for the year is MM makes some moves as soon as we take one more torpedo below the waterline amidships. He can put a life vest on Drew and sit him down with a flask of brandy to keep him warm on the sidelines. The unfortunate truth is the playoffs are an illusion this year and winning at this point simply delays the appointment this team has with Dr. Destiny. He has the cure - more cowbell!


Oh, and just for the record, so nobody get's their joint outta place, here's the NFL record on Drew.

He's definitely not the worst passer in Bills history. But it's a bleak, sad tale nonetheless:


Bledsoe's career stats - again

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During the Pat's second Offensive series we got good pressure on Brady up the middle on two consecutive plays, one resulting in a sack. Brady then lost nearly all ability to play football by throwing 4 of his next 5 passes into terra x and the first row of seats in Gilette. Luckily for the Pats Weiss adjusted well enough to control that same pressure for the balance of the game and Brady finally got his act back  enough to string together another of his standard "Mr. Field Goal" games, with great production between the 20s but poor execution in the Red Zone.


On the one hand was an exhibit of what pressure does in spurts; over on the Bill's Offense was a different example, the effect of a QB pressing due to constant pressure and stinking up the joint all night as a result.


If a bit of humor can be garnered from the game it has to be the fan reaction to having Bill Belichick play our new staff for the second time in 6 weeks, this time on his own turf. It's hard to imagine any observant fan being surprised that Mularkey and Co. got worked by the best technical coach in the NFL today. But there they are, falling out of their chairs over an L to Bill Belichick. I have to say disappointment is one thing, but hysteria is another thing altogether.


It's time for a little reality check for Bill's fans:


Last year's NFC Champion Panthers, the team that New England needed Adam Vinatieri to put away in the Super Bowl, are 2-7


The Super Bowl winners (and runners-up) from the previous season are 3-6


Joe Gibbs, Bill Parcells and Jeff Fisher are all heading up 3-6 football teams.


While the game of football is getting less predictable, Bill Belichick manages to give his team a strategical edge- especially against teams he sees more frequently. For Christ's sake, give the guy some props instead of trashing your own staff and roster; the guy is the top coach in football right now and we play in his division. Look at what he's done for the reputation of Brady, a QB who is in the bottom of the league in Red Zone production- some fans actually believe Brady is the best QB in football, and that takes some real magic from the head coach to mask the fact that all he truly does well is move the ball between the 20s.


As far as the Bills are concerned, we have been improving our play through the course of the season and the Sunday night hiccup shouldn't change that at all. I expect this team is going to finish well, and that's regardless of who is playing at the QB position for us. We've beaten a good team and I see no reason why we won't do it with more frequency. Mularkey just got his certified indoctrination into the AFC East this past Sunday night, if he's our coach of the future our team will take a bigger step forward in the learning curve from it than any other game we've played under his tutelage.




Thanks for saying that, it needed to be said but I doubt there are many who will actually listen.

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Great post. Just great. Well thought out and logical, and more truth than many people are willing to believe. No one likes an embarrassing loss, but I'm willing to bet most of us also don't care for the knee-jerk hysteria by some who clearly believe they are smarter than anyone else running this team.


Good to have ya back LA.. I've missed your one liners and avatars. B)

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