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  1. I know it was early and there was alot of football to be played, but the Bills had just sacked Brooks and NO was ready to punt...with the 7-0 lead at the point and about to get the ball back, the Bills could have been in business to up the score. Instead, Clements gets flagged and the Saints go down and get a FG, and more importantly, lots of confidence. The Saints knew they could move the ball from that point forward.
  2. He will make plays you love and he will kill you as well.......
  3. The other Clements thread became a spitting contest on a single play from 2004. Getting back to point, what I want to bring up is that I think we should wait till this season is over to negotiate with Nate. If he is not going to settle for anything less than top money then let him prove it THIS season! The only reason you extend a player a year before he hits free agency is that the player is willing to drop his price to have as insurance against an injury in that final year. If Nate isn't willing to deal then let him prove his worth in the final contract year. He may have an off season, which will drop his price, or he may have a top cornerback season in which he proves his worthiness of a top contract.
  4. If Nate dose not sign before the season starts, could he be hit with the Franchise Tag? If so would we get a 1st and 3rd?
  5. We need to keep Nate Clements in Buffalo for another 5 years. The guy is a playmaker and probably the best CB in the NFL today. Here's my feelings on how to keep him here. Cut Eric Moulds or London Fletcher next year and give that money to Nate. Eric and London are both getting up there in age and both are replacable if you ask me. London Fletcher can be replaced buy one of our LB's already on the roster. We can move Lee Evans to our #1 guy and find a free agent WR to fill the #2 spot. Eric Moulds is past his prime, time to move on. We need to get Nate signed to a long term deal before the season starts this year!
  6. Over-rated. Anyone care to argue that with me again?
  7. I would do this trade anyday of the week! I think that this is a VERY realistic trade. I think the Vikings will draft Leinart, and he'll be the new coverboy for the minnesota vikings!
  8. Depending on whether or not Moss plays, I think next week will be a deciding factor in what we do with Nate. If Moss is held to marginal yardage because of Nate, I think the Bills would be foolish not to re-sign him. Plain and simply, QBs seem to look off whatever receiver Nate is covering 75% of the time. That results in more INTs for McGee as QBs try to force passes to the receiver he's covering. Either way, with or without Moss, I think Buffalo wins next week.
  9. Some light reading. Enjoy the article and check out those graphics!!! http://sports.ign.com/articles/660/660453p1.html
  10. Both no show`s at mini -camp.Willis has a scheduling problem and Nate is still Mad about his contract. No I in team with these boy`s?
  11. what do u guys think of these two guys? id love to see the bills take both of them in the 4th or 5th if avaliable. any word about these two from the rest of the board?
  12. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2362994 I didnt know that Nate just got an extra 1.3 million !!! So I guess we have less to spend. From ESPN : The Minnesota Vikings lifted the transition designation on cornerback Brian Williams after a recalculation of the one-year tender based on changes in the new collective bargaining agreement. The new CBA calls for the values of the previous year's franchise and transition tenders to be used in calculating this year's tenders. Because the tenders were so high last year for cornerbacks -- $8.816 million for a franchised cornerback and $6.938 for a transitioned cornerback -- the tenders for this year increased considerably from what teams expected ($5.89 million for a franchised cornerback and $4.77 million for a transitioned cornerback). It's not clear exactly what Williams' tender would have been, but Nate Clements, who was franchised by the Bills, will have his tender increased by $1.3 million, to roughly $7.22 million, by the recalculation. Williams, a nickel cornerback, would have made significantly more than the one-year tender of $4.77 million he was initially offered. After getting those new numbers, the Vikings decided he was too expensive and pulled the tender, making him a free agent.
  13. Lets resign Nate. We have the money, thats no question!! Then we have our CBs locked up young and both damn good!! We are still going to have money left over!! DRAFT: If Vernon Davis is there you have to take him. Hawk, DBrick, Mario..if for some reason any of them slide you grab them.. If they don't.. you have to look at Michael Huff But I think we trade down and get a another first rounder plus more picks and target a Bunkley or Justice. Main needs are OL and DL. Their is no question!!
  14. 1) When does the 120% rule kick in? Is this only for players who have already spent a full season as a UFA? 2) Have I missed any reports of any possible efforts/negotiations to lock him up? 3) Last season, I thought that he would be traded before the draft (wrong again ). Do you people think that the odds of such a trade this season are better or worse? Personally, I would rather that the Bills keep him long term, but stop using him on punts. Too dangerous, ya know?
  15. Seriously, how fickle are Bills fans? Last year, Clements next to Spikes was the best player on our defense. He has constantly made big plays throughout his career. Now, granted his play is down this year but what the hell? But he came out stated he was the best corner in the league. Oh my God, what an a-hole. A confident corner, what has the world come to. Clements is matched on the best wr in man to man for most of the game. He is forced to play 10 yards off, on a team with a very suspect pass rush. Has he missed tackles? Yes. Has he got beat? Yes, especially lately. But you know what, so has Champ Bailey. And when he misses tackles it's not a case of him going in scared. It's more of him being too aggressive. No one was complaining last year when he was shutting down Chad Johnson last year. My point is that Clements, at 26, is one of the best corners in the league who is having some down moments. And as a corner, they tend to stand out more than a LB. But if he leaves and goes to a team with a good front four, trust me, we will regret it big time. But then again, some of you will just talk about how he doesn't speak well or isn't smart and treat him like crap ala Travis and Flutie. But I guess Clements has no class.
  16. Okay, I've heard all the talk about how we should let these two go because of their play vs. salary cap implications. . . But, we should sign/keep both Nate and Moulds if at all possible. Reasons: Question # 1) What are we going to replace them with cheaper AND better? Answer: Nothing. We'd sign lesser players, and be calling for their ouster in one year. (See: Jonas Jennings, Ruben Brown leaving and Gandy, Villarial, B. Anderson coming in) Question # 2) What would that ridiculous TD do with any cap savings anyway? Answer: Nothing. He'd squander any cap savings and overpay on some fringe type players who aren't going to make any impact. (See: Teague, Milloy, Vincent, and a host of others the past 5 or so yrs.) So, why let your #1 CB and #1WR walk when you're obviously not going to improve the team by doing so? (granted, these guys aren't the greatest) Do you really think that any helpful big time FAs will get signed in Buffalo, by TD, anytime soon? Reality check, folks. . . not happening.
  17. Since Nate has been such a lively topic of conversation, I thought I'd throw my two cents in. >Nate has had his share of struggles this year; for a couple weeks right around the Game 5 mark, vs San Diego, on a couple plays yesterday. But these struggles were entirely predictable, in fact they were predicted; and not by the many members of the "he gave up a completion, he sucks" crowd who know next to nothing about defense and even less about corner play. But the same individual who predicted these problems also knows that that they can be fixed. >I've even heard some ridiculous comments about how Clements has no heart. What-f'ing-ever. The guy sticks his face in the blender as much or more than any corner on the planet, but yeah, he really lacks heart. >As a former DB, Jerry Gray really ought to know better. I don't think I've ever seen a defensive coach who so consistently puts his corners in such untenable positions. He never lets his guys press, constantly allowing opposing receivers free releases and then somehow our corners are supposed to interfere with the timing of a route, not let their cushion get broken by a guy with a 10yrd head start, defend short zones and cover downfield all while being denied the opportunity to create contact early in the route. Starting a play 10-12 yrds off teh LOS is occasionally a good place to attack a route from (i.e. 3rd/10, 2/20, etc), but starting a play 10-12 yrds off the LOS is an absolutely horrible place to defend a route from. Yet our corners are asked to do those on every conceivable down and distance and against every conceivable offensive set. It is absurd and reason #2 that Jerry Gray deserves free air-fare out of town. Yesterday. >I've also heard repeated commentary about Nate's "stupid penalties", and I assume people are referring to that ridiculous call in the 4thqrtr yesterday. Can somebody please explain to me how it is a personal foul to throw down a receiver before the whistle is blown when he has both feet in bounds and is still fighting for yardage? I suppose Clements should have just let him go and hope an official calls his forward progress stopped for .015 seconds. >I find it hard to believe that yesterday's game could be a catalyst for all this Clements bashing. The guy is second on the team in tackles, defends a few passes (the last one vs the white-hot Chambers from the 1yrdline with :20 seconds left), gives up no touchdowns, forces a fumble, draws penalties and keeps the handful of catches he allowed right in front of him where he quickly secures the tackle. Yet somehow he becomes a primary target for crtiticism because he's around the ball and people know what # he wears. For future reference, of all the wildly under-rated Chambers' huge numbers, less than half of them came against Clements. >I imagine a few people are going to call me a moron.......again. They'll probably be the same people who called me a moron when I explained why I was worried about Nate before the season. Before they make fools of themselves any further, they should realize that I've been playing corner for 20 odd years (some of them very odd:-), often across from a former NFL All-Pro, and have learned a thing or two about the position over that time. So if you're going to do nothing but screech about how much Clements sucks with no analysis to further your point, then don't waste either of our time as I officially declare this a moron-free thread. i.e. if you act like a moron, your post will be removed.
  18. I blame Jerry Gray for much of this. Nate is constantly lining up 7-10 yds off his man whether in zone or man to man. Thats tough for any corner to stop slants, crosses, fades etc. That why Rod Smith appeared so open all night. I think if Nate and Mcgee were allowed to be up at the line and play some bump and run it would be different. On the other hand Milloy and Vincent are so poor in coverage maybe Gray feels he can't risk it. We are in BIG trouble at safety people, may need to take that kid from Texas with our first pick despite the needs at both lines.
  19. Part II - if you are Mike Mularkey and Clements doesn't play, then you will need to address it to the press. What do you say?
  20. That game sealed your fate you !@#$ING LOSER What an embarrassment this !@#$ING team has become. If I lived in Buff I'd go to the airport just to throw snowballs at these !@#$ing limpwristed PUSSIES.
  21. Very unprofessional, but in the heat of the moment, not hard to believe. Nate's got four games left as a Bill it seems...
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