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  1. Man, Leftist activists REALLY have a hunger for hoaxes… They use people’s empathy against them…it’s quite evil, actually… Whether it’s Smollett, Hillary, the black high schoolers who wrote the N-word in the bathroom and blamed white supremacists, the black teenagers at the bike rack, or this gay guy, there is a real problem happening on the Left… Its gotten to the point where you can never believe a word out of their mouths…
  2. ‘Russian Collusion: It Was Hillary Clinton All Along’ Issues & Insights, by The Editorial Board It was clear from the beginning that charges of “collusion” between Donald Trump and Russia during the 2016 election were phony — a cheap, and illegal, political trick. But they did their damage. While Trump beat Hillary Clinton, there has since been a non-stop Democratic Party-led campaign to tar him as a “traitor” or worse. And, as the recent testimony of Special Counsel John Durham to Congress shows, Clinton lay behind this scheme to defraud American voters and throw an election. So, today, despite powerful evidence of official wrongdoing, we’re back where we were some seven years ago. https://issuesinsights.com/2023/06/23/russian-collusion-it-was-hillary-clinton-all-along/ .
  3. WTF are you babbling about? I never threatened you. I never called you a nazi, white supremacist. Like you have done. Always the victim right red? Gives you an excuse to villainies me. No, I’m a registered democrat, have been all my life until Hillary ran. Then I got left behind by the party that I used to respect and defend. So now you label me a nazi, kkk member, homophobe. Are you saying that billsy and tibs are on the side you want to be associated with? Do there posts convey messages of hope and love towards fellow Americans and humans? They are some of the nastiest posters I’ve ever seen on PPP and you’re trying to say they are on the side of truth and justice? Don’t let the negativity and hate spewed by both sides change you into something you’re not. Trump, biden, bush, Clinton’s are all crooks and here we are fighting over which one is the worst. And no matter what, you’re guy is so much worse than my guy and vice versa. Change starts within yourself. Become the change you want to see. The same goes with me. Weather your on the left or right we are all humans and Americans. Not sure if tibs is, but if he says he is than I believe him. Lets all be better. Hate is a dark road to go down. Let’s not go there.
  4. Let's examine two narrative lies spun once again yesterday by Schiff and Swalwell and swallowed whole and deep by useful idiots such as @ChiGoose @redtail hawk et al. 1. Konstantin Kilimnik, the russian spy, met with Manafort to get internal polling data. Kilimnik's a russian spy huh? Really? Are you sure about that? Because if he is, then Obama is in some pretty hot water as well.... https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/447394-key-figure-that-mueller-report-linked-to-russia-was-a-state-department/ In a key finding of the Mueller report, Ukrainian businessman Konstantin Kilimnik, who worked for Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, is tied to Russian intelligence. But hundreds of pages of government documents — which special counsel Robert Mueller possessed since 2018 — describe Kilimnik as a “sensitive” intelligence source for the U.S. State Department who informed on Ukrainian and Russian matters. The incomplete portrayal of Kilimnik is so important to Mueller’s overall narrative that it is raised in the opening of his report. “The FBI assesses” Kilimnik “to have ties to Russian intelligence,” Mueller’s team wrote on Page 6, putting a sinister light on every contact Kilimnik had with Manafort, the former Trump campaign chairman. What it doesn’t state is that Kilimnik was a “sensitive” intelligence source for State going back to at least 2013 while he was still working for Manafort, according to FBI and State Department memos I reviewed. Kilimnik was not just any run-of-the-mill source, either. He interacted with the chief political officer at the U.S. Embassy in Kiev, sometimes meeting several times a week to provide information on the Ukraine government. He relayed messages back to Ukraine’s leaders and delivered written reports to U.S. officials via emails that stretched on for thousands of words, the memos show. The FBI knew all of this, well before the Mueller investigation concluded. Really? A state department source since 2013 you say? Seems like Obama or some in his administration have some explaining to do, right? I mean no one is above the law...working with russian spies is pretty serious stuff...or so I've heard. 2. The Trump Tower meeting. Who is Natalia Veselnitskaya? And why did she meet with Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS both immediately before and after her Trump Tower meeting with Don Jr.? Seems maybe a little relevant to ask her why she was meeting with a representative of the company that paid for the pee tape phony dossier, on behalf of the Clinton campaign, right at the same time she was having the nefarious Trump tower meeting. I'm sure it's all a big coincidence. So we shouldn't ask. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/fusion-gps-official-met-with-russian-operative-before-and-after-trump-jr-sit-down The co-founder of Fusion GPS, the firm behind the unverified Trump dossier, met with a Russian lawyer before and after a key meeting she had last year with Trump’s son, Fox News has learned. The contacts shed new light on how closely tied the firm was to Russian interests, at a time when it was financing research to discredit then-candidate Donald Trump. The opposition research firm has faced renewed scrutiny after litigation revealed that the DNC and Hillary Clinton’s campaign paid for that research. Congressional Republicans have since questioned whether that politically financed research contributed to the FBI’s investigation of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign – making Fusion’s 2016 contacts with Russian interests all the more relevant. The June 2016 Trump Tower meeting involving Donald Trump Jr. and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya occurred during a critical period. At that time, Fox News has learned that bank records show Fusion GPS was paid by a law firm for work on behalf of a Kremlin-linked oligarch while paying former British spy Christopher Steele to dig up dirt on Trump through his Russian contacts.
  5. Well, I mean that really is par for the course for right wingers. Nobody ever wants to answe legitimate question whenever it’s asked. I have already said that I can’t stand Hillary Clinton The FBI has made mistakes. No one is calling them perfect.
  6. With the dialogue that passed between us, incorrect characterizations about how I feel about various topics, my response to those characterizations, and this is the question you wish to ask? No response to comments on the rhetoric of Hillary Clinton vis a vis Dan Bongino, no response to past controversies involving the FBI? That's interesting to me. On the other hand, your question is not of interest to me, and I don't see it as a test in any way, shape or form.
  7. It's tough to judge context on this forum, but I assure you what I am about to say is meant to be respectful and absent malice. I don't think you're open to be educated to any great degree, and I'm not looking to educate anyone. I have blind spots, I make mistakes, and sometimes I'm closed-minded. Last time you and I interacted, I got a heavy vibe that you're a "....I don't want to talk about that...". That leads to one-sided conversations imo, and basically leads to a giant waste of time for all. That said, I'll always try to answer reasonable questions. We may have had different perspectives on your issue with Bongino's tweet. I viewed the tweet as a whole, I did not focus on the use of ***** exclusively. I won't bother searching for a liberal politician using ***** in a tweet, it doesn't matter to me. If that's your only concern about his post, you are welcome to that moral high ground. I considered the rhetoric as a whole--aggressive, adversarial, etc. I'm neither defending nor supporting the tweet. My point was that when a Hillary Clinton refers to 35 or 40 million American citizens as 'deplorable' and 'irredeemable', it's as aggressive, insulting and condescending as anything Bongino wrote. Personally speaking, it doesn't make it worse if she said 30 to 40m hard working, tax paying, family raising, neighbor friendly people who didn't see her as the heir apparent were ******irredeemable or ******deplorable.
  8. they probably didn't want Hillary as she is a raging war hawk, like her idol Kissinger. but that at no time means they actually helped him win. or got him the 75 million votes he got in 2020
  9. the two facts are not mutually exclusive. Hillary f'ed up (by saying out loud what many actually agree with) and Russia helped trump win...
  10. that is so cute The DOJ and the FBI are not your enemy If you’re seeing more right wingers go to jail, it’s because they’re doing worse crimes Donald Trump had no problem with weaponization the DOJ whenever he was president I want to be clear here I am not a leftist. I am an independent couldn’t stand. Hillary Clinton didn’t agree with what she did but I’m also not a conspiracy theorist and there’s way too much of that going on around here. I will forever be a never Trumper because aside from just being an #######, he was just a bad president
  11. DURHAM: You better believe Obama, Biden, and Comey knew that this was a Hillary dirty trick. “So why didn’t Durham charge Comey for withholding evidence? That’s a good question, to which the answer is likely: he’d never have won a conviction on it. It’s clear, though, that Comey did precisely that and helped quarterback a gross intrusion of federal law enforcement into the political process, and did so with knowing malice.” https://hotair.com/ed-morrissey/2023/06/21/durham-you-better-believe-obama-biden-and-comey-knew-that-this-was-a-hillary-dirty-trick-n559527 .
  12. Did she ever claim she won? She left. Trump is still saying he is president Did Hillary call for overthrowing the constitution?
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