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I'm Spartacus

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Everything posted by I'm Spartacus

  1. Who are you? It sounds like you've been posting for a long time, but honestly - you sound like one weird dude....
  2. Fat, drunk, and stupid, is no way to go through life son.....
  3. Joe D was great. I met him in person once. He is built like a bull, but surprisingly he can't be more than 6 ft., maybe less. He was not a tall guy at all, but boy did he look strong....
  4. I heard yesterday that he was going 100% in practice this week.
  5. I am not the Zodiak Killer. I am Scorpio, the killer from Dirty Harry.....please get your facts straight!
  6. Rip Van Winkle Motel on Niagara Falls Boulevard
  7. What a great pickup! I can't believe we lucked into getting Dustin Dickson. I have no fear now for depth on our Offensive Line.
  8. Never heard of Cobalt Boats. I thought Cobalt's were the cheap new Chevy cars that kids buy. Same thing?
  9. macdaddy - where do you live & boat? Buffalo area? I just upgraded this year to a Bayliner Discovery 210. For sure, get maps of the water area where you will be boating. Most boating is common sense, but take a safe boating course for sure. Let me know if you are in the Buffalo area, and I can give you a TON of tips for the area.
  10. Bud Carpenter gets the boot. He's waaay over rated.
  11. I think the Bills are turning the Corner.
  12. Put it on Goat Island. It can overlap into the rapids on both sides. Glass bottom floors to see the rapids rushing underneath. Anything less than a 4-win season, and the stadium automatically slides over the falls at the last game of the season.
  13. KrazyKat - this is the second post in 10 minutes where I have read your thoughts. You seem to be a negative turd ball. If you dislike the Bills and this board so much, go root for the Arizona Cardinals or something....
  14. = Jack Kemp autograph from 1964 = A chunk of the original Rich Statium astroturf (my father in law installed the original stuff) = Marv Levy autograph on a greasy piece of sub sandwich paper
  15. Imperial Pizza on Abbott road. It's a little ways into the city line, but on a direct route from the stadium. Right now that's my favorite pizza in Buffalo. Get a loaded: Cheese/peps/shrooms/hot peppers & maybe green olives too.
  16. I'm most excited about tailgating at the home opener!
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