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Everything posted by robkmil

  1. it wasn't just in his car--he was cutting up with a card ready to snort it in.
  2. Stroud had different coordinators. But he can tell us certain players tendencies
  3. great game it was on in Chautauqua county-- a bad feed though. It's exciting to have somewhat big time college football in the area
  4. it be nice to see some clips. we don't get a chance to see schobel very often
  5. fixed: "#90 said after the game he gonna steal my gold teef"
  6. He may never be a star, but he's great for this offense so far.
  7. Trents really struggles in bad weather. This scares me
  8. all good selections but Im gonna say moorman
  9. left becuase a new head coach had his own guy. Dehaven was good here.
  10. did you want us to dry and send flowers? None cheered at the ther AFC East game, or probably the colts didnt cheer either.
  11. this is upsetting, i thought he ade some plays last year. but came in out of shape. i hope we get something for him
  12. How could he tall if what was on the right station?
  13. but it makes it more difficult or the hawks to gameplan against us
  14. and the streak continues.... At least i can drink in a parking lot with 80,000 other depressed people.
  15. Crowell and peters texting eachother this afternoon. Cro: Hey franchise what up Peters: Chillin like a villan Cro: what ya doing Sunday? Peters: Just hanging out at home F---king over the Bills, U? Cro: Yeah me too, I got em good today Peters: No sh--, i saw that Cro: I'll be over to watch some football with you Peters: k dog, bring a couch I'm too poor for a big couch Cro: good one man, lol Peters: I'll save a seat, in case a certain wide receiver decides to stop by Cro: man you funny...........
  16. i have read that he is a delegator as well. However he definetly impacts the offense and game plans. and it is obvious that he is conservative. Every one of his offenses have been in the bottom half of the league. the only exception was when he had Gary Crowton in Chicago as his offensive cordinator, the same guy who is the creative offensive coach for LSU. For some reason Dicky replaced before the start of the next season.
  17. I would prefer any defense that does not have the defnsive backs playing 10 yards off of the receivers
  18. before i go to bed. -lay out Bills outfit -get another outfit ready to take (beer, food, dirt) Wake up at 5:30 call friends to play shout song very loud get yelled at by GF Text a message to all those who didn't answer Arrive at buddies house in OP have a morning cocktail. five guys load into 1 vehicle get to gate as it opens set up tent, tables, grills, fire (if needed) throw the football eat grilled breakfast sandwiches Switch to can-jam game By candy bar from cheerleaders prepare lunch Sing Shout song continue drinking Eat lunch shotgun beer Go to get in line Turn around to get tickets from truck Go to game
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