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Everything posted by robkmil

  1. Is Royal hurt too? that sucks I wanna see Barnes smoke somebody
  2. are you asking about doing something illegal? Anyone know where I can buy/rent a good hooker and some crack? How does that work outside the stadium?
  3. I make my high school marketing class do the same project
  4. This is now my desktop background at home and at work.
  5. I always thought the Bills should take a late round flier or rookie FA on one of the spread option QB's. They can run slash type plays occasionally, plays like ronnie brown did last week or even use as fifth wide receivers or for trick plays, gunners, and return men. It makes that third QB a more useful position and more flexible for the rest of the roster. I just thought it would always be a neat option to have. On the other hand, i will not criticize what the Bills do-they draft very well and continue on the path they've been going.
  6. i took the day off today--too much of soar throat and couldn't talk all day.
  7. I remember a couple of seasons ago one our DB's was saying that he liked chad johnson's celebrations and wouldn't be offended if he did it against us. Screw that, l love whitner's attitude towards this thing. I think it got the whole team pumped up. Plus it didn't hurt us in anyway. Whitner, in my opinion, is one of the main leaders of this team.
  8. a crappy three quarter game and then an awesome 1 quarter game. looked like two different offenses.
  9. Dude everybody defers--what's wrong with it?
  10. That was a great game. I can't believe you left early. Unless your friend was a hot chick and she was ready for something else. no that's not even a good excuse
  11. Hey he's been ggood but get real. I think he has been great for us but he is not the best in the league. think about-A. Rogers, Rothlesburger, Manning, Brady, Mcnabb, Brees, Rivers, Cutler--look at these guys numbers compared to Trent. I do think he has played well but get real man.
  12. i always vote for one of these. But you can't do a suprise onside more than once a season. I always love that play though.
  13. He called cuz he ha sa big set. Go for the win and not lose your chance to win a game on a coin flip!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Dating yourself--rooneys hasn't been around for awhile-next to Coughlan's is 41 west.
  15. Weird people at BJ's and the bar is sticky, but the bbq wings are amazing!!!!
  16. Off the I 90, Fredonia is not off the beaten path. Wing City Grille has good chicken wings and it is on route 60. Night life is good now-college girls galore. Depending on your age head to water Street.
  17. I think you need pics to prove this!!! I don't believe you
  18. a fumble recovery--mpre points for my fantasy football defense.
  19. Designed run, there were no receivers and blockers probably down field
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