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Just Jack

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Posts posted by Just Jack

  1. 24 was my favorite show a couple years back but they've essentially thrown out the format.  Not every place in SoCal is 5 minutes from every other place.


    I agree. I never saw the first season, only the second and third. But I commented to a friend that the 3rd season was getting pretty loose with their timeline.

  2. My boss came wandering around at 4:50. Said he didn't realize I was still there, he had already let everyone leave early. I told him 4:50 was still early. He laughed. I said I wasn't doing anything tonight so it didn't matter if I left early or stayed late.

  3. No stevestojan.


    Neither are barns; what was the square footage on that? My uncle had to rebuild after a fire and it was beaucoup bucks.


    There are families with sadder stories out there, I suppose, but how do you pick b/w them? Add in that the house was literally about to fall down. Did you see the stuff by the tub (what was that?) and the rotted-out 2x4s that served as the "foundation"?


    Also, ABC probably wanted to reach out to a "red state"/Heartland. A family that needed a leg up got a new start.


    Much better than spending $5M producing a sitcom/reality crap. Kudos to ABC and Sears for making a semblance of a difference.


    60,000 sq feet is how big the "barn" was they said. But it really wasn't much of a barn, just a roof with 4 open sides.


    As for a heartland state, they kept saying Bakersfield, isn't there a Bakersfield in California?

  4. Add in the "We can make the playoffs" threads that come to the Wall after wins.


    The swings from "Ralph should sell the club" after a loss to "The Bills are going to the playoffs!" after wins by the same posters is amazing...and ridiculous.


    I have never said Mr. Wilson should sell the club. We are going to the playoffs though. (eventually) :blink:

  5. Damn, missed it. I need the tape. Remember their Superbowl halftime show a few years back? That was greatness.


    That was a great halftime show. I don't know how you could ever beat it. Maybe have a topless chick instead of good music. Oh wait, CBS already tried that. Didn't work.

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