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Just Jack

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Posts posted by Just Jack

  1. I don't always stop before the stop line.  But I'm a miserable prick.


    My Drivers Ed teacher in High School had a routine if you did not stop before the line. He had a speech written out about how you promised to always obey the line, etc. If you went over the line he would have you park, get out of the car, face the stop sign or signal and read the speech so everyone in the car could hear you. Of course he would turn up the radio so you would be screaming to be heard over it.


    Thankfully I know about this from other people so I always made sure to stop in time.

  2. Thank's Rico. :w00t:


    Hey, I think I've got this figured out and will use the information I got in this thread to great advantage. Thanks in advance for all the help.


    Here's my plan.


    My son is an electrician. He's way cool with wires and switches and technical thingies like that.

    I was talking with him the other day about a special little "project" I've been thinking about since I started reading this monumental thread to the American free spirit. He's a really nice kid. Still lives at home with him mom and dad, and he's just trying to help out in his own way.


    He's figured out a way - get this - to tap into the power company's lines and bring free power into the house. He can wire up another box with most of the house's wiring on it and we will use that for our own personal downloaded electricity - FOR FREE! I mean, like we'd still have to have a meter and that box thingie in the basement so the power company wouldn't know, but most of the house will be on the FREE electricity lines!


    Is that cool or what? I'm so proud of my son. He thinks it'll be ok as long as we don't run extension chords over to the neighbor's house. So on card night, I've got to keep it a secret from the guys. No problemo as long as I keep the wife locked up in the root cellar. Like I said, no problemo.


    Well, you know I just said it'll be "free" exectricity, but before you start slinging the moral tide of abuse my way, just remember this: I've got a lot of wire and a whole other service box and circuit breakers to buy. And believe you me, that's gonna cost a TON! PLUS I'm going to have to do a lot of the actual work. My son didn't exactly tell me he'd do this, he just said he'd tell me HOW to do it.


    And for any of you puny punks that think I'm doing sumpf'n wrong, YOU'RE responsible for the moral decline in society - not me! If you didn't have those friggin standards, they wouldn't ever be violated, now would they? Besides, the power company has tons of lines and power stations and transformers all over the place, and for what they charge for electricity, they should be delivering it to your house personally in a large truck. Anyway, all of this electricity I'll be downloading will be for use in my house, by my family, for our own personal use. :w00t:


    Life is good. I'm such a lucky guy! :w00t:


    Reminds me of a story I heard a couple years ago about a guy that while his neighbors were away, went into their house (they gave him a key to watch the place) and hooked into their service panel. Then he buried a cable between the two homes. So now his house was powered from their service panel. The way he got caught is his house caught fire, and when they went to after cutting power to the house, his lights were still on.

  3. Say somebody asks you to buy them tickets to a Bills game and will pay you at the game.  Then that person never shows up sticking with you for the price of the tickets...is that illegal?


    If there was a signed contract, yes. If it was just verbal agreement, then it was wrong, but not illegal.

  4. Because I find it funny that "theft is theft" but assault varies on the item you use.


    Haven't you heard of "Assault with a deadly weapon"?


    Here's two examples that I learned from when I did a ride along with the Sheriff's department.


    1) Teenager calls up 911 because their parent disiplined them. They want the parent arrested for child abuse. No arrest was made. Why? Penal code allows the parent to disipline within a resonable manner. In this case the mother slapped the child across the face with an open hand. If the parent hand a closed fist, then there would be reason to arrest. But not in this case.


    2) Fight between two guys. One is punching, the other is pushing and wrestling. Only the puncher was arrested because he was using a closed fist. The other person never punch.

  5. Agreed on the game copying and whether it's worth it to go after damages.  Do a search on eBay, and you'll find tons of people selling NFL games on DVD and the NFL doesn't even care to go after THEM.


    That's where I got my copy of the Comeback a few years ago, paid $25 for it. One of these days the someone at the NFL will decide to crack down on these people offering games for sale. And that will be a sad day here, because instead of paying $5 for a game, we'll be shelling out probably around $20 a game to the NFL.


    As it is now, the Buffalo special "A Town, A Team, A Dream" is available through NFL Films, but as a special order item, for about $50 a copy.

  6. Operating System - Winodws XP Professional


    RAM - at least 512M

    Video Card/Memory

    Hard Drive - at least 30 Gig

    CD/DVD Drive - combo DVD/CDRW

    Wireless and/or High-Speed Internet capabilities/Cards - 802.11g

    USB Connections - two

    Service contract - 3 years all inclusive. Will cost more, but if your LCD breaks after 1.2 years, it'll be worth it

  7. Beerball also wants to encourage all fellow TBDers to follow theblackbear's lead and always speak in the first person.  Beerball feels that we need more LAMP.


    Jack In Syracuse will not follow Beerballs lead, because having to type out Jack In Syracuse everytime Jack In Syracuse has something to say, would drive Jack In Syracuse crazy.

  8. Now let's blame the Chinese for stealing American jobs.  :P


    Since the webpage I got this from requires that the Chinese language pack be loaded into IE, here's the entire article:


    Wal-Mart's China inventory to hit US$18b this year - From ChinaDaily.com.cn


    By Jiang Jingjing (China Business Weekly)

    Updated: 2004-11-29 15:21


    The world's largest retailer, Wal-Mart Stores Inc, says its inventory of stock produced in China is expected to hit US$18 billion this year, keeping the annual growth rate of over 20 per cent consistent over two years.


    The trend is expected to continue, company officials revealed.


    "We expect our procurement stock from China to continue to grow at a similar rate in line with Wal-Mart's growth worldwide, if not faster," said Lee Scott, the president and CEO (chief executive officer) of Wal-Mart.


    An unnamed company official also stated the firm will extend its procurement base from South China's Pearl River Delta to the North and East China in the coming few years.


    A market rumour says the retailer has its eyes on a 340,000-square metre warehouse at a logistics garden of the Shanghai Waigaoqiao Bonded Area.


    Scott covertly visited the site earlier this month, and hopes to own the whole warehouse to accommodate the firm's further expansion in China.


    At present, Wal-Mart has quite limited warehouse resources in East China.


    Xu Jun, Wal-Mart China's director of external affairs, ruled out the rumour, saying the CEO has never visited that or any other site for a warehouse.


    Nevertheless, he said China is Wal-Mart's most important supplier in the world. The overseas procurement home office in Shenzhen, a city of South China's Guangdong Province, has played a key role in the firm's global purchasing business.


    Wal-Mart shifted its overseas procurement centre from Hong Kong to Shenzhen in February 2002 to better serve the purchasing and exporting business.


    "If Wal-Mart were an individual economy, it would rank as China's eighth-biggest trading partner, ahead of Russia, Australia and Canada," Xu said.


    By the end of September, 2004, the top seven trading partners to the Chinese mainland are the European Union, the United States, Japan, Hong Kong, ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), South Korea and China's Taiwan Province, state statistics from the Ministry of Commerce.


    Last year, the firm bought US$15 billion products from China, half from direct purchasing, the other from the firm's suppliers in China.


    More than 5,000 Chinese enterprises have established steady supply alliances with Wal-Mart.


    Good quality and low price are the major attractions of the retailing giant.


    Insiders point out Wal-Mart's imports from China have largely influenced the US trade deficit in China, which is expected to reach US$150 billion this year.


    Xu declined to comment if the anti-dumpling measures of the US Department of Commerce have impacted the firm's procurement of textile commodities and household appliances in China, saying again that China is an important sourcing base for the firm.


    So far, more than 70 per cent of the commodities sold in Wal-Mart are made in China.


    Experts say Wal-Mart's plan of increasing its procurement from China has granted the firm a positive corporate reputation in the country.


    "Buying more products in China means more job opportunities, which helps the firm win not only the government's hearts, but also the customers' appreciations," said Wang Yao, director of information department under the China General Chamber of Commerce.


    In the United States, poor people find it possible to afford cheap "Made In China" products for their daily necessities, Wang said.


    Wal-Mart, headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas, entered China in 1996. It has opened 39 stores, including supercenters, "Sam's Clubs" and neighborhood markets in 15 cities around China, including Beijing, Harbin and Dalian.


    It has recently announced the opening of its first store in Shanghai, slated for the middle of next year.


    The firm has a total of 4,900 stores in 10 countries worldwide.

  9. I recorded the answering machine tape to a standard cassette and then took all the good Van Millerisms, Marv one liners, and player quotes from both teams off the VCR tape and interspersed them between the messages.  Worked on it all night.  I played them in an endless loop for a week with my boombox.  It was beautiful in a way that description can't do justice.  I still have the tape somewhere.


    Send it to Fez so he can add it to the DVD.

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