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Just Jack

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Posts posted by Just Jack

  1. Buffalo is very similar to Cleveland and I am surprised there is not more a rivalry between the two cities.  Cleveland spends most of its hate on Pittsburgh and what little is left is aimed at Cincinnati.


    I still say when the division were redone, the NFL should have put Buffalo with Pitt/Cleve/Cincy. It would have made for some good games, plus full stadiums at each city, with them all being within a resonable driving distance for the opposing fans.

  2. Have you figured out why you started this thread yet?  What's your favorite?


    I keep waiting for it to come on Sirius, they played it 3 times yesterday that I heard. I do prefer the "older" hits, sung by people like Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, etc.


    For now, here's what CD's I have of Christmas music:


    Time-Life Treasury of Christmas


    25 All Time Christmas Favorites


    A Charlie Brown Christmas: The Original Sound Track Recording Of The CBS Television Special


    Christmas 1984


    Christmas Party With Eddie G.


    Holiday in Dementia - Dr. Demento

  3. Well, as long as this thread is already in motion, I need to mention something.


    I had to make a copy of the Rat Pack Christmas Album for my wife, and I slipped the CD into the car stereo to make sure the newly burned CD copy was playable.


    While listening to Dean Martin's version of "Rudolph" I noticed something odd.


    If anyone has the version of him singing Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer, please check out the final verse that goes, "Then all the reindeer loved him, as they shouted out with glee...."


    Martin, who sounds like he'd had a few cocktails during the recording sessions, refers a few times to Rudolph as "Rudy" and then in the final verse after the words "shouted out with glee", sings, "Rudy the RED DICK (or red dicked) reindeer...you'll go down in history".


    If you have this access to this recording, check it out. Are my ears deceiving me? Please confirm that you're hearing the same thing or is there a better explanation for the lyric he's singing?



    Heard it just a few minutes ago (on Sirius Channel 4). Because I am at work I couldn't turn it up alot, but he is definitely not saying Red Nosed in that line.

  4. White Christmas, I'll Be Home For Christmas, The Christmas Song (chestnuts roasting on an open fire), Silent Night...... I love all the classics. It drives my kids nuts because on channel 4 on Sirius they're playing all Christmas music now and it's all I listen to this time of year.  <_<


    I've been listening to Channel 4 also, that's what made me think about posting this thread.

  5. One error I found was part of the Corps - McDonalds section. There was a commercial mentioned with the father/son discussing Happy Meals. That was actually a Wendy's commercial, with their (now fired) Mr. Wendy spokesman talking to a youngster sitting near him at a Wendy's Restaurant.


    God I watch too much TV.

  6. I liked Ford's Jack Ryan, but then, I'm madly biased concerning most of what he's done. (The action-adventure roles, anyway - actually haven't seen many of his 'lighter' movies. Y'all might've guessed, I'm not the 'chick-flick' type.)

    As far as Affleck's run in "Sum of All Fears" goes, or anything else about that film, I wouldn't know. Once I read what they'd done with the script, I saw no point to wasting money on the movie.


    I'll be curious to see whether they attempt any more Ryan movies. Cardinal of the Kremlin is dated, and there's no way in hell the end of Debt of Honor gets filmed now....


    I like most of the Clancy movies, except for 'Clear And Present Danger'. That just sucked. Sum Of All Fears was good, not great, but it is worth seeing if you rent it.

    And as for Debt Of Honor, I read that before 9/11. It was a great book, and the ending of Executive Orders was great also.

  7. If you can contact them, then do it and offer your services for the planning. My 10 yr I never recieved an invite to. The planners sent out as many invites as they could until they ran out of postage money, and that was it. I could have gone because I knew where/when it was from friends, but didn't bother because it sounded lame. Just dinner and drinks at a bar.

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