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Just Jack

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Posts posted by Just Jack

  1. :)  Such a horrific loss. I did notice that the tops on these are the normal caps and not the plug type cap that you find on some other types of Grolsch. Still a horrifiying loss!!!


    Also notice that the cases are not cardboard, they appear to be solid plastic cases. I believe this picture could be from Europe when you also look at the yellow car in the background.

  2. I remember talking to him one day, maybe about something else, and I mentioned wanting to buy SIRI. He said that because of the price (at that time) he didn't think Edward Jones would allow the sale (?!) but that he would look into it.


    I've called and left him a message so we'll see what answer I get. I am considering moving my money to someplace else though no matter what answer I get from him.

  3. And with the recent deal with Toyota, and more with GM, Ford, and others surely on the way, the stock will keep going up and up. 


    They already have a deal with Ford, they won't get one with GM. GM is primarily XM because they are one of the financial backers of XM.

  4. I'm not voting in this one because it lacks a third choice: 


    (3) Finishing 10-6, edging out the swooning Jets for the tiebreaker, going to Indianapolis and winning our eighth straight game while the Jets beat the Chargers in San Diego, then going to Pittsburgh and beating them for the second time in three weeks while the Jets shock the Patsies in Foxboro, setting up the AFC championship at HOME... which we win, and then go to the Super Bowl against whatever NFC dreg upsets the Eagles in the NFC title game, and then winning the Super Bowl while I run naked through the streets of Pittsford.


    Hey.  It could happen.


    Note to self: Avoid Pittsford on Super Bowl Sunday if the Bills are in it.

  5. All sorts of info on RIAA.com, including unit sales http://www.riaa.com/news/marketingdata/facts.asp#unit and purchasing trends http://www.riaa.com/news/marketingdata/purchasing.asp


    An interesting thing to look at is this consumer chart:



    If you go down to the age demographics, notice how the numbers tank for the 15-19 group starting in 1999.  I'll give you three guesses as to when Napster first went online.


    If you look at the raw sales numbers:


    you will see that sales growth slowed significantly between 1999 and 2000, and then started to decline. 

    The 2004 mid-year numbers look like they are improving, and the unit sales outpacing the $$ would indicate to me that the "end" to price fixing is evident, combined with the pricing of CD's relative to the established "market" price of downloaded songs.  I would say too that the number of sales increasing could potentially be related to the lessened availability of illegal download markets (and yes, fear tactics with lawsuits to back them up...).


    I have pretty much quit buying CD's in the last year, and not because of file sharing. It's because I got Sirius. Now the only times I buy a CD is when a group or artist that I really like (for instance, Peter Gabriel) comes out with a new album, I'll go buy it. But no longer do I get the "I like one song I heard, I wonder how the rest of the album is" purchase. This has cut my purchase from around 20 CD's a year down to 1 or 2 a year.

  6. Been so long since I took my drivers test, but it used to be, if you did one illegal thing they failed you immediately.  Exceed the speed limit, failed.  Run a stop sign, past the line, failed. 


    The judging was only based on the "quality" of your driving.


    This was drivers ed, not the drivers test. That one I was worried I was going to fail because during parrallel parking, I thought I was too far from the curb.

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