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Everything posted by Thamus

  1. Exactly! It would be like Ford coming out and saying that their cars work best on Ford gas! How many people would fall for that one? I take it that a lot more people fall for Microsoft's tactic? ??
  2. How perfect? The Bills have a player on staff that can teach him to "parent" with dignity! Oh wait, getting off to this kind of start, he's gonna need a crash course and fast!
  3. You are opening a can of worms here and a sore spot of WNY and Niagara Falls. A whole new thread could be opened up on this! Where do you think they "ship" a bulk of that "cheap" hydroelectrical power to? NYC? Do Niagara Falls/WNY residents get a break on their power? Do they charge NYC residents a premium for this power? So the problem is NYC in MANY ways? I guess there are a whole lot of questions?
  4. I don't blame him. That is were his family and kids are! He has sated that he really misses being away from them.
  5. Buffalo's (the city/region/teams) history has been littered with boneheaded decisions since the city was first incorporated. IMO, It has got to do something different than what others do in order to be successful, not just follow! Bledsoe being traded or dumped only to go to another team and win it all would be just another one of those boneheaded calls in an already growing and long line. What brings other success usually fails for Buffalo in general if they (Buffalo) try to emulate. The Bills need to blaze their own path and sure as hell not listen to what the fans think on this matter!
  6. Steatopygia? Turned into muscle? One entry found for steatopygia. Main Entry: ste·a·to·py·gia Pronunciation: "stE-a-t&-'pi-j(E-)&, -'pI- Function: noun Etymology: New Latin, from steat-, stear + Greek pygE buttocks : an excessive development of fat on the buttocks that occurs especially among women of the Hottentots and some black peoples - ste·a·to·py·gous /-g&s/ or ste·a·to·py·gic /"stE-&-'tä-p&-jik, -t&-'pI-jik/ adjective ?????
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