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Everything posted by Azalin

  1. to be honest, I had to look up 'helot'. it made it all the funnier.
  2. hey, there's a lot to be said for 'having a discussion' on difficult issues.........
  3. gee, what a wooooonderful idea......I can't believe I didn't think of that myself. I wasn't really being sarcastic before.....I thought what Tom posted was pretty funny, and was attempting a bit of humor myself. I'll do better next time.
  4. I wouldn't bother if I were you. I was talking about 'covering your backside' and he immediately thought 'shirt', missing the metaphor completely.
  5. it's okay, I wasn't really laughing....I was just being sarcastic.
  6. I'm still laughing at 'thumb-sucking helot'.....
  7. dreamers? perhaps, but what's so utopian about working to cover your own backside?
  8. I like your 'paint with a broad brush' technique. you remind me of one of the more outstanding trolls from several years ago.
  9. I saw this yesterday, and I agree with you completely. most of what he said seems rather obvious, but the point is still well made. I don't think it'll change anything, but it's still refreshing to hear it.
  10. are you saying that all liberatarians are racist?
  11. or at least, why would they flee from guaranteed martyrdom? I think this brings their commitment to their faith into question.
  12. Geraldo....a conservative? something gosser.....Hillary Clinton, a g-string, and an old jar of warm mayonnaise.
  13. hey, I'm a creepy ass cracka and I resent being automatically lumped-in with that supposed 99%.
  14. I thought this was too funny to not post here: Satanic Temple Turns Westboro Baptist Church Founder’s Mom Gay, ‘Pink Mass’ Performed On Catherine Idalette Johnston http://www.ibtimes.com/satanic-temple-turns-westboro-baptist-church-founders-mom-gay-pink-mass-performed-catherine-idalette
  15. I suppose it's one way to fuel the housing market.
  16. "A mistake was made", director of code compliance Brandon Bennett said. gee, d'ya think?
  17. so if you happen to think that Zimmerman's actions don't merit a 2nd degree murder charge, then you're a racist gun-enthusiast?
  18. from the article: "My biggest issue is ... giving him the facts rather than getting upset and giving him how I feel, because I want him to come to his own consensus," his own consensus? is there even such a thing as a consensus of one (apart from Al Gore)?
  19. I suppose it's a matter of personal perception, but to me seeing that particular photograph on the cover of RS is like seeing that same pic on the cover of Tiger Beat or TV Guide. although they're not making a celebrity of him, it appears at first glance (which is how magazine covers are used to sell the magazine) as if they're going out of their way to portray him as someone deserving of our sympathy. I'm not saying that's right or wrong....that's just the way I see it.
  20. all the talk of the attempt to add a manslaughter charge brought this little gem to mind:
  21. I had assumed you were telling the truth......that's what made it so damned funny.
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