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Everything posted by Fezmid

  1. It was night and was raining heavily. Plus, there wasn't a sign right on that corner so he went looking for one. That was in evidence as well - that the streets aren't labeled well. You really should be mute (as you suggested) until you read the facts of the case first.
  2. No, he was trying to get a street name since the dispatcher asked for it. I think it's time for you to be mute now...
  3. From what I've read, the fact is that Martin had no injuries to indicate that GZ attacked him, aside from the fatal gunshot wound which was clearly done after the beatdown GZ was receiving.
  4. Point 1: Following someone is not illegal. Point 2: If I try killing you, are you supposed to sit back and just let it happen? Or are you allowed to fight back? If you fight back, should you be charged with a crime, even though I tried killing you?
  5. And why let facts get in the way of a good opinion, right?
  6. The Daily News describes her diction as “often difficult-to-understand” and says it’s “cringe-worthy” and “humiliating” that she couldn’t read a letter out loud on the stand because she says, “I don’t read cursive.” I don't think it's humiliating and cringe-worthy that she can't read cursive... It's humiliating and cringe-worhty because she couldn't read a letter that she claimed she wrote!
  7. Was she the one who kept saying how she's the prettiest in the house, and other girls attack her because she's pretty and blah blah blah? If so, she was really freak'n annoying too and not all that attractive after she started talking.
  8. So it's NOT a simple calories in/calories out equation if you're saying you won't see results without exercise. If it was a basic equation, then if I consume 1500 calories and burn 1700 calories in a day, I'll lose weight regardless of anything else. What time do you go to bed? Studies show that lack of sleep increases weight as well. Are you going to bed at 8:30pm? To me this also shows that it's more than just "calories in/calories out." http://science.howst...eep-obesity.htm I'm not saying that caloric intake has no impact -- obviously it does. (and I don't mean to sound like I'm attacking you - re-read my message, and it was a bit blunt, so I want to make that part clear! ). But science shows that it's not as simple as some here are making it either, especially not in the long term.
  9. That seems to run contrary to what everyone is saying. I thought it was a simple "calories in/calories out" equation?
  10. That's funny. When they were showing the cast members in their home cities, my wife said, "Ooooh, he's cute." Then he opened his mouth and she literally said, "Nevermind."
  11. I watched the first episode last night. It wasn't as dry and boring as I expected, which is good. Thanks for setting my expectations low. There's going to be some sort of major twist this season dealing with where the houseguests are from. There's way too many people from similar areas. For example, Kaitlin and McCrae are both from Minnesota. That NEVER happens. There's a couple of people from Texas, a couple of people from NY, etc. I don't know what the twist will be, but it's too much of a coincidence for it not to have some sort of impact.
  12. twss - and is how you got into this mess. (sorry, I have nothing to contribute other than humor. )
  13. Actually, I made my post before the Would Ya post, so he should've hijacked MY thread.
  14. Nope, I was in front of him. At first I figured maybe he thought I cut him off -- I did see him coming up to my bumper pretty quickly once I moved into the center lane -- but considering I was only around 15' behind the guy in front of me, he would've had to slow down anyway.... He had his thumb up on his right hand, so it was right in the middle of his windshield, and I could clearly see it through my rear view mirror. I returned the gesture by doing the same thing so he could see it through his windshield.
  15. Yeah -- at first I thought it might've been a different digit, but it was definitely his thumb...
  16. So while driving home yesterday, I accelerate onto the three lane Interstate, move into the center lane, and have a couple of car lengths between me and the person in front of me. A car zooms up behind me, slows down, then the driver gives me a thumbs up. I was confused, but ok. He keeps his thumb up while driving.... After about half a mile (~30 seconds), I'm thinking, "Maybe he's a Bills fan since I have a Bills decal in my back window?" So I give him a reluctant thumbs up back for a couple of seconds. He doesn't flinch, keeps his thumb up, and does this for the next 5 miles or so... Then he makes a quick cut to the right going through two lanes to make his exit. So what the hell was that about? It can't be about my car -- it's a 14 year old Camry. I'll be honest, he was starting to creep me out and I made sure my phone was near to call 911, just in case. Any thoughts?
  17. I've called 911 about a dozen times, all but one of them accidental. I had this phone: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nokia_3600/3650 Notice the round keypad? Well, when it's in your pocket, it can rock from side to side. The 9 is on the right, the 1 is on the left -- and every now and then it hits 9-1-1 in order. It's a federal law that, even if a phone is locked, if you dial 911, it has to call through. So what would happen is 911 would occasionally get dialed in my pocket. I wouldn't say anything, they'd hang up and call back. I'd answer, and they'd ask if there's an emergency. The first couple of times I said I had no idea why they were calling me. Then the third time, the operator told me about the 911 law. I apologized and felt terrible wasting their time. Most of them were cool with it - it probably happened a fair amount -- but one time they demanded my name, address, and phone number. I declined and hung up. I called 911 once when we heard some noises late at night in our neighborhood - wasn't sure if it was just kids chasing each other, but there was screaming and running, so better safe than sorry.
  18. I've never been to India, but at a previous job we had an office over there in Bangalore. From what people told me, it wasn't uncommon to see people urinating on piles of garbage outside our office building...
  19. I'll start by saying I know next to nothing about this Texas abortion bill, and I don't really have feelings on the topic one way or another: http://news.yahoo.com/texas-abortion-bill-falls-challenge-080130212.html That said, I hate the double standard. Why is it when democrats filibuster (and, in this case, when a mob of 400 people basically shutdown the government…), it’s “Democracy in action!” When republicans follow formal procedures for filibuster, it’s “blocking progress!” It's ridiculous, and the media never calls it out.
  20. You'll get a kick out of this. http://act.credoaction.com/sign/voting_rights_act/?akid=8236.2432584.GjMGjj&rd=1&t=8
  21. I don't agree with this statement though: "and Williams had just 10.5 sacks." Only 10.5? Since when was that considered a low number? Especially when the team as a whole only had 36.
  22. And that's why THOSE cards are valuable, and the ones after that aren't so much. Supply and demand. I had a bunch of Star Wars toys from the original trilogy when I was a kid. Most of them are still in the box with all of the accessories. I really should inventory it at some point and then sell them...
  23. Exactly. Yeah, you don't owe 100% dedication. But if you get another job offer, turn in your notice, and then stay for a few thousand bucks more... Nothing's changed in your current job, so why did you stay? If it's just for the money, then what happens when another company offers you a little more? It's just a bad idea overall.
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