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Everything posted by JPTheRealDeal07

  1. I like the idea of Smith being a Bill, hes a pass rushing DT but has the strength and big frame to hold up against the run as well, anybody know how he's been playing this year?
  2. I wouldn't go that far, Timmons was second on the team to Davis in tackles, but led them in tackles for loss with 18. He's more athletic as well, and only being 20 years old helps too. I would love to end up with Buster, but in terms of talent and upside you gotta go with "LT"
  3. I hear that, I'm a bit bias being an FSU fan and have liked Timmons since he became a Nole, I'd love to have him but I do think Ellison is a player and wouldn't be upset if he got more playing time. I'm all about a top DT or OL, and if Nate goes, maybe a CB. I REALLY hope Nate stays
  4. I'm a big FSU fan too, alot of my family graduated from there and I have two cousins who are currently juniors, I've gone to a bunch of games as well, and I think thats exactly what Timmons is, a difference maker. In the FSU defense its almost a race to the ball, your competing with plenty of other talented future NFL'ers for numbers, Sims' numbers his final year at FSU were quite similar(72 tackles, 2.5 sacks, 2 INT)
  5. I think he's better than FSU's top 10 pick last year Ernie Sims, big, fast, explosive. We could use the LB help if Fletcher moves on, anybody else feelin that?
  6. Willis is a very good back who's prove his toughness in addition to his talent this year. He won't get a monster deal, and I don't think he'd expect one, and in other news, Fletcher looks like he's ready to move on, so now it's time to make sure we nail down Clements and keep our rising team going in the right direction
  7. Nate is a shut down corner, granted he has his moments and bad games, but I have NFL ticket and I've seen a ton of Champ, McCalister and all these other "shut down" guys, and they get beat every now and then too, and have bad games. Our eyes are just so much more focused on Nate we find every little thing he does wrong. He's 27 and has his best football ahead of him, can't say the same for Fletcher, finding top notch CB's is alot harder than finding good backers' like London. You have to keep Clements, and I'd love to keep Fletcher as well but, it just doesn't make sense. We can find a replacement via FA or the draft, theres no way we're finding somebody as good as Nate to replace him.
  8. nobody say we're drafting Paul Posluzny,the guy isn't even the best backer' on his own team. It seems like alot of people on this site love him, and think he could be our guy. He's coming off a knee injury last year and wasn't nearly as good as he was prior to the injury. Ralph loves London and he'll be back, they are going to give Spikes more than 10-11 games to prove he can get back, and we already have Crowell. A 1st round LB is SO STUPID is makes my head hurt. Best available OL, DL, or WR bottom line.
  9. I'll pass, if you can't play wideout for the Vikings I don't want you in Buffalo. We can find somebody better via draft or free agency
  10. My only major concern is Nate Clements. Marv is old but not blind or dumb, he can see we need some bigger,stronger DT's who can anchor the middle of our line. But Clements play has been lights out and everyone around the league took notice, he's set for a HUGE payday and I'm quite concerned about Ralph opening up the wallet for him, or if Nate REALLY wants to be a Bill. Also, one more thing, JP is legit and I'm glad to have him, although if he was to bomb or get hurt next week I'd love Colt Brennan, not just your typical Hawaii QB
  11. We're going to be WELL under the cap so if we don't resign him it'll be because Marv simply doesn't want him back, we can afford Nate and still get a few good free agents to fill some spots.
  12. We're winning I don't care if our colors were pink and purple with a charging slug on it
  13. And just think, Marv and Ralph wanted him to come back, yikes.
  14. Sigh...Im a blackout victim, I'd really appreciate all the info your all willing to give, the best I got goin is just watchin the stats on my fantasy football scoreboard, cause I got Evans and McGahee
  15. Im not sure Anderson isnt going anywhere, Im sure you can find a backup/rotational DT who works hard and actually benefits the defense in some way shape or form. Everett was healthy this year and he's 3rd string, remember, marv didnt draft any of these guys so he has no loyalty to them whatsoever
  16. Dont quote me, but I thought I heard it was like a 75 mile radius? I live in Syracuse and I can't get it and really have no options outside of going, but holiday season so cash is tight, I hate this blackout crap
  17. I'd support the idea, as long as we're talking about the BUFFALO Bills not the Toronto, or anything else. Toronto is a really nice city and I'd like a reason to head up there if it should ever come up
  18. Can't go wrong with the pizza n wings combo, and probably a 6 pack, and if we're playin bad, maybe 6 more
  19. Yeah dude obviously it's not to be taken lightly and isn't serious, but I was trying to say, keep in mind I could care less about the Bengals, but I just don't get the whole media trying to make them out to be this large group of wild thugs, think of how many people do the same thing everyday and they aren't put up on the bottom of a screen, would you want that? It's absurd. I was just saying im sick of constantly hearing about every stupid thing a Bengals player does and having everybody act like their locker room is like a giant room filled with illegal gambling, prostitutes, gun running,and the occasional 16 year old girl stopping over before 50 cops had to break in and tazer half the team. When the reality is they've been playing their best football of the year, doing their job well, and just getting negative pub, and I'd take a winning team with players like that than a losing team with real nice guys. No dead bodies bro, relax
  20. That's probably impossible, but most of those names listed don't really play anyways, and the ones that do(Henry, O'Neal, Steinbach) are lookin pretty good, they'll still be lookin good when we're watching them come playoff time
  21. .....And a 7-5 record, a 3 game winning streak,and playoffs looking like a real reality...
  22. Who cares, the guy was driving drunk, I'd bet thousands and millions do it everyday he just got caught, its not like he raped a girl or something. Im certain some of our beloved Bills have had knocked the frost off a few and then took a ride, leave the Bungals alone, I'd rather have a playoff team full of convicts rather than a 5-7 team full of real nice guys
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