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Everything posted by JPTheRealDeal07

  1. Give them some credit, if we were on a streak like they are we'd be ripping ESPN for not talking about us enough or not being ranked higher in power rankings or something, and for the record, I like Joey Harrington, always have, guy got a major raw deal in Detroit and Im glad for him he's making the best of his new opportunity. But regardless, we're gonna smack em' in the Ralph
  2. Im looking for three tix to the Chargers game, so far all my tries have ended up with scattered seats, which I guess I'd take to see Buffalo play in person for the first time this year, I had season tix last year and im dying to watch them in person again. But we'd really like to sit near eachother, any thoughts? Help a Bills fan out
  3. Even of Plummer does play alright it's like keeping the Corvette in the garage and driving the ford escort
  4. Ehh, Barber gets you 2grand of total yards every year and has over 10 grand rushing and 5 grand receiving for his career. Shockey isnt Gates, but hes hardly a slouch, and Burress and Toomer are probably better than any wideouts the Chargers can throw out there. I wasnt trying to bomb Eli or anybody else, I was merely saying all young QB's go through times when they aren't great,or even good for that matter. I do think JP will be a real good player, like Manning can be.
  5. Is that you Eli? And stop with the " Get me to the superbowl and lose, pffffft", take Eli's balls out of your mouth. All I was merely trying to say before you started crying was just because Eli got them to the playoffs once he's perceived as the next great Manning when in fact Giants fans dont even see it that way
  6. 6-4 and fading, by the way. All I was trying to say is that getting a team to the playoffs once doesnt mean you get a lifelong pass from any bad games you have or make you better than a guy who hasnt gotten his team there yet.
  7. Im not trying to say JP is the next Peyton Manning and Eli is total trash, I just thought it was funny that Giants fans say the exact same things about him as we do about JP, and we all look at Eli as a guy who has "it" and JP doesn't. Maybe things arent as far off as they seem, and in regard to RIvers having better talent around him, yes and no, Eli still has a RB who gets over 2 grand in total offense a year and a very good TE, and solid wideouts.
  8. So Eli got them to the playoffs ONCE, big deal. Danny Kanell got a team to the playoffs once too, let's all pray JP can be Dan Kanell. Get with the phrase "What have you done for me lately?"
  9. Yes I hope JP does what Eli did and gets us a home playoff game and gets shutout. Yes, please god, let JP be that good, pffffffffffffffffffffft
  10. Just went on the Giants message board and it's hilarious to see all of them saying pretty much the same things alot of people say here about JP. He's inaccurate, stares down Plax(Like JP Stares at Lee),overrated coming out of college, should have kept Rivers hahhaa, isn't it hilarious to think how much love guys like Eli get when in reality he's not far better, or better at all than JP, and think of how much more talent Eli has around him. They even got into on the board about how their GM came away just as impressed with Rivers and Losman and still traded away alot for Manning. And I know Eli's OL is banged up but the Giants OL right now is probably as good or better than ours. JP IS THE FUTURE, LET'S GOOOOOOOO
  11. ugh hes going to have another career day and he'll only be remembered for the monumental mistake(s) he made in a losing effort.....
  12. I love the offensive gameplan, should have been doing this from week 1
  13. Hopefully this puts the Brady Quinn/Brohm/Nall/Holcomb lovers away for at least a weeek
  14. The only people who helped him "get off" were his dream team of lawyers
  15. I was just throwing it out there, his own coach said prior to the incident he was playing the best football of his career, and from games I say he was quite disruptive and powerful on the interior line.
  16. Just to throw this out there the titans have the worst defense in the nfl 31st in rush. The Bills with our smaller dt's 20th. Before Haynesworth 5 game suspension the titans gave up 91,241,159. and 97(before he got kicked out in the 3rd quater for stomping on the cowboys center head) Tell me again why we should sign Haynesworth... Oh yeah because he's fat Is that all Haynesworth's fault? News flash there are 11 guys on defense and if half of them stink I dont care how good a specific player is the unit will blow. And nobody wants him because hes fat, its because hes a massive body who is actually quite athletic for a man his size, watch him play a few times before you just look at some numbers and his weight and assume things, if you think this team wouldnt benefit from having a guy like him rather than Tripplett and Kyle Williams you obviously havent watched too many Bills games either
  17. Haynesworth anyone? And if your going to say no, don't say because " He's not a character guy", that's total bs, sure what he did was pretty repulsive but I dont think you can expect him to act up like that again. Hes only 26, and stands a 6'6,320, and is one hell of an athlete for his size, he can get upfield and pressure the QB. I know we like this smaller, quick DT's but at some point you need some size and girth, and hey, lets be honest, our DL could use a little bit of attitude as well, what do you think
  18. If Ralph shows them the money? ......Pfff don't hold your breathe, with seasons like we've had we're going to have to overpay for big names, and I know Ralph ain't doin that
  19. Evans is getting just as fed up with this offense as the rest of the world it seems, and I don't think I've ever really heard him speak up about anything. If this continues why would any of our guys even want to resign with us? Do you think free agent offensive players are going to want to come here when our own guys think we stink? Lets just go nuts and throw the ball around, what's the worst that happens? We lose, like we've been for the past weeks? Do we end up 4-12 rather than 5-11 or 6-10? Im not going to tell you JP is the guy or that he's anything more than garbage, I really don't know, we have nothing around him and a coach who can't seem to make up his mind about how he wants to go about things. That and I can't gauge a performance on 13 passes
  20. Bottom line talk all you want about the lack of confidence in JP but they still start him week after week and JP will be starting against Houston as well. They obviously feel KH and Nall aren't going to be much better, and even if they are, we're 3-6 why win 6 or 7 games rather than 3 or 4 and miss our chance at an elite player? Don't give me this " you play to win the game "crap, getting a couple extra meaningless wins does nothing for anybody
  21. Im not sure why everybody keeps going with the "Look at what Manning/Rivers/Ben are doing", JP was a BORDERLINE 1st rounder who had work in progress written all over him, all three of the other QB's had monster college careers and were more than 1/2 year starters like JP was. They all have FAR SUPERIOR supporting casts and coaches around them as well, JP may not be the guy but this ORGANIZATION has done NOTHING to help his progress, at all, and if you don't believe that your a complete fool
  22. Yeah I agree, people on this site treat him as if he was Chris Watson or something but he played a hell of a game. He seems like of those guys who needs alot of motivation to play his game or else he just sleepwalks it
  23. Cant complain with 10-10 tie but JP has thrown what, 4-5 passes? I mean how are defenses supposed to respect us through the air when our own coaches dont
  24. ahhh almost a train, fairly conservative i'ds say
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